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Created July 14, 2010 21:29
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(def *tx* nil)
(def *lucene*) ; def'd during startup
(defmacro with-tx [& body]
`(binding [*tx* (.beginTx *neo*)]
(let [val# (do ~@body)]
(.success *tx*)
(finally (.finish *tx*)))))
(defn neo-lookup [index-service index-name search]
"neo-lookup takes an index name and a search term and returns a sequence of nodes."
(iterator-seq (.getNodes index-service (name-or-str index-name) (name-or-str search))))
; Basic query
(iterator-seq (.getNodes *lucene* "class" "Person")))
; "Out of transaction" error.
; Without the iterator-seq
(.getNodes *lucene* "class" "Person"))
; org.neo4j.index.impl.SimpleIndexHits@2e71207
; With an into, gives expected result.
(into () (.getNodes *lucene* "class" "Person")))
;(#<NodeProxy Node[12]> ... #<NodeProxy Node[1]>)
; Original also now gives the expected.
(iterator-seq (.getNodes *lucene* "class" "Person")))
; (#<NodeProxy Node[12]> ... #<NodeProxy Node[1]>)
; Seems to work in general now.
(iterator-seq (.getNodes *lucene* "class" "Test")))
; (#<NodeProxy Node[15]> ... #<NodeProxy Node[18]>)
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