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Экология текст на английском языке с переводом

Экология текст на английском языке с переводом

Экология текст на английском языке с переводом

Рассказ об экологии на английском языке. Желательно с переводом. Нужно для экзамена, я перехожу в 7 класс.
Topic Ecology (Топик Экология)
Ecological Problems - Экологические проблемы, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.

Использовать для каких-либо целей материалы данного сайта можно только с письменного разрешения владельцев! По всем вопросам, замечаниям, предложениям, в том числе по рекламе обращайтесь: Ecology is the study that helps to preserve the Earth, its plants and animals. It is also supposed to study the environment and the relationship between human activities and nature. Until recently this relationship was in balance. However, at present times we have to face such ecological problems as acid rain, global warming, loss of rare species, ozone reduction, etc. Many scientists think that it is connected with industrial boom and development of civilization in the world. Building numerous factories people have started to interfere intensively in nature. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful things. As a result many species of animals and plants disappear forever, including fish and birds. Many large cities suffer from factory smog. Their activity pollutes the air, the water, the forests and the land. Apart from factories there are lots of vehicles in the streets of every more or less developed city. It includes cars, motorbikes, buses, minivans, trucks and other types of transport which use fuel. First of all, they exhaust toxic gases into the air. Secondly, they are considered to be the main noise offenders in the city. This problem progresses as the number of cars increases from year to year. As a result the level of harmful substances in the air also increases. Another problem which is worth mentioning is the tree cutting. Trees are a source of oxygen and clean air. So, by doing this people simply violate the biological balance. In my opinion, environmental protection should become of a global concern and serious measures should be taken to create ecological security. Экология — это наука, которая занимается сохранением Земли, её растений и животных. Предполагается, что она также изучает окружающую среду и отношение между деятельностью человека и природой. До недавнего времени это отношение было в балансе. Однако в настоящее время нам приходится сталкиваться с такими экологическими проблемами, как кислотные дожди, глобальное потепление, потеря редких видов, сокращение озона и т. Многие ученые считают, что это связано с промышленным ростом и развитием цивилизации в мире. Построив многочисленные заводы, люди стали интенсивно вмешиваться в природу. Ежегодно мировая промышленность загрязняет атмосферу тоннами пыли и других вредных веществ. В результате многие виды животных и растений навсегда исчезают, в том числе рыбы и птицы. Многие крупные города страдают от смога заводов. Их деятельность загрязняет воздух, воду, леса и землю. Помимо заводов, на улицах каждого более или менее развитого город множество транспортных средств. Сюда входят автомобили, мотоциклы, автобусы, микроавтобусы, грузовые автомобили и другие виды транспорта, которые используют топливо. Прежде всего, они выпускают токсичные газы в атмосферу. Во-вторых, они считаются основным источником шума в городе. Эта проблема прогрессирует, так как количество автомобилей увеличивается из года в год. В результате уровень вредных веществ в воздухе, также увеличивается. Другая проблема, которую стоит упомянуть, это вырубка деревьев. Деревья являются источником кислорода и чистого воздуха. Так что, делая это, люди просто нарушают биологический баланс. Все упомянутые экологические проблемы являются результатом небрежного обращения человека с природой. На мой взгляд, охрана окружающей среды должна принять глобальный уровень и должны быть приняты серьезные меры для создания экологической безопасности.

