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Created October 1, 2010 22:59
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(defmacro state [& forms]
(let [state-opts (apply hash-map forms)
opts (resolve-states (merge state-standards state-opts))
has-body? (:body opts)]
(if-not has-body?
`(fn [& [ {request# :request
handler# :handler
response# :response :as args#}]]
(let [test# ~(:test opts)
test-result# (test# handler# request#)
result# (or (:result test-result#)
plan# (if result#
~(:yes opts)
~(:no opts))
nresponse# (if (map? test-result#)
(update-response test-result# response#)
forward-args# {:request request#
:handler handler#
:response nresponse#}]
(println "Intermediate: " test-result# " -> " result#) ; For debugging
(map? plan#) plan#
(instance? clojure.lang.IFn plan#) (apply plan# (list args#))
(var? plan#) (apply plan# (list forward-args#))
(keyword? plan#) (list result# plan#)
:default plan#)
(throw (Exception. "Not ready yet!")))))
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