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Last active December 16, 2015 11:19
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#vim cheatsheet
. repeat last command
>G increase the indentation from current line until end of file
A appends at the end of current line
f{char} look ahead for specified character
; repeat last search of f command
, repeat last search of f command in reverse
cw deletes to end of word and drops into Insert mode
# moving around
gg go to top of file
G go to bottom of file
^ move to first non-blank character
# working with tabs
:tabe file_name open a new file in a new tab
:tabclose close current tab
gt go to next tab
gT go to previous tab
{i}gt go to tab at position i
# pasting without auto-indenting
:set paste
:set nopaste
# running external commands
:! [command to run]
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