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Created November 19, 2015 23:10
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# Recipe created by recipetool
# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)
# WARNING: the following LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values are best guesses - it is
# your responsibility to verify that the values are complete and correct.
# NOTE: multiple licenses have been detected; if that is correct you should separate
# these in the LICENSE value using & if the multiple licenses all apply, or | if there
# is a choice between the multiple licenses. If in doubt, check the accompanying
# documentation to determine which situation is applicable.
LICENSE = "Unknown"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=1f3b211e44b7dae1674fb1e252fc556a \
SRC_URI = ""
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5337ffb6aeeff3790981a2cd56db9655"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "78862662fa9ae29654bc2b9d349c3f1d887e6b2ed978512c4442d53ea861f05c"
S = "${WORKDIR}/Twisted-15.4.0"
inherit setuptools
# WARNING: the following rdepends are determined through basic analysis of the
# python sources, and might not be 100% accurate.
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "python-codecs python-compile python-compression python-contextlib python-core python-crypt python-ctypes python-curses python-datetime python-debugger python-distutils python-doctest python-email python-importlib python-io python-json python-lang python-logging python-math python-mime python-misc python-netclient python-netserver python-numbers python-pickle python-pprint python-profile python-pygobject python-re python-resource python-shell python-stringold python-subprocess python-terminal python-textutils python-threading python-twisted-core python-unittest python-unixadmin python-xml python-xmlrpc python-zopeinterface"
# WARNING: We were unable to map the following python package/module
# dependencies to the bitbake packages which include them:
# CFNetwork
# CoreFoundation
# Crypto
# Crypto.Cipher
# Crypto.Cipher.AES
# Crypto.Cipher.DES3
# Crypto.PublicKey
# MySQLdb
# OpenSSL
# OpenSSL._util
# OpenSSL.crypto
# SOAPpy
# Tkinter
# copyreg
# dummy.plugins
# email.Generator
# email.Message
# email.Parser
# email.Utils
# email.base64MIME
# gadfly
# gi.pygtkcompat
# gi.repository
# gmpy
# gnome
# goodpackage
# gtk
# html
# idna
# importlib.machinery
# kinterbasdb
# msvcrt
# mypackage
# mypackage.testplugin
# package
# pkg_resources
# plugindummy.plugins
# portmap
# psycopg
# pyPgSQL
# pyasn1
# pyasn1.codec.ber
# pyasn1.error
# pyasn1.type
# pydoctor.driver
# pythoncom
# pyui
# pywintypes
# queue
# quixote
# serial
# service_identity
# service_identity.pyopenssl
# setuptools
# setuptools.dist
# shadow
# subunit
# tkFileDialog
# tkFont
# tkMessageBox
# tkSimpleDialog
# twisted.plugins.fakeendpoint
# twisted.python._initgroups
# twisted_private_helper
# twisted_python_versions_package
# twisted_rebuild_fakelib
# twisted_renamed_helper
# twisted_toptobottom_temp
# uberpackage
# urllib.parse
# utmp
# win32api
# win32con
# win32console
# win32event
# win32file
# win32gui
# win32pipe
# win32process
# win32security
# wx
# wxPython.wx
# xmlrpc.client
# zope
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