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Last active August 11, 2020 04:02
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Very fast basic genetic algorithm implementation on CYthon
cdef class GeneticAlgorithm(object):
public BasicGeneticFunction genetics
Population* population
cpdef run(self)
cpdef iteration(self)
cpdef stat(self)
cdef Population* _make_population(self)
cdef public struct Population:
Chromosome** chromos
int size
int _alloc_size
cdef public struct Chromosome:
int size
double* genotype
double score
int age
bint fitted
cdef class BasicGeneticFunction(object):
public int pop_size
public int chromo_size
Population* bank
public int banking_age
public double banking_score
public double eq_distance
public iter_count
# Generally configurable
cdef Population* initial(self)
cdef bint maybe_stop(self, Population* pop)
cdef double random_chromo_value(self)
cdef double fitness(self, Chromosome* chromo)
cdef Population* withhelds(self, Population* pop)
cdef Population* parents(self, Population* pop)
cdef Chromosome* crossover(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2)
cdef Population* mutations(self, Population* pop)
cdef Chromosome* mutate(self, Chromosome* ch)
cdef on_iteration(self, Population* pop)
# Public
cdef Chromosome* best_chromosome(self, Population* pop)
cdef double avg_age(self, Population* pop)
cdef double avg_score(self, Population* pop)
cdef double max_score(self, Population* pop)
cdef Chromosome* generate_chromosome(self)
# Private
cdef _do_fitness(self, Chromosome* chromo)
cdef Population* _withhelds_all(self, Population* pop)
cdef Population* _withhelds_best(self, Population* pop, int mut_size)
cdef Population* _parents_random(self, Population* pop, int mut_size)
cdef Population* _parents_proportional(self, Population* pop, int mut_size)
cdef Chromosome* _crossover_mix(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2)
cdef Chromosome* _crossover_exchange(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2)
cdef Population* _mutations_random(self, Population* pop, int mut_size)
cdef Chromosome* _mutate_by_element(self, Chromosome* ch)
cdef double _mutate_by_element_func(self, double value, Chromosome* orig_ch)
cdef Chromosome* _mutate_switch(self, Chromosome* ch)
cdef Population* selection(self, Population* pop)
cdef Population* _selection_threashold(self, Population* pop)
cdef bint _banking_filter(self, Chromosome* ch)
cdef double _distance(self, Chromosome* first, Chromosome* second)
# encoding: utf-8
# cython: profile=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: infer_types=True
# filename: fastgen.pyx
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, realloc, free, rand, qsort
cimport cython
from cython.view cimport array as cvarray
cimport libc.math as cmath
import math
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
import sys
cdef class GeneticAlgorithm(object):
def __init__(self, BasicGeneticFunction genetics):
self.genetics = genetics
self.population = self.genetics.initial()
cpdef run(self):
while not self.genetics.maybe_stop(self.population):
cpdef iteration(self):
cdef Population* new_population = self._make_population()
_destroy_population(self.population, deep=True)
self.population = new_population
cpdef stat(self):
return self.genetics.avg_age(self.population), self.genetics.avg_score(self.population), \
self.genetics.max_score(self.population), \
cdef Population* _make_population(self):
Population* raw_pop
Population* selected_pop
Population* proc_pop
Population* parents1
Population* parents2
int i = 0, j
# Create new population array
raw_pop = _new_population(self.genetics.pop_size * 4)
# Save some chromosomes from previous population
proc_pop = self.genetics.withhelds(self.population)
for j in range(proc_pop.size):
raw_pop.chromos[i] = _clone_chromosome(proc_pop.chromos[j])
i += 1
# Mutate some chromosomes
proc_pop = self.genetics.mutations(self.population)
for j in range(proc_pop.size):
raw_pop.chromos[i] = _clone_chromosome(self.genetics.mutate(proc_pop.chromos[j]))
i += 1
# Crossover families
parents1 = self.genetics.parents(self.population)
parents2 = self.genetics.parents(self.population)
for j in range(parents1.size):
raw_pop.chromos[i] = _clone_chromosome(self.genetics.crossover(parents1.chromos[j], parents2.chromos[j]))
i += 1
# Fitness
for j in range(i):
if not raw_pop.chromos[j].fitted:
# Selection
raw_pop.size = i
selected_pop = self.genetics.selection(raw_pop)
_destroy_population(raw_pop, True)
# Create random chromosomes
while selected_pop.size < self.genetics.pop_size:
_extend_population(selected_pop, self.genetics.generate_chromosome())
