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Last active January 19, 2022 14:06
AMD RequireJS for ESM
const modules = <Record<string, any>>{};
function asAppPath(mid: string): string {
// depends on app, workaround for not supporting requirejs.config
if (mid.startsWith("app")) return `../../${mid}.js`;
return mid;
if (!globalThis.require) {
function define(mid: string, mod: any) {
modules[mid] = mod;
async function requirejs(mids: Array<string>, cb?: (...mods: Array<Function>) => void, err?: (message: any) => void) {
console.log({ mids });
const undefinedModules = mids.filter((k) => !modules[k]);
const validMids = undefinedModules.filter((m) => -1 === m.indexOf("!"));
try {
const newMods = await Promise.all( => {
try {
return import(/* @vite-ignore */ asAppPath(mid));
} catch (ex) {
throw error(`unable to load mid: ${mid}`);
// limit scope to default, all code assumes export = resource
// new code does if no default return the entire namespace
validMids.forEach((key, i) => define(key, newMods[i].default || newMods[i]));
const finalMods = => modules[k]);
// I can't recall how 'define' works :(
//.map((m) => (typeof m === "function" ? m() : m));
cb && cb(...finalMods);
} catch (ex) {
err && err(ex);
requirejs.toUrl = (a) => a;
requirejs.config = (a) => a;
Object.assign(globalThis, { requirejs, define });
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