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Last active October 26, 2017 21:27
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// @flow
import { compose, objOf, mergeAll, map, view, lensProp } from 'ramda';
type MergeByKey = (key: string) => (Array<Object>) => Object;
* Provided a key, this function returns a function which merges an array of nested objects.
* @example
* // Given two objects:
* const data1 = { key: { subStructure1: value1 } };
* const data2 = { key: { subStructure2: value2 } };
* // they can be merged together like the following:
* mergeByKey('key')([data1, data2]);
* // which results in { key: { subStructure1: value1, subStructure2: value2 }}
* @param {*} key
export const mergeByKey: MergeByKey = key =>
// wrap result in the key
// merge all objects together
// extract objects from every input by the specific key
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