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Created August 19, 2021 18:55
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RTEMS Executable Info 6.ec495e091743
rtems-exeinfo -O external/rtems/build/arm/stm32f105rc/testsuites/samples/hello.exe
exe: external/rtems/build/arm/stm32f105rc/testsuites/samples/hello.exe
Producers: 2
| GNU AS 2.36.1: 12 objects
| GNU C17 10.3.1 20210409 (RTEMS 6, RSB ec495e091743061d4e140e2d0bd8aab1a8d69ae7-modified, Newlib 0c0f3df): 288 objects
Common flags: 3
| -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m
Object files: 300
GNU AS 2.36.1: 12 objects
| bpabi.S
| bpabi.S
| bsp-start-memcpy.S
| ieee754-df.S
| ieee754-df.S
| ieee754-df.S
| ieee754-df.S
| ieee754-df.S
| lib1funcs.S
| memcpy-armv7m.S
| start.S
| strcmp-armv7m.S
GNU C17 10.3.1 20210409 (RTEMS 6, RSB ec495e091743061d4e140e2d0bd8aab1a8d69ae7-modified, Newlib 0c0f3df): 288 objects
| __assert.c
| __atexit.c
| __call_atexit.c
| __gettod.c
| __usrenv.c
| _calloc_r.c
| _free_r.c
| _isatty.c
| _malloc_r.c
| _realloc_r.c
| allocatormutex.c
| apimutexlock.c
| apimutexunlock.c
| arm-exception-default.c
| arm-exception-frame-print.c
| armv7-thread-idle.c
| armv7m-context-initialize.c
| armv7m-context-restore.c
| armv7m-context-switch.c
| armv7m-exception-default.c
| armv7m-exception-priority-set.c
| armv7m-initialize.c
| armv7m-isr-dispatch.c
| armv7m-isr-enter-leave.c
| armv7m-isr-level-set.c
| armv7m-multitasking-start-stop.c
| assoclocalbyremote.c
| assoclocalbyremotebitfield.c
| assocptrbylocal.c
| assocptrbyremote.c
| assocremotebylocal.c
| atexit.c
| base_fs.c
| bootcard.c
| bspfatal-default.c
| bspgetworkarea-default.c
| bspreset.c
| bspstart.c
| bspstarthook.c
| calloc.c
| chain.c
| clock-armv7m.c
| clonenode.c
| close.c
| condition.c
| configstackspacesize.c
| console-config.c
| consolesimple.c
| consolesimpleread.c
| cpu.c
| ctype_.c
| default_are_nodes_equal.c
| default_close.c
| default_eval_path.c
| default_fcntl.c
| default_freenode.c
| default_fsunmount.c
| default_fsync.c
| default_fsync_success.c
| default_ftruncate.c
| default_ftruncate_directory.c
| default_ioctl.c
| default_kqfilter.c
| default_lock_and_unlock.c
| default_lseek.c
| default_lseek_directory.c
| default_lseek_file.c
| default_mmap.c
| default_open.c
| default_poll.c
| default_read.c
| default_readv.c
| default_statvfs.c
| default_write.c
| default_writev.c
| deviceio.c
| dtoa.c
| errno.c
| eventsurrender.c
| exinit.c
| exshutdown.c
| fatal.c
| fatalsrctext.c
| fclose.c
| fflush.c
| findfp.c
| fputwc.c
| free.c
| freenode.c
| fstat.c
| ftruncate.c
| fvwrite.c
| fwalk.c
| getchark.c
| getegid.c
| geteuid.c
| heap.c
| heapallocate.c
| heapextend.c
| heapfree.c
| heapresizeblock.c
| imfs_add_node.c
| imfs_chown.c
| imfs_config.c
| imfs_creat.c
| imfs_dir.c
| imfs_dir_default.c
| imfs_eval.c
| imfs_fchmod.c
| imfs_handlers_device.c
| imfs_initsupp.c
| imfs_link.c
| imfs_memfile.c
| imfs_mknod.c
| imfs_mount.c
| imfs_node.c
| imfs_node_destroy_default.c
| imfs_rename.c
