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Last active October 5, 2023 03:27
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  • Save cabal95/da72947d4f0850234a7662e99290f200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cabal95/da72947d4f0850234a7662e99290f200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A set of scripts to help build Rock. #Rock
# Add the NuGet package for the reference assemblies.
sed -i 's/<\/Project>/ <ItemGroup Condition="'"'\$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v4.7.2' And '\$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT''"'">\n <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies" Version="1.0.0" PrivateAssets="All" \/>\n <\/ItemGroup>\n<\/Project>/' Directory.Build.props
# Disable the PreBuildEvent.
sed -i 's/<PreBuildEvent>/<PreBuildEvent Condition="'"'\$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'"'">/' Rock/Rock.csproj
# Get a list of all projects to build.
projects=`cat Rock.sln | grep ProjectReferences | grep -oE '\|([^;]+).dll;' | sed 's/|//' | sed 's/.dll;//'`
# Build each project.
for f in $projects
f=`echo $f | cut -f1 -d/`
(cd $f; dotnet build "$f".csproj || exit 1) || break
class Project {
Function Get-NuGet-References {
param (
[XML]$csproj = Get-Content $ProjectFile
$Refs = @()
foreach ($reference in $csproj.Project.ItemGroup.Reference) {
if ($reference.HintPath) {
$Refs += $reference.HintPath
return $Refs
Function Read-Solution-File {
param (
$sln = Get-Content $SolutionFile
$Projects = @()
for ($LineNumber = 0; $LineNumber -lt $sln.Count; $LineNumber++) {
# Check for start of project line.
$ProjectMatch = [RegEx]::Match($sln[$LineNumber], "^Project\(""{([^""]*)}""\)\s*=\s*""([^""]*)"",\s*""([^""]*)"",\s*""{([^""]*)}""")
if ($ProjectMatch.Success) {
$Project = [Project]@{
Id = [Guid]::Parse($ProjectMatch.Groups[4].Value)
Name = $ProjectMatch.Groups[2].Value
Type = [Guid]::Parse($ProjectMatch.Groups[1].Value)
ProjectFile = $ProjectMatch.Groups[3].Value
References = @()
for (; $LineNumber -lt $sln.Count; $LineNumber++) {
# Check if there are any project references defined.
$ReferenceMatch = [RegEx]::Match($sln[$LineNumber], "ProjectReferences\s*=\s*""([^""]+)""")
if ($ReferenceMatch.Success) {
$Refs = $ReferenceMatch.Groups[1].Value.Split(";")
ForEach ($Ref in $Refs) {
If ($Ref.Length -gt 0) {
$Project.References += [Guid]::Parse($Ref.Split("|")[0])
# Check for end of project marker.
if ($sln[$LineNumber].StartsWith("EndProject")) {
if ($Project['Type'] -eq "2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8") {
$Projects += $Project
return $Projects
Function Copy-NuGet-References {
param (
$BinPath = Join-Path $SolutionPath $WebSiteProject.ProjectFile
$BinPath = Join-Path $BinPath "Bin"
$BinPath = Resolve-Path $BinPath
ForEach ($RefId in $WebSiteProject.References) {
$ReferencedProject = $Projects | Where-Object -Property Id -EQ -Value $RefId
if (!$ReferencedProject) {
throw "Project $($RefId) was found in the solution file."
$ReferencedProjectFile = Join-Path $SolutionPath $ReferencedProject.ProjectFile
$ProjectPath = Split-Path -Parent $ReferencedProjectFile
$ReferencedFiles = Get-NuGet-References $ReferencedProjectFile
ForEach ($File in $ReferencedFiles) {
$SourceDirectory = Join-Path $ProjectPath $File | Resolve-Path | Split-Path -Parent
# Skip files that were referenced from the website folder.
if ($SourceDirectory -eq $BinPath) {
$Filenames = @("*.dll", "*.pdb", "*.xml") | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem $SourceDirectory -File -Filter $_ }
ForEach ($Filename in $Filenames) {
$FilenameOnly = $Filename.Name
# This file is not copied in Visual Studio.
If ($FilenameOnly -Eq "System.Management.Automation.dll") {
If ($FilenameOnly -Eq "system.web.optimization.xml") {
$FilenameOnly = "System.Web.Optimization.xml"
$SourceFile = Join-Path $SourceDirectory $FilenameOnly.Replace(".XML", ".xml")
$SourceFilename = Split-Path -Leaf $SourceFile
# Skip reference and facade files since they are automatic.
$ReferenceFile = Join-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.7.2" $SourceFilename
$FacadeFile = Join-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades" $SourceFilename
if ($(Test-Path $ReferenceFile) -Or $(Test-Path $FacadeFile)) {
Copy-Item $SourceFile -Destination $BinPath
# Force the script to error out on any error
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$SolutionFile = Resolve-Path $args[0]
$WebSiteName = "RockWeb"
$SolutionPath = Split-Path -Parent $SolutionFile
# Parse the solution file.
$Projects = Read-Solution-File $SolutionFile
# Find the website project.
$WebSiteProject = $Projects | Where-Object -Property "Name" -EQ -Value $WebSiteName
if (!$WebSiteProject) {
throw "WebSite $($WebSiteName) was not found in solution file."
# Find all references and copy all nuget DLLs into the site.
Copy-NuGet-References $SolutionPath $WebSiteProject $Projects
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