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Last active November 5, 2021 22:58
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Here I have links and list my favourite pieces of technology for my future reference, when I start a new project or just for fun. This spans from libraries to operative systems to editing software, basically it's my own (ideal) stack of day to day technology.

From most superficial to most fundamental.


Fira Code


Web Browser: Firefox, even though it doesn't have support for WPAs. :( I'd really go for Vivaldi but I hate Chrome's console.

Text Editor: Notepad++, because VSCode is built on Electron and it can get a bit slow to start up. I sometimes use VSCode tho', since I learnt to manage the extensions better.

IDE: VSCode, and add a bunch of a lot of extensions.


theme-color meta tag

I love fieldsets.

labels, please use labels

details tag (a pity it cannot be animated, but is still useful)


Write hyphen indented classes and IDs (.main .main-section .main-section-button and so on...)

Dark theme in a couple of lines (and user-preference detection)

Neumorphism (I love it)

Glassmorphism (I like it)

CSS Generators (from cubic beziers to gradients)

2 media queries, >16/9 (landscape, mainly computers) and <16/9 (portrait, mainly smartphones)

Pure CSS sidebar (Temporary link, I'll upload my own some time. Hell, I'll probably make it a web component.)

General coding

Return Early Pattern


Vanilla JS

Document Fragments (very good for the environment, and also cool)

Modules and web components FTW.

c3tools.js (Yes, mine. It may need another name.)

Simple syntax highlighting text area. (I'll also extend it one day. And heck, maybe turn it into a web component)



SimpleXLSX (Excel files parser)

My own PDO wrapper (soon:trademark:)


Java Swing's Frames (extending them and instanciating them, super fun)

JavaFX's WebView (very cool for nice interfaces, although I do be looking for a replacement)

Things I want to master try:








This cool CSS responsive layout without media queries

Just-add-water CSS Animations

Crea un calendario 📆 con tres líneas de CSS

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