| imfs_rmnod.c
| imfs_stat.c
| imfs_stat_file.c
| imfs_symlink.c
| imfs_unmount.c
| imfs_utimens.c
| impure.c
| init.c
| init.c
| interr.c
| interrtext.c
| io.c
| ioclose.c
| iocontrol.c
| iodefault.c
| ioopen.c
| ioread.c
| iovprintf.c
| iowrite.c
| irq-armv7m.c
| irq-default-handler.c
| irq-dispatch-armv7m.c
| irq-generic.c
| isatty.c
| isatty_r.c
| isr.c
| kern_tc.c
| legacy-console.c
| libgcc2.c
| libio.c
| libio_exit.c
| libio_init.c
| locale.c
| localeconv.c
| lseek.c
| makebuf.c
| malloc.c
| malloc_deferred.c
| malloc_initialize.c
| mallocdirtydefault.c
| mallocextenddefault.c
| mallocheap.c
| mbtowc_r.c
| memchr-stub.c
| memcmp.c
| memmove.c
| memset.c
| mkdir.c
| mknod.c
| mount-mgr.c
| mount.c
| mprec.c
| mutex.c
| newlibc_reent.c
| objectallocatestatic.c
| objectclose.c
| objectfreestatic.c
| objectgetlocal.c
| objectgetnameasstring.c
| objectinitializeinformation.c
| once.c
| open.c
| open_dev_console.c
| percpu.c
| pheapfree.c
| print_printf.c
| printerfprintfputc.c
| printk.c
| printk_plugin.c
| pthreadonce.c
| rbtreeextract.c
| rbtreeinsert.c
| rbtreenext.c
| rcc.c
| read.c
| realloc.c
| reent.c
| rtems_heap_null_extend.c
| rtems_put_char.c
| rtems_putc.c
| s_frexp.c
| scheduler.c
| schedulerdefaultmappriority.c
| schedulerdefaultnodedestroy.c
| schedulerdefaultreleasejob.c
| schedulerdefaultstartidle.c
| schedulerdefaulttick.c
| schedulerpriority.c
| schedulerpriorityblock.c
| schedulerprioritychangepriority.c
| schedulerpriorityschedule.c
| schedulerpriorityunblock.c
| schedulerpriorityyield.c
| serprobe.c
| stackallocator.c
| stackallocatorfree.c
| start-config-io.c
| statustoerrno.c
| stdio.c
| strcpy.c
| strlcpy.c
| strlen-stub.c
| strncpy.c
| sup_fs_check_permissions.c
| sup_fs_deviceio.c
| sup_fs_eval_path.c
| sup_fs_eval_path_generic.c
| sup_fs_location.c
| sup_fs_next_token.c
| systemeventsend.c
| taskconstruct.c
| taskcreate.c
| taskinitusers.c
| taskstart.c
| taskwakeafter.c
| termios_baudtable.c
| termios_num2baud.c
| termios_setinitialbaud.c
| testbeginend.c
| testextension.c
| testwrappers.c
| thread.c
| threadchangepriority.c
| threadclearstate.c
| threadcreateidle.c
| threaddispatch.c
| threadentryadaptoridle.c
| threadentryadaptornumeric.c
| threadget.c
| threadhandler.c
| threadidledefault.c
| threadinitialize.c
| threadloadenv.c
| threadname.c
| threadqenqueue.c
| threadqextractwithproxy.c
| threadqflush.c
| threadqops.c
| threadrestart.c
| threadsetstate.c
| threadstackallocate.c
| threadstackfree.c
| threadstart.c
| threadstartmultitasking.c
| threadtimeout.c
| threadyield.c
| time.c
| tlsallocsize.c
| usart.c
| userext.c
| userextaddset.c
| userextiterate.c
| version.c
| vfprintf.c
| vfprintf.c
| vprintk.c
| watchdoginsert.c
| watchdogremove.c
| watchdogtick.c
| watchdogtickssinceboot.c
| watchdogtimeslicedefault.c
| wbuf.c
| wcrtomb.c
| wctomb_r.c
| wkspace.c
| wkspaceisunifieddefault.c
| wkspacemallocinitdefault.c
| write.c
| write_r.c
| wsetup.c
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