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Created June 20, 2014 04:49
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grunt-hashres with copyFiles
* grunt-hashres
* Copyright (c) 2013 luismahou
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var helper = require('./hashresHelper');
grunt.registerMultiTask('hashres', 'Your task description goes here.', function() {
// Merging options with defaults
var options = this.options({
fileNameFormat: '${hash}.${name}.cache.${ext}',
encoding : 'utf8',
renameFiles : true,
copyFiles : false
// Required properties: 'src' and 'dest'
this.requiresConfig( + '.' + + '.src');
this.requiresConfig( + '.' + + '.dest');
helper.hashAndSub(grunt, {
files: this.files,
src : options.src,
dest : options.dest,
encoding : options.encoding,
fileNameFormat: options.fileNameFormat,
renameFiles : options.renameFiles,
copyFiles : options.copyFiles
* grunt-hashres
* Copyright (c) 2013 Luismahou
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs'),
fse = require('fs-extra'),
path = require('path'),
utils = require('./hashresUtils');
exports.hashAndSub = function(grunt, options) {
var src = options.src,
dest = options.dest,
encoding = options.encoding,
fileNameFormat = options.fileNameFormat,
renameFiles = options.renameFiles,
copyFiles = options.copyFiles,
nameToHashedName = {},
nameToNameSearch = {},
formatter = null,
searchFormatter = null;
grunt.log.debug('files: ' + options.files);
grunt.log.debug('Using encoding ' + encoding);
grunt.log.debug('Using fileNameFormat ' + fileNameFormat);
grunt.log.debug(renameFiles ? 'Renaming files' : 'Not renaming files');
formatter = utils.compileFormat(fileNameFormat);
searchFormatter = utils.compileSearchFormat(fileNameFormat);
if (options.files) {
options.files.forEach(function(f) {
f.src.forEach(function(src) {
var md5 = utils.md5(src).slice(0, 8),
fileName = path.basename(src),
lastIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'),
renamed = formatter({
hash: md5,
name: fileName.slice(0, lastIndex),
ext : fileName.slice(lastIndex + 1, fileName.length)
nameSearch = searchFormatter({
hash: /[0-9a-f]{8}/,
name: fileName.slice(0, lastIndex),
ext: fileName.slice(lastIndex + 1, fileName.length)
// Mapping the original name with hashed one for later use.
nameToHashedName[fileName] = renamed;
nameToNameSearch[fileName] = nameSearch;
// Renaming the file
if (renameFiles) {
fs.renameSync(src, path.resolve(path.dirname(src), renamed));
if (copyFiles) {
fse.copy(src, path.resolve(path.dirname(src), renamed), function(err){
if (err) return console.error(err);
grunt.log.ok(src + ' copied');
}); //copies file
grunt.log.write(src + ' ').ok(renamed);
// sort by length
// It is very useful when we have bar.js and foo-bar.js
// @crodas
var files = [];
for (var name in nameToHashedName) {
files.push([name, nameToHashedName[name]]);
files.sort(function(a, b) {
return b[0].length - a[0].length;
// Substituting references to the given files with the hashed ones.
grunt.file.expand(f.dest).forEach(function(f) {
var destContents = fs.readFileSync(f, encoding);
files.forEach(function(value) {
grunt.log.debug('Substituting ' + value[0] + ' by ' + value[1])
destContents = destContents.replace(new RegExp(utils.preg_quote(value[0])+"(\\?[0-9a-z]+)?", "g"), value[1]);
grunt.log.debug('Substituting ' + nameToNameSearch[value[0]] + ' by ' + value[1])
destContents = destContents.replace(
new RegExp(nameToNameSearch[value[0]], "g"),
grunt.log.debug('Saving the updated contents of the outination file');
fs.writeFileSync(f, destContents, encoding);
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