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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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This is a comment that precedes the strings.
@test message
Hello from the translator.
-- and this is a comment inbetween strings
@test message 2
{NUM, plural,
one {one item}
other {# items}}
defmodule PolyglotTest.C do
use Polyglot
function_from_string :t!, "en", "simple", "My simple string."
function_from_string :t!, "en", "interpolate", "Hello \#{NAME}."
function_from_string :t!, "en", "plural", """
{NUM, plural,
one {one item}
other {# items}}
function_from_string :t!, "en", "select+plural", """
{GENDER, select,
male {He}
female {She}
other {They}
} found {NUM_CATEGORIES, plural,
one {one category}
other {# categories}
} in {NUM_RESULTS, plural,
one {one result}
other {# results}
function_from_string :t!, "de", "select+plural", """
{GENDER, select,
male {Er}
female {Sie}
other {Sie}
} fand {NUM_CATEGORIES, plural,
one {eine Kategorie}
other {# Kategorien}
} in {NUM_RESULTS, plural,
one {einem Ergebnis}
other {# Ergebnisse}
function_from_string :t!, "en", "ordinal", """
You came in {PLACE, ordinal,
one {#st}
two {#nd}
few {#rd}
other {#th}} place.
function_from_string :t!, "cs", "range", """
{RANGE, range,
one {# den}
few {# dny}
many {# dne}
other {# dní}}.
function_from_file :t!, __DIR__ <> "/fixtures/en.lang"
defmodule PolyglotTest do
use ExUnit.Case
test "function_from_string simple strings" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "simple") == "My simple string."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "interpolate", %{name: "Chris"})
== "Hello Chris."
test "function_from_string plural" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: 5})
== "5 items"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: "5"})
== "5 items"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: 1})
== "one item"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: "1"})
== "one item"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: "1.0"})
== "1.0 items"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: 1.5})
== "1.5 items"
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "plural", %{num: "1.50"})
== "1.50 items"
test "function_from_string select/plural functions" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "select+plural",
%{gender: "female", num_categories: 2, num_results: 1})
== "She found 2 categories in one result."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "select+plural",
%{gender: "male", num_categories: 1, num_results: 2})
== "He found one category in 2 results."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("de", "select+plural",
%{gender: "female", num_categories: 2, num_results: 1})
== "Sie fand 2 Kategorien in einem Ergebnis."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("de", "select+plural",
%{gender: "other", num_categories: 0, num_results: 5})
== "Sie fand 0 Kategorien in 5 Ergebnisse."
test "function_from_string ordinal" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "ordinal", %{place: 1})
== "You came in 1st place."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "ordinal", %{place: 22})
== "You came in 22nd place."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "ordinal", %{place: 103})
== "You came in 103rd place."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "ordinal", %{place: 7})
== "You came in 7th place."
test "function_from_string range" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("cs", "range", %{range: {0,1}})
== "0-1 den."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("cs", "range", %{range: {2,4}})
== "2-4 dny."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("cs", "range", %{range: {2,"3,50"}})
== "2-3,50 dne."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("cs", "range", %{range: {0,5}})
== "0-5 dní."
test "function_from_file" do
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "test message")
== "Hello from the translator."
assert PolyglotTest.C.t!("en", "test message 2", %{num: 3})
== "3 items"
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