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Created January 23, 2020 19:29
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SFDX Bash Script for Installing Packages with Dependencies
# The execution of this script stops if a command or pipeline has an error.
# For example, failure to install a dependent package will cause the script
# to stop execution.
set -e
# Specify a package version id (starts with 04t)
# If you know the package alias but not the id, use force:package:version:list to find it.
# Specify the user name of the subscriber org.
# Specify the timeout in minutes for package installation.
echo "Retrieving dependencies for package Id: "$PACKAGE
# Execute soql query to retrieve package dependencies in json format.
RESULT_JSON=`sfdx force:data:soql:query -u $USER_NAME -t -q "SELECT Dependencies FROM SubscriberPackageVersion WHERE Id='$PACKAGE'" --json`
# Parse the json string using python to test whether the result json contains a list of ids or not.
DEPENDENCIES=`echo $RESULT_JSON | python -c 'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["result"]["records"][0]["Dependencies"]'`
# If the parsed dependencies is None, the package has no dependencies. Otherwise, parse the result into a list of ids.
# Then loop through the ids to install each of the dependent packages.
if [[ "$DEPENDENCIES" != 'None' ]]; then
DEPENDENCIES=`echo $RESULT_JSON | python -c '
import sys, json
ids = json.load(sys.stdin)["result"]["records"][0]["Dependencies"]["ids"]
dependencies = []
for id in ids:
print " ".join(dependencies)
echo "The package you are installing depends on these packages (in correct dependency order): "$DEPENDENCIES
echo "Installing dependent package: "$id
sfdx force:package:install --package $id -u $USER_NAME -w $WAIT_TIME --publishwait 10
echo "The package has no dependencies"
# After processing the dependencies, proceed to install the specified package.
echo "Installing package: "$PACKAGE
sfdx force:package:install --package $PACKAGE -u $USER_NAME -w $WAIT_TIME --publishwait 10
exit 0;
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