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Forked from slotrans/history_stuff.sql
Created September 22, 2023 15:32
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Building blocks for generic history-keeping in Postgres.
Replace "your_schema" with whatever schema is appropriate in your environment.
It is possible to use "public"... but you shouldn't!
Function to stamp a "modified" timestamp. Adjust the name to suit your environment,
but that name is hard-coded so it is assumed that you only use _one_ such name.
Bind to a table like so:
create trigger z_stamp_modified
before insert or update
on your_schema.your_table_name
for each row
execute procedure your_schema.f_stamp_modified() ;
Remember, trigger names are table-local so you can use the same name everywhere.
Triggers within a phase are executed in order by name. The "z_" prefix is a hacky/imperfect
way of saying "this one should be last". You can use any name you like.
create function your_schema.f_stamp_modified()
returns trigger
as $$
NEW.modified = now();
return NEW;
$$ language plpgsql;
Generic history table template.
You CAN use this as a single history table to record all changes to any table in your system
BUT YOU SHOULD NOT DO THAT. You absolutely want to have a separate history table for each real table.
Using table inheritance lets you pretend they're all one at query time if you wish.
Create individual history tables like so:
create table your_schema.foo_history () inherits(your_schema.base_history) ;
You will probably want to index "created" and "pk_value".
Field meanings...
The system OID of the tracked table. In practice this turned out to be less useful than I thought it would be, and can
probably be omitted. It costs little though, and provides some potentially interesting optionality. (Remember a relid can
be transformed into a name with ::relname).
I for insert, U for update, D for delete. Some folks find this cryptic but one letter is all you need.
The ID of the transaction in which a change occurred. Very useful for identifying changes that were made together. These
values may eventually wrap around so be cautious about comparing over long spans of time.
The application name value supplied by the client, e.g. psql looks for this in the PGAPPNAME env var
The name of the database user
The IP address of the client
The row as it was before the change, as serialized by row_to_json(). Null for inserts.
The row as it is after the change, as serialized by row_to_json(). Null for deletes.
The value of the affected row's primay key field. Requires passing the name of that field in the trigger binding.
create table your_schema.base_history
hist_id bigserial not null primary key
, created timestamptz default now() not null
, relid oid
, dml_type char(1) not null
, txid bigint default txid_current() not null
, application_name text default current_setting('application_name')
, db_session_user text default session_user not null
, inet_client_addr inet default inet_client_addr()
, pg_backend_pid int default pg_backend_pid()
, old_row_data json
, new_row_data json
, pk_value bigint
--this check constraint is more for documentation purposes, and can be omitted if you wish
alter table public.base_history
add constraint chk_basehistory_dmlrowdata
check ( (dml_type = 'I' and old_row_data is null and new_row_data is not null)
or (dml_type = 'U' and old_row_data is not null and new_row_data is not null)
or (dml_type = 'D' and old_row_data is not null and new_row_data is null )
Generic history trigger function.
This function takes one optional argument which is the name of the tracked table's primary key field, which must be
a bigint (or castable to a bigint). If that argument is not supplied, the function will still work, but "pk_value" in the
history table will not be populated.
This can all be adapted to e.g. UUID PKs, but that is left as an exercise for the reader. If you use a naming standard
such as where all PKs are named "ID", this function can be simplified considerably. I do not favor that strategy so again
that adaptation is left as an exercise.
The names of history tables are assumed to be "_history" as a suffix to the tracked table, e.g. the history for table
"foo" is "foo_history", in the same schema. This code can easily be adapted to use a different suffix, a prefix, a different
schema, take the history table name as an argument, or whatever you like.
Bind to a table like so:
create trigger z_record_history
after insert or update or delete
on your_schema.your_table_name
for each row
execute procedure your_schema.f_generic_history('your_table_name_id') ;
create function your_schema.f_generic_history()
returns trigger
as $$
cc_dml_type constant char(1) := substring(TG_OP from 1 for 1) ;
vc_insert_sql constant text := 'insert into your_schema.'||TG_TABLE_NAME||'_history ( relid, dml_type, old_row_data, new_row_data, pk_value ) values ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 )' ;
vc_pk_sql_template constant text := 'select ($1).%I' ;
vc_pk_column_name constant varchar(64) := TG_ARGV[0] ;
n_pk_value bigint := null ;
v_message text ;
v_detail text ;
v_hint text ;
if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
if vc_pk_column_name is not null
execute format(vc_pk_sql_template, vc_pk_column_name) into n_pk_value using NEW ;
end if;
execute vc_insert_sql using TG_RELID, cc_dml_type, null::json, row_to_json( NEW ), n_pk_value ;
elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' and OLD is distinct from NEW)
if vc_pk_column_name is not null
execute format(vc_pk_sql_template, vc_pk_column_name) into n_pk_value using NEW ;
end if;
execute vc_insert_sql using TG_RELID, cc_dml_type, row_to_json( OLD ), row_to_json( NEW ), n_pk_value ;
elsif TG_OP = 'DELETE'
if vc_pk_column_name is not null
execute format(vc_pk_sql_template, vc_pk_column_name) into n_pk_value using OLD ;
end if;
execute vc_insert_sql using TG_RELID, cc_dml_type, row_to_json( OLD ), null::json, n_pk_value ;
end if ;
return null ;
when others then
get stacked diagnostics v_message := MESSAGE_TEXT
, v_hint := PG_EXCEPTION_HINT ;
raise warning 'SQLSTATE % in f_generic_history(%) on table %.%; MESSAGE=%; DETAIL=%; HINT=%', SQLSTATE, TG_ARGV[0], TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME, v_message, v_detail, v_hint ;
return null ;
end ;
$$ language plpgsql;
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