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Last active May 9, 2023 07:45
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AXUIElement in Swift
import Cocoa
protocol AXUIProtocol {
func AXUIWindowArray(processIdentifier pid:pid_t) -> [AXUIElement]
func AXUIWindowArray(bundleIdentifier bid:NSString) -> [AXUIElement]
extension AXUIProtocol {
func AXUIWindowArray(processIdentifier pid:pid_t) -> [AXUIElement] {
let windowList : UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?> = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>.alloc(1)
let appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid).takeRetainedValue()
AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(appRef, "AXWindows", windowList)
return windowList.memory as! [AXUIElement]
func AXUIWindowArray(bundleIdentifier bid:NSString) -> [AXUIElement] {
let runningApplications = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().runningApplications
if let application = runningApplications.filter({$0.bundleIdentifier == bid}).first {
return AXUIWindowArray(processIdentifier: application.processIdentifier)
} else {
return []
class ApplicationDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, AXUIProtocol {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
var windows : [AXUIElement]?
// Get Active Applilcation
if let application = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().frontmostApplication {
let localizedName = application.localizedName
let processIdentifier = application.processIdentifier
NSLog("localizedName: \(localizedName), processIdentifier: \(processIdentifier)")
windows = AXUIWindowArray(processIdentifier: processIdentifier)
NSLog("windows: \(windows)")
if let bundleIdentifier = application.bundleIdentifier {
NSLog("bundleIdentifier: \(bundleIdentifier)")
windows = AXUIWindowArray(bundleIdentifier: bundleIdentifier)
NSLog("windows: \(windows)")
// Get Applilcation by bundleIdentifier
windows = AXUIWindowArray(bundleIdentifier: "")
NSLog("windows: \(windows)")
let applicationDelegate = ApplicationDelegate()
let application = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
application.delegate = applicationDelegate
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