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Last active August 21, 2016 12:38
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implementation of ExtendedNotification as parcelable with creator
* Copyright © 2015-2016. by ceph3us
* All Rights Reserved.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import pl.ceph3us.base.common.interfaces.annotations.Nullable;
* Created by ceph3us on 28.07.16.
* file belong to $
public class ExtendedNotificationWrapper extends ExtendedNotification {
private final String _tag;
private final Bundle _wrappedNotificationBundle;
private final Intent _wrappedIntent;
private final int _wrappedIntentForType;
private final int _flags;
transient PendingIntent _wrappedPendingIntent;
public PendingIntent getWrappedNotificationPendingIntent(Context context, int requestCode) {
return getWrappedNotificationPendingIntent(context, requestCode, false);
public PendingIntent getWrappedNotificationPendingIntent(Context context, int requestCode, boolean forceCreateNew) {
if (getWrappedExistingNotificationPendingIntent() == null || forceCreateNew)
_wrappedPendingIntent = tryBuildPendingIntent(context, requestCode);
return _wrappedPendingIntent;
public PendingIntent getWrappedExistingNotificationPendingIntent() {
return _wrappedPendingIntent;
public Intent getWrappedNotificationIntent() {
return _wrappedIntent;
private PendingIntent tryBuildPendingIntent(Context context, int requestCode) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
Intent wrappedNotificationIntent = getWrappedNotificationIntent();
return wrappedNotificationIntent != null ? UtilsPendingIntent.createPendingIntent(context, wrappedNotificationIntent, _wrappedIntentForType, requestCode, flags) : null;
public Bundle getWrappedNotificationBundle() {
return _wrappedNotificationBundle;
public static final Creator<ExtendedNotificationWrapper> CREATOR = new Creator<ExtendedNotificationWrapper>() {
public ExtendedNotificationWrapper createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new ExtendedNotificationWrapper(in);
public ExtendedNotificationWrapper[] newArray(int size) {
return new ExtendedNotificationWrapper[size];
public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {
super.writeToParcel(parcel, flags);
parcel.writeParcelable(_wrappedIntent, flags);
public boolean isApplicableToAdd() {
// for now wrapped notifications are all applicable to add !
return true;
public ExtendedNotificationWrapper(Parcel parcel) {
_tag = parcel.readString();
_wrappedNotificationBundle = parcel.readBundle();
_wrappedIntent = parcel.readParcelable(Intent.class.getClassLoader());
_wrappedIntentForType = parcel.readInt();
_flags = parcel.readInt();
//_wrappedPendingIntent = PendingIntent.readPendingIntentOrNullFromParcel(parcel);
public ExtendedNotificationWrapper(Notification notification, String tag, int code, Intent laterConvertedToPending, int intentForType, int requestCode) {
_tag = tag;
_wrappedNotificationBundle = notification.extras;
_wrappedIntent = laterConvertedToPending;
_wrappedIntentForType = intentForType;
_flags = flags;
// @Nullable public Intent getWrappedNotificationIntent() { return (Intent) (getWrappedNotificationBundle() != null ? _wrappedNotificationBundle.getParcelable(ExtendedNotification.INTENT_KEY) : "No wrapped notification instance was passed to this wrapper!");}
public String getMessage() {
return getWrappedNotificationBundle() != null ? _wrappedNotificationBundle.getString(Notification.EXTRA_TEXT) : "No wrapped notification instance was passed to this wrapper!";
public String getSubMessage() {
return getWrappedNotificationBundle() != null ? _wrappedNotificationBundle.getString(Notification.EXTRA_SUB_TEXT) : "No wrapped notification instance was passed to this wrapper!";
public String getTitle() {
return getWrappedNotificationBundle() != null ? _wrappedNotificationBundle.getString(Notification.EXTRA_TITLE) : "No wrapped notification instance was passed to this wrapper!";
public String getTag() {
if (_tag == null) return TAG_UNDEFINED;
return _tag;
public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName) {
return false;
public String getPropertyValue(String propertyName) {
return null;
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