Экология на английском : Полезные слова и выражения

Тексты об основных экологических проблемах: In the world around us, there are two things that do not belong to any country: In both the air and the water, there is much pollution. In many towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level. Large cities with thousands of smoky enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute he air we breathe. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fires. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. The railway transport is also the source of pollution, especially locomotives. They emit as much harmful waste into the air as 40 or 50 cars. People have to breathe this polluted air which causes numerous diseases, allergies, poor health. One of the forms of air pollution is acid rains. Acid rains result from the release into the atmosphere of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away. When it falls in lakes, it changes them too. Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice. It hurts when it gets into your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in lake water. That is why fish dies in lakes. Scientists find other effects of acid rain. Acid rains kill vast stretches of forests in Canada, the USA, central and northern Europe. In some large areas trees are dying. Not just one tree here and there, but whole forests. Scientists think that the rain is the reason. It makes the earth more acidic in these areas, and some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic. Now scientists begin to study the effects of acid rain on larger animals. For example, they believe that some deer in Poland are less healthy because of acid rain. No one knows the answer yet. But it is an important question for us all. There is a layer of gas in the atmosphere called ozone. It protects the Earth from the dangerous rays of the sun. But if ozone comes close to the Earth, in acid rains, for example, it is also very dangerous itself and causes diseases. There are now holes in the ozone layer because there too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This protective layer is being damaged by chemicals which are released into the atmosphere by daily use of industrial and household products. These gases hold heat. Trees and plants help to take gases from the atmosphere, but people have destroyed too many trees. There are not enough trees and plants to do their job. Especially dangerous are CFCs gases which are used in refrigerators and spray cans. They are known to do the damage to the ozone layer. It can no longer protect us from dangerous sun rays. Dangerous ultraviolet rays penetrate to the Earth and can increase the risk of skin cancer, weaken the immune system. Not only people are at risk, so are animals, plants, and the environment in general. Trees are among the biggest and long-living things on the Earth, but as well as being nice to look at, trees also play an important role in improving the quality of our lives. On a worldwide scale, forests help to slow down the effect of global warming by using up the gas known as carbon dioxide and giving out the oxygen we need to breathe. At local level, trees also bring important environmental benefits. They offer shade and shelter, which in turn, reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool nearby buildings; at the same time, they also remove other harmful substances from the air we breathe. Trees which grow in cities are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily contact with the natural world. Trees also provide a home for birds, small animals and butterflies. But now trees in cities are coming under threat. There is a limit to the level of pollution they can stand, and their roots are being seriously damaged by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables. The tropical forests in Amazonia, Southern Asia, West and Central Africa are being destroyed at an alarming rate of 42 million acres a year. This destruction is caused by slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, building of dams and highways, mining. Burning these forests releases carbon and decreases oxygen in the atmosphere causing the global warming. The tropical rainforest is natural recycler, provider and protector for our planet, it supports the ecosystem in the world. Deforestation is endangering this ecosystem and could cause vanishing one-fourth of all species on the Earth in the next 25 years. That is why protecting all forests is the key to our survival on the planet. Despite the vastness of this area we know little about it. Life began in the ocean more than 3. Today the ocean supports a wealth of simple and complex sea life from phyto-plankton to marine mammals. But people seem to misunderstand the importance of the ocean. The oceans do not belong to a single nation, but are free, open territory to be enjoyed and shared. However, too often nations are very aggressive in taking the resources of the world ocean. There is widespread pollution of coastal waters, whales and dolphins are hunted to nearly extinction, and many fishing areas are depleted. Thor Heyerdahl, a famous scientist and explorer, crossed the Atlantic Ocean. They made a voyage of 4, kilometres. They saw 4, kilometres of polluted ocean. Over 5 million tons of oil products pollute the ocean each year. About 2 million tons of these products come from cars. First the oil products go into the atmosphere and pollute it. From the atmosphere the oil products go into the oceans. Big rivers carry into the ocean a lot of the waste from industry and agriculture. Pollution means death to the ocean. It kills fish and plants. Another most important environmental problem is the shortage of clean water. Clean drinking water is a basic human need. But industrial pollution has made many sources of water undrinkable. Rivers, lakes and seas have become poisonous. Many ships sail in the ocean: If a ship loses some of the oil in the water or trash from the ships is put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty. Another problem is sewage systems. The sewage from many houses of a big city pollutes rivers and lakes and may even make them die. Many fish are dying in the sea, others are getting contaminated. Fishermen catch contaminated fish which may be sold and people may get sick from eating them. The worst problem is in the area around the Aral Sea. Cotton grown in the region needed much water, and the sea level has fallen by 14 yards. Russians call it Holy Sea. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1, rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. However, they are being destroyed by industrial wastes which some factories still pour into the lake every day. A few years ago people thought that the supply of fresh water was limitless. Now clean water is scarce, and we begin to respect this resource. We must protect the clean water that remains for our children and grandchildren. Nuclear power is cheap, clean and safe, if people try to make it safer and observe all the prevention measures. Nuclear weapons could destroy the world. Nuclear weapon tests increase the amount of radiation in the atmosphere, water, soil. Nuclear power produces high-level radioactive waste which can be dangerous for thousands of years. The most terrible disaster happened in April in Chernobyl. That is why the environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power stations is of great importance. Wildlife is something that man cannot construct. