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#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ~/.profile
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [version]"
exit 1
"last_update_at": 1652171044.6881232,
"last_update_slot": 133245880,
"total_rpc_nodes": 662,
"rpc_nodes_with_actual_snapshot": 19,
"rpc_nodes": [
"snapshot_address": "",
"slots_diff": 25,
"latency": 2.748,
c29r3 /
Created February 6, 2022 17:59 — forked from blockpane/

State Sync on Osmosis

State sync can greatly speed up the time it takes to bring a node online, and the smaller state size will make processing the epoch much faster. There is however a bug that affects osmosisd v5.0.0-v6.0.1 which causes the replay to fail after syncing

This walks through the steps to bring up a new node using state sync on osmosis v6.0.1, this will likely be outdated pretty quickly (Jan 2, 2022) once the bug is fixed.

Install Osmosis

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ntpdate
sudo service ntp stop
sudo ntpdate -s
sudo service ntp start
The pool total staking balance is: 5480737.491519152
The Foundation delegation balance is: 3749722.771986757
Blocks won: 43
Delegates in the pool: 45
Supercharged rewards total: 720.0
Total: 31693.63684618
Validator fee: 1794.7336916491797
| PublicKey | Staking Balance | Payout mina | Foundation | Tokens_lock_status |
| PublicKey | Staking Balance | Payout mina | Foundation | Tokens_lock_status |
| B62qjWCpSvwkVNub2Cmbwg7s15RMK3WpS4zCyGTjacCcLeWx4JHdCf1 | 32558.552770161 | 111.613728231 | False | locked |
| B62qmG9DytrgGor58qQaxhSwdCzR5skbZtVWs3GsY5ywXdAoDCqBaNf | 66285.430213938 | 227.232581429 | False | locked |
| B62qqrTPrFvi3bvcGrM7zCgc7YWug74PhzRBGzBr19ao5teNQNigxSZ | 66000.0991 | 226.254439998 | False | locked |
| B62qj5tVzR8JEoLWYYE95tXaACqGD7ew7vk6TnTCVdEfCo6nUtvggbV | 67722.534013938 | 232.159106085 | False | locked |
| B62qoJVEF8K9n5Vsqm3dtuqSzxAFC5ppL5zcdYL8gJJFUuedQoLTLbK | 67722.534013938 | 232.159106085 | False
c29r3 / .inputrc
Created March 16, 2021 10:10 — forked from gregorynicholas/.inputrc
OSX .inputrc to make terminal way better. and by better i mean i'm naked
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
"\e[5~": history-search-backward
"\e[6~": history-search-forward
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[2~": quoted-insert
"\e[5C": forward-word
"\e[5D": backward-word
"\e\e[C": forward-word
"\e\e[D": backward-word
from prometheus_client import Gauge, Enum, Counter, Info
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('prometheus_client is not installed - Install it and try again.')
from twisted.internet import reactor, task
import nucypher
from nucypher.blockchain.eth.agents import ContractAgency, StakingEscrowAgent
from prometheus_client.twisted import MetricsResource
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
#usage: $vote_account
SOL_BIN=$(find $HOME -type f -iname solana | tail -n 1)
VOTE_PATH=$(find $HOME -iname vote-account-keypair.json | head -n 1)
vote=$($SOL_BIN address -k $VOTE_PATH)
echo "Vote address ${vote}"