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Last active September 16, 2023 11:02
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  • Save c4ln/15a4dd64fa48a3bd30ee5eabe114e2bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save c4ln/15a4dd64fa48a3bd30ee5eabe114e2bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Instantly Weaponize Kali
cat > /tmp/ << 'TRANSFORMSH'
if [[ -n "$(cat /usr/local/bin/cusw | grep nuorial)" ]] ; then
printf "\033[1;37m" ; read -p "Enter the name ( > 5 letters) that you want to see on the desktop screensaver: " deskname
while [ "$(echo $deskname | wc -m)" -gt 6 ] ; do read -p "Enter the name ( > 5 letters) that you want to see on the desktop screensaver: " deskname ; done
sed -i "s+nuorial+$deskname+g" /usr/local/bin/cusw
[[ -z "$(cat /root/.zshrc | grep 'alias cat')" ]] && echo alias cat="bat --paging never -p --theme 'Monokai Extended Origin'" >> /root/.zshrc
update-locale "LANG=en_US.utf.8" ; locale-gen --purge "en_US.utf8"
dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive locales
cd /opt/cobaltstrike/custom ; [[ -z "$(ls /opt/cobaltstrike/custom/csek)" ]] && bash /opt/cobaltstrike/custom/
cd ; git clone ; cd quickz-sh
./ ; rm -r ../quickz-sh ; fc-cache -fv
cd /root ; curl -L -o /usr/bin/cpanm ; chmod +x /usr/bin/cpanm ; alias cpan=cpanm
yes | cpan Term::ExtendedColor
yes | cpan File::LsColor
git clone git:// ; cd ls-- ; perl Makefile.PL ; make && make install ; cp ls++.conf $HOME/.ls++.conf
chsh --shell=/bin/zsh root
#prepare bloodhound
sudo bloodhound &
sleep 5; pkill -f BloodHound
"performance": {
"edge": 5,
"lowGraphics": false,
"nodeLabels": 0,
"edgeLabels": 0,
"darkMode": true
"edgeincluded": {
"MemberOf": true,
"HasSession": true,
"AdminTo": true,
"AllExtendedRights": true,
"AddMember": true,
"ForceChangePassword": true,
"GenericAll": true,
"GenericWrite": true,
"Owns": true,
"WriteDacl": true,
"WriteOwner": true,
"CanRDP": true,
"ExecuteDCOM": true,
"AllowedToDelegate": true,
"ReadLAPSPassword": true,
"Contains": true,
"GpLink": true,
"AddAllowedToAct": true,
"AllowedToAct": true,
"SQLAdmin": true,
"ReadGMSAPassword": true,
"HasSIDHistory": true,
"CanPSRemote": true,
"AZAddMembers": true,
"AZContains": true,
"AZContributor": true,
"AZGetCertificates": true,
"AZGetKeys": true,
"AZGetSecrets": true,
"AZGlobalAdmin": true,
"AZOwns": true,
"AZPrivilegedRoleAdmin": true,
"AZResetPassword": true,
"AZUserAccessAdministrator": true,
"AZAppAdmin": true,
"AZCloudAppAdmin": true,
"AZRunsAs": true,
"AZKeyVaultContributor": true
"databaseInfo": {
"url": "bolt://XHOSTNAME:980",
"user": "neo4j",
"password": "XHOSTPASSWORD"
sleep 2 ; wget -O /tmp/bat.deb $(curl -sL | grep amd64.deb | grep -v musl | grep browser_download_url | head -1 \
| cut -d \" -f 4) && dpkg -i /tmp/bat.deb ; apt-get -y -f install
cd ~; wget -nv --show-progress -O- | bash
mkdir /tmp/LS_COLORS && curl -sL | tar xzf - --directory=/tmp/LS_COLORS --strip=1 &> /dev/null
( cd /tmp/LS_COLORS && sh ) &> /dev/null ; mv /opt/p10k /root/.p10k.zsh ; mv /opt/zshrc /root/.zshrc
mkdir /tmp/config ; cd /tmp/config ; unzip /opt/ ; sleep 1 ; mv .* /root/ ; printf "\ncd /root\n" >> /root/.zshrc
firefox &
sleep 10 ; killall -9 firefox ; wget -O /tmp/user.js
mv /tmp/user.js /opt/prefs.js /root/.mozilla/firefox/*-release/
chmod +x /tmp/ ; xfce4-terminal --fullscreen --hide-menubar --hide-toolbar --hide-scrollbar -e 'sudo /tmp/'
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