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Last active September 15, 2016 16:17
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Week 5 Learning Objectives

###Big O

  • Articulate a set of steps to determine Big O complexity.
  • List the Big O complexities of some commonly-used patterns and algorithms.
  • Estimate the time or space efficiency of an algorithm using Big O notation.

###Bubble Sort

  • Describe bubble sort algorithm and identify its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Write a pseudocode version of bubble sort and a javascript version of bubble sort.
  • Determine the runtime (in big-O() notation) for bubble sort.

###Merge Sort

  • Explain three steps to create a recursive algorithm.
  • Describe the merge sort algorithm and a merge algorithm.
  • Write a pseudocode version of merge sort and a JavaScript version of merge sort.
  • Determine the runtime (in big-O() notation) for merge sort.

###Intro Angular

  • Explain the benefits of using Angular and describe the problems Angular aims to solve.
  • Initialize Angular in an HTML view, and use expressions and templates to impact the DOM.
  • Organize the code into controllers and connect the View & Controller using this.
  • Implement 2-way data binding.

###Angular $http

  • Inject a service into a controller.
  • Read data with $http.
  • Create data with $http.
  • Update data with $http.
  • Delete data with $http.
  • Update the view to reflect a successful state change.

###Angular Client-side Routing

  • Compare and contrast client-side and server-side routing.
  • Add a module to an Angular project.
  • Implement client-side routing with the ngRoute module.
  • Display view template files with the ng-view directive.
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