return selected_pop
def __dealloc__(GeneticAlgorithm self):
_destroy_population(self.population, deep=True)
cdef class BasicGeneticFunction(object):
def __init__(self, int pop_size=30, int chromo_size=10, double eq_distance=0.0001,
int banking_age=1000, double banking_score=1000):
self.pop_size = pop_size
self.chromo_size = chromo_size = _new_population(0)
self.eq_distance = eq_distance
self.banking_age = banking_age
self.banking_score = banking_score
self.iter_count = 0
# Stop evolution condition
cdef bint maybe_stop(self, Population* pop):
return False
cdef Chromosome* best_chromosome(self, Population* pop):
cdef int i
cdef Chromosome* best = pop.chromos[0]
for i in range(pop.size):
if pop.chromos[i].score > best.score:
best = pop.chromos[i]
for i in range(
if[i].score > best.score:
best =[i]
return best
cdef double avg_age(self, Population* pop):
cdef int i
return sum([pop.chromos[i].age for i in range(pop.size)]) / <double>pop.size
cdef double avg_score(self, Population* pop):
cdef int i
return sum([pop.chromos[i].score for i in range(pop.size)]) / <double>pop.size
cdef double max_score(self, Population* pop):
cdef int i
return max([pop.chromos[i].score for i in range(pop.size)])
cdef Population* initial(self):
return self._initial_random()
# implementations
cdef Population* _initial_random(self):
cdef Population* population = _new_population(self.pop_size)
cdef int i
for i in range(population.size):
population.chromos[i] = self.generate_chromosome()
return population
cdef Population* _initial_with_value(self, double value):
cdef Population* population = _new_population(self.pop_size)
cdef int i, j
for i in range(population.size):
population.chromos[i] = _new_chromosome(self.chromo_size)
for j in range(self.chromo_size):
population.chromos[i].genotype[j] = value
return population
cdef Chromosome* generate_chromosome(self):
cdef Chromosome* chromosome = _new_chromosome(self.chromo_size)
cdef i
for i in range(chromosome.size):
chromosome.genotype[i] = self.random_chromo_value()
return chromosome
cdef double random_chromo_value(self):
return np.random.uniform(0, 1)
cdef double fitness(self, Chromosome* chromo):
return 1
cdef void _do_fitness(self, Chromosome* chromo):
chromo.fitted = True
chromo.score =
# return BEST CHROMOSOMES for holding in the population
cdef Population* withhelds(self, Population* pop):
return self._withhelds_all(pop)
# implementations
cdef Population* _withhelds_all(self, Population* pop):
cdef i
cdef Population* new_pop = _new_population(pop.size)
for i in range(pop.size):
new_pop.chromos[i] = pop.chromos[i]
return new_pop
cdef Population* _withhelds_best(self, Population* pop, int mut_size):
qsort(&pop.chromos[0], pop.size, sizeof(Chromosome*), &_chromosome_compare)
cdef i
cdef Population* new_pop = _new_population(mut_size)
for i in range(mut_size):
new_pop.chromos[i] = pop.chromos[i]
return new_pop
cdef Population* parents(self, Population* pop):
return self._parents_proportional(pop, 10)
cdef Chromosome* crossover(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2):
return self._crossover_exchange(parent1, parent2)
# implementations
cdef Population* _parents_random(self, Population* pop, int mut_size):
cdef int i
cdef Population* muts = _new_population(mut_size)
for i in range(mut_size):
muts.chromos[i] = pop.chromos[np.random.randint(0, pop.size)]
return muts
cdef Population* _parents_proportional(self, Population* pop, int mut_size):
# Create result population
cdef Population* muts = _new_population(mut_size)
# Calc total score (weights)
cdef int i
cdef double total = 0
for i in range(pop.size):
total += pop.chromos[i].score
# Alghoritm from:
i = 0
cdef double x, w = pop.chromos[0].score
cdef Chromosome* v = pop.chromos[0]
while mut_size:
x = total * (1 - np.random.random() ** (1.0 / mut_size))
total -= x
while x > w:
x -= w
i += 1
w = pop.chromos[i].score
v = pop.chromos[i]
w -= x
muts.chromos[mut_size - 1] = v
mut_size -= 1
return muts
cdef Chromosome* _crossover_mix(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2):
cdef int i
cdef Chromosome* child = _new_chromosome(parent1.size)
for i in range(child.size):
child.genotype[i] = parent1.genotype[i] if np.random.random() > 0.5 else parent2.genotype[i]
return child
cdef Chromosome* _crossover_exchange(self, Chromosome* parent1, Chromosome* parent2):
cdef int i
cdef int position = np.random.randint(0, parent1.size)
cdef Chromosome* child = _new_chromosome(parent1.size)
for i in range(child.size):
child.genotype[i] = parent1.genotype[i] if i > position else parent2.genotype[i]
return child
cdef Population* mutations(self, Population* pop):