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. There are many species of animals that may disappear from the Earth within the next few years. For some species it is already late. The American passenger pigeon, the blue whale, the panda, the California grizzly bears, elephants, jungle cats, Asian rhinoceros are on the brink of extinction now. Many animals have gone forever, because their habitats have been destroyed at an alarming rate: These are the rainforests which are in Central and South America, Africa, Philippines, Malaysia, Australia and Madagascar. While rainforests are disappearing, so are animals and birds which live there. Some animals are hunted too much. Some others lose their natural nesting areas and cannot reproduce or breed. Others cannot adapt to new conditions. People cannot realize how much animals suffer. The truth is that we use animals or parts of animals for jewellery, clothes, cosmetics. A lot of expensive jewellery are made from ivory, from the horns of elephants and rhinos. Specialists think that only 2 million elephants live on the planet today. Every 10 minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over 1 million of species will disappear in 20 years from now. Fortunately, there are people who are trying to do something about it. In , the World Wildlife Fund WWF was founded — a small group of people who wanted to raise some money to save animals and plants. Today it is a large international organization. It has created or given support to National Parks in 5 continents. If more people give more money, perhaps the WWF will be able to protect the natural world. Every year each family in Great Britain creates one ton of rubbish. Every day you take your rubbish out. What happens to that rubbish? It pollutes water and land. Piles of old cars, old refrigerators, old boxes, glass jars, cans are not very pleasant to look at. If you throw one plastic bottle, it will litter the Earth forever. It is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wildlife and people. Small animals can get hurt on sharp cans or broken bottles. So we must try not to buy drinks and food packed in plastic. There is no need to throw away things we do not want or cannot use any more. We can change many things back into what they were made of and use them again. We must also learn not to litter. We all know the sign: But not everyone does what the sign says. These substances cause greenhouse effect and destroying of ozone layer. As a result of greenhouse effect the Earth is getting hotter and hotter. This will lead to melting of snow in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Because the ice has been melting, the level of the sea is slowly rising. A giant iceberg broke away from Antarctic. It was km. Now it is 10 km. Scientists say that in the year some parts of Great Britain may be under the sea. The climate of the Earth is getting warmer and this, in turn, affects the balance of nature. When you hike leave the place clean. Always put rubbish in a rubbish bin. Урок для учащихся 11 класса по подготовке к сдаче экзамена в формате ЕГЭ Материал подходит для обсуждения темы "Проблемы окружающей среды". Способствует совершенствованию навыков монологической речи, письма. Социальная сеть работников образования ns portal. Детский сад Начальная школа Школа НПО и СПО ВУЗ. Главная Группы Мой мини-сайт Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы Поиск по сайту Сайты классов, групп, кружков Сайты образовательных учреждений Сайты пользователей Форумы. Поиск по библиотеке Алгебра Астрономия Биология География Геометрия Дополнительное образование Естествознание Изобразительное искусство Иностранные языки Информатика и ИКТ История Коррекционная педагогика Краеведение Литература Материалы для родителей МХК Музыка ОБЖ Обществознание Право Природоведение Психология Родной язык и литература Русский язык Технология Физика Физкультура и спорт Химия Экология Экономика Администрирование школы Внеклассная работа Классное руководство Материалы МО Материалы для родителей Материалы к аттестации Междисциплинарное обобщение Общепедагогические технологии Работа с родителями Социальная педагогика Сценарии праздников Аудиозаписи Видеозаписи Разное. Solving ecology problems Factories can clean their smoke. Cars and planes can be made so that their fumes do not pollute the environment. The dirty water from factories can be made clean. Sewage can be changed so that water is clean enough to use it again. The mountains can be covered with forests again if the cutting of trees is done with care. We must plant again where we have cut. There is no need to throw away things we do not need or do not want to use any more. We can recycle them and use again. Old newspapers can become new paper. Give your used clothes to organizations to help the needy. We can also learn not to litter. The energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate TV set for three hours. If you throw an aluminum can out it will litter the Earth up to years. If you throw glass bottle you will litter the Earth for ever. It takes , trees just to make the newspapers we read every Sunday. Save your family newspapers. Most paper thrown away in the office has printing on one side. So you can use the blank side for writing or drawing. If there is a leaky tap in your house fix it. It is better to water the garden in the coolest part of the day. If you water the garden in the middle of the day most of the water evaporates before it gets to the roots. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Close the door carefully when you enter or leave a building. Get full use of pencils and plastic pens before discarding. Place bird houses in your yard. Leave scraps or other food for birds. Never break trees and plants. Industry must be transferred to low and non-waste technologies. Pollution control systems must be developed. Green zones must be created. Конспект урока по теме "Проблемы и авторская позиция в тексте, или Поговорим о возможностях русского языка" Урок для учащихся 11 класса по подготовке к сдаче экзамена в формате ЕГЭ Тексты по актуальным проблемам для подготовки к части С на ЕГЭ по русскому языку В этом файле собрано несколько текстов на актуальные проблемы Задания по теме "Проблемы окружающей среды" на материале текста песни "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson Материал подходит для обсуждения темы "Проблемы окружающей среды". РАБОТА С ОДНИМ ТЕКСТОМ ПО РАЗНЫМ ПРОБЛЕМАМ. Урок анализа художественного текста

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