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Last active May 5, 2022 19:57
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#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
MS SQL Server silent installation script
This script installs MS SQL Server unattended from the ISO image or optional URL.
Transcript of entire operation is recorded in the log file.
The default installation uses separate volumes for root data dbs, userdbs, tempdb and backup location.
Modify the installation options to fit your configuration.
The script lists parameters provided to the native setup but hides sensitive data. See the provided
links for SQL Server silent install details.
Example with overrides:
.\install-sqlserver.ps1 -InstanceName 'MSSQLSERVER' -SaPassword 'SuperSecretPasswords'
# Path to ISO file, if empty and current directory contains single ISO file, it will be used.
[string] $IsoPath = "c:\Setup\SQLServer2019.iso",
# Sql Server features, see
[ValidateSet('SQL', 'SQLEngine', 'Replication', 'FullText', 'DQ', 'PolyBase', 'AdvancedAnalytics', 'AS', 'RS', 'DQC', 'IS', 'MDS', 'SQL_SHARED_MR', 'Tools', 'BC', 'BOL', 'Conn', 'DREPLAY_CLT', 'SNAC_SDK', 'SDK', 'LocalDB')]
[string[]] $Features = @('SQLEngine'),
# Specifies a nondefault installation directory
[string] $InstallDir = "E:\sql_sysdb",
# Data directory, by default "$Env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server"
[string] $DataDir = "F:\sql_userdb",
# Log directory, by default "$Env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server"
[string] $LogDir = "G:\sql_userlog",
# Backup directory, by default "$Env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server"
[string] $BackupDir = "H:\sql_bak",
# TempDB directory, by default "$Env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server"
[string] $TempDBDir = "H:\sql_temp",
# Service name. Mandatory, by default MSSQLSERVER
[string] $InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER',
# sa user password. If empty, SQL security mode (mixed mode) is disabled
[string] $SaPassword = "P@ssw0rd",
# Username for the service account, see
# Optional, by default 'NT Service\MSSQLSERVER'
[string] $ServiceAccountName, # = "$Env:USERDOMAIN\$Env:USERNAME"
# Password for the service account, should be used for domain accounts only
# Mandatory with ServiceAccountName
[string] $ServiceAccountPassword,
# List of system administrative accounts in the form <domain>\<user>
# Mandatory, by default current user will be added as system administrator
[string[]] $SystemAdminAccounts = @("$Env:USERDOMAIN\$Env:USERNAME"),
# Product key, if omitted, evaluation is used unless VL edition which is already activated
[string] $ProductKey,
# Use bits transfer to get files from the Internet
[switch] $UseBitsTransfer,
# Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
[bool] $install_ssms = $true,
# Path to SSMS install media
[string] $ssms_path = "C:\Setup\2019\Tools\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe",
# Specifies a nondefault installation directory
[string] $ssms_install_path = "`"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18`"",
# SSMS install Parameters
[string] $ssms_params = " /Install /Quiet SSMSInstallRoot=$ssms_install_path"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'STOP'
$scriptName = (Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath).Replace('.ps1', '')
$start = Get-Date
Start-Transcript "$PSScriptRoot\$scriptName-$($start.ToString('s').Replace(':','-')).log"
if (!$IsoPath) {
Write-Host "SQLSERVER_ISOPATH environment variable not specified, using defaults"
$IsoPath = ""
$saveDir = Join-Path $Env:TEMP $scriptName
New-item $saveDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction 0 | Out-Null
$isoName = $isoPath -split '/' | Select-Object -Last 1
$savePath = Join-Path $saveDir $isoName
if (Test-Path $savePath){
Write-Host "ISO already downloaded, checking hashsum..."
$hash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $savePath | % Hash
$oldHash = Get-Content "$savePath.md5" -ErrorAction 0
if ($hash -and $hash -eq $oldHash) { Write-Host "Hash is OK" } else {
if ($hash) { Write-Host "Hash is NOT OK"}
Write-Host "Downloading: $isoPath"
if ($UseBitsTransfer) {
Write-Host "Using bits transfer"
$proxy = if ($ENV:HTTP_PROXY) { @{ ProxyList = $ENV:HTTP_PROXY -replace 'http?://'; ProxyUsage = 'Override' }} else { @{} }
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $isoPath -Destination $saveDir @proxy
} else {
Invoke-WebRequest $IsoPath -OutFile $savePath -UseBasicParsing -Proxy $ENV:HTTP_PROXY
Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $savePath | % Hash | Out-File "$savePath.md5"
$IsoPath = $savePath
Write-Host "`IsoPath: " $IsoPath
$volume = Mount-DiskImage $IsoPath -StorageType ISO -PassThru | Get-Volume
$sql_drive = $volume.DriveLetter + ':'
Get-ChildItem $sql_drive | ft -auto | Out-String
Get-CimInstance win32_process | ? { $_.commandLine -like '*setup.exe*/ACTION=install*' } | % {
Write-Host "Sql Server installer is already running, killing it:" $_.Path "pid: " $_.processId
Stop-Process $_.processId -Force
$cmd =@(
'/Q' # Silent install
'/INDICATEPROGRESS' # Specifies that the verbose Setup log file is piped to the console
'/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS' # Must be included in unattended installations
'/ACTION=install' # Required to indicate the installation workflow
'/UPDATEENABLED=false' # Should it discover and include product updates.
"/FEATURES=" + ($Features -join ',')
'/SECURITYMODE=SQL' # Specifies the security mode for SQL Server. By default, Windows-only authentication mode is supported.
"/SAPWD=""$SaPassword""" # Sa user password
"/INSTANCENAME=$InstanceName" # Server instance name
# Specify 0 to disable or 1 to enable the TCP/IP protocol.
# Specify 0 to disable or 1 to enable the Named Pipes protocol.
# Service startup types
# Memory Limits
# remove empty arguments
$cmd_out = $cmd = $cmd -notmatch '/.+?=("")?$'
# show all parameters but remove password details
Write-Host "Install parameters:`n"
'SAPWD', 'SQLSVCPASSWORD' | % { $cmd_out = $cmd_out -replace "(/$_=).+", '$1"****"' }
$cmd_out[1..100] | % { $a = $_ -split '='; Write-Host ' ' $a[0].PadRight(40).Substring(1), $a[1] }
Invoke-Expression "$cmd"
if ($LastExitCode) {
if ($LastExitCode -ne 3010) { throw "SqlServer installation failed, exit code: $LastExitCode" }
Write-Host "Set Startup type for SQL Services"
Set-Service SQLBrowser -StartupType Automatic -Status Running
Get-Service $InstanceName | Restart-Service -Force
"`nInstallation length: {0:f1} minutes" -f ((Get-Date) - $start).TotalMinutes
Dismount-DiskImage $IsoPath
#-----------Install SQL Studio Management Studio------
# Run the install
if ($install_ssms)
Write-Host "Installing SQL Server Management Studio, this may take a few minutes."
Start-Process -FilePath $ssms_path -ArgumentList $ssms_params -Wait
trap { Stop-Transcript; if ($IsoPath) { Dismount-DiskImage $IsoPath -ErrorAction 0 } }
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