return self._mutations_random(pop, 10)
cdef Chromosome* mutate(self, Chromosome* ch):
return self._mutate_by_element(ch)
# implementations
cdef Population* _mutations_random(self, Population* pop, int mut_size):
cdef int i
cdef Population* muts = _new_population(mut_size)
for i in range(mut_size):
muts.chromos[i] = pop.chromos[np.random.randint(0, pop.size)]
return muts
cdef Chromosome* _mutate_by_element(self, Chromosome* ch):
cdef int position = np.random.randint(0, ch.size)
cdef Chromosome* mut = _clone_chromosome(ch, empty=True)
mut.genotype[position] = self._mutate_by_element_func(mut.genotype[position], ch)
return mut
cdef double _mutate_by_element_func(self, double value, Chromosome* orig_ch):
return self.random_chromo_value()
cdef Chromosome* _mutate_switch(self, Chromosome* ch):
cdef Chromosome* mut = _clone_chromosome(ch, empty=True)
cdef int position1 = np.random.randint(0, ch.size)
cdef int position2 = np.random.randint(0, ch.size)
mut.genotype[position1] = ch.genotype[position2]
mut.genotype[position2] = ch.genotype[position1]
return mut
# MUST CLONE each CHROMOSOME to result population
cdef Population* selection(self, Population* pop):
return self._selection_threashold(pop)
# implementations
cdef Population* _selection_threashold(self, Population* pop):
qsort(&pop.chromos[0], pop.size, sizeof(Chromosome*), &_chromosome_compare)
cdef int i, j, k = 0
cdef bint skip_ch = False
cdef Population* muts = _new_population(self.pop_size)
for i in range(pop.size):
# Filter by size of population
if k >= muts.size:
# Filter equal to banked chromosomes
if not self._banking_filter(pop.chromos[i]):
# If filter passed, add chromosome to result
muts.chromos[k] = _clone_chromosome(pop.chromos[i])
k += 1
# Update size manually, because filters may decrease max size
# that generally greater then `self.pop_size`
muts.size = k
return muts
cdef bint _banking_filter(self, Chromosome* ch):
cdef int j
for j in range(
if self._distance([j], ch) <= self.eq_distance:
return False
if ch.age >= self.banking_age and ch.score >= self.banking_score:
_extend_population(, _clone_chromosome(ch))
return True
cdef double _distance(self, Chromosome* first, Chromosome* second):
return 1
# Iteration callback, invoke at the end of each iteration
cdef void on_iteration(self, Population* pop):
cdef int i
self.iter_count += 1
for i in range(pop.size):
pop.chromos[i].age += 1
print '-------------------------------------'
print 'Iteration: '+str(self.iter_count)
print 'Bank size: '+str(
for i in range(
print '\tCh '+str(i)+': '+str([i].score)+' ('+str([i].age)+')'
print 'Avg. age: '+str(self.avg_age(pop))
print 'Avg. score: '+str(self.avg_score(pop))
for i in range(pop.size):
print '\tCh '+str(i)+': '+str(pop.chromos[i].score)+' ('+str(pop.chromos[i].age)+')'
print '-------------------------------------'
## Helpers
cdef Population* _new_population(size):
cdef Population* population = <Population*> malloc(sizeof(Population))
population._alloc_size = size * 2
population.size = size
population.chromos = <Chromosome**> malloc(sizeof(Chromosome*) * population._alloc_size)
return population
cdef _extend_population(Population* pop, Chromosome* ch):
cdef Chromosome** ext_chromos
if pop.size + 1 >= pop._alloc_size:
pop._alloc_size += 10
ext_chromos = <Chromosome**> realloc(pop.chromos, sizeof(Chromosome*)*pop._alloc_size)
if not ext_chromos:
raise MemoryError()
pop.chromos = ext_chromos
pop.chromos[pop.size] = ch
pop.size += 1
cdef _destroy_population(Population* population, deep=False):
cdef int i
if deep:
for i in range(population.size):
free(population) # destroy array
cdef Chromosome* _new_chromosome(size):
cdef int i
cdef Chromosome* chromosome = <Chromosome*> malloc(sizeof(Chromosome))
chromosome.fitted = False
chromosome.age = 0
chromosome.size = size
chromosome.genotype = <double *> malloc( sizeof(double) * size)
return chromosome
cdef Chromosome* _clone_chromosome(Chromosome* ch, bint empty=False):
cdef Chromosome* chromosome = _new_chromosome(ch.size)
if not empty:
chromosome.fitted = ch.fitted
chromosome.age = ch.age
chromosome.score = ch.score
cdef int i
for i in range(ch.size):
chromosome.genotype[i] = ch.genotype[i]
return chromosome
cdef int _chromosome_compare(const void *a, const void *b) nogil:
cdef double v = (<Chromosome*>((<Chromosome**>a)[0])).score - (<Chromosome*>((<Chromosome**>b)[0])).score
return -1 if v > 0 else 1
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c58 commented Aug 11, 2020

@suprafun MIT, feel free to do anything you want :) no guarantee that it works though, it was 6 years ago (damn, so many years!)

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