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caarlos0 /
Created December 30, 2011 21:51 — forked from k3rn/
feedurl='' #url do feed do teu tracker
series=("American.Horror.Story" "The.X.Factor") #aqui uma array com as series
dir='' #diretorio onde o teu cliente de torrent esta escutando
mkdir -p /tmp/torresmos/
cd /tmp/torresmos
wget $feedurl -O feed.xml -o /dev/null;

Sass/Less Comparison

In this document I am using Sass's SCSS syntax. You can choose to use the indented syntax in sass, if you prefer it, it has no functional differences from the SCSS syntax.

For Less, I'm using the JavaScript version because this is what they suggest on the website. The ruby version may be different.


Setup Mac OS X Mountain Lion

I just replaced the hard drive of my mbp and decided to do a clean install of Mountain Lion (10.8.5) since I was still using Snow Leopard (10.6.8).

I kinda regret for not using Boxen to automate the process, but TBH I have this laptop for almost 3yrs and this is the first time I needed to reinstall everything, maybe the next time...

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -u
set -e
export GIT_WORK_TREE="/var/www/"
export NODE_VERSION="0.10"
echo "--> Checking out..."
git checkout -f
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def horizontal_simple_form_for(record, options={}, &block)
options[:html] ||= {}
options[:html][:class] = "form-horizontal #{options[:html][:class]}".rstrip
options[:wrapper] = :bootstrap_horizontal
simple_form_for(record, options, &block)
WITH table_scans as (
SELECT relid,
tables.idx_scan + tables.seq_scan as all_scans,
( tables.n_tup_ins + tables.n_tup_upd + tables.n_tup_del ) as writes,
pg_relation_size(relid) as table_size
FROM pg_stat_user_tables as tables
all_writes as (
SELECT sum(writes) as total_writes
FROM table_scans
caarlos0 /
Created September 26, 2016 14:39 — forked from mlafeldt/
Example Postmortem from SRE book, pp. 487-491

Shakespeare Sonnet++ Postmortem (incident #465)




  • jennifer
  • martym
caarlos0 /
Created November 26, 2019 01:45 — forked from mfridman/
top 50 project (by stars) using goreleaser