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Last active May 19, 2019 07:53
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Some more thoughts on Shih-Chieh Ilya Li.

  1. I met him through blogging. He was one of the first bloggers in Taiwan and when I came back to look for work in Taiwan in 2005 I had met him for the first time, along with some other people who have remained close, such as Weizhong Yang, Lukhnos Liu, and Yi-tze Lee (who is now a colleague!)

  2. 2005? Seems like I've known him much longer. I think we shared certain ways of thinking that made it feel that way.

  3. He was one of the few people to see the danger of "fake news" and foreign bots on the Taiwanese political landscape. In the past few weeks I'd arranged for two foreign reporters to talk to him about this. I don't know if they ever did. He had set up a company that was working on political informatics..

  4. As Lukhnos reminded me, his name "Ilya" was from a quote in Levinas "This anonymous being, also called the il y a [there is], does not “give” the way Heidegger's Being does."

  5. Only long after I met him did I discover that he had been one of the first people to graduate from the program I now teach at! Another in many intersections that explain how come we got along so well...


想起當初從電商離職時,有前輩問我接下來要去哪裡?我說 noema ,前輩露出溫柔的表情,說 Shih-Chieh Ilya Li 不會輕易開除人。

剛進 noema 時應該是我最低潮的時期,那時願意聽我抱怨那些雞毛蒜皮的小事的,是 Ilya 。

他可以聊上古資訊圈歷史、 Second Life (Furrrrr!) ,到現在 VR 的發展。也淺淺地跟我介紹過人生中的魔法、程式語言的材質。

和他還有些奇怪的緣分,他說他真愛電影,想當導演、講故事,在大學時參加過學長辦的電影活動。而他學長似乎是我叔叔。也在公司一起看過 Every Frame a Painting ,聽他介紹導演

當不適合喝酒的我,在尾牙亂喝一通喝掛時,載我到捷運站的也是 Ilya 。


還記得到最後都沒答應到他家吃飯、記得他來台中開會時的襯衫,記得有事沒事會跟同事問起 Ilya 公司的現況、有沒有需要幫忙?






李士傑 (Shih-Chieh Ilya Li)


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