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Last active October 25, 2019 07:12
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import itertools
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
pai = [
shuntsu_and_kohtsu = []
# 単体の組み合わせ
for p1 in pai:
for p2 in pai:
# 1番目と図柄が違ったらパス
if p1[:-1] != p2[:-1]:
for p3 in pai:
# 2番目と図柄が違ったらパス
if p2[:-1] != p3[:-1]:
# 数が同じか
if p1 == p2 and p2 == p3:
# もしくは数が連番か
elif int(p1[-1]) == int(p2[-1]) -1 and int(p2[-1]) == int(p3[-1]) -1:
l = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(shuntsu_and_kohtsu, 4))
pop_index = []
# 同じ要素が5個以上のものは取り除く
for index,data in enumerate(l):
tmp_data = str('{},{},{},{}'.format(data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]))
tmp_data = tmp_data.split(',')
c = collections.Counter(tmp_data)
c = list(c.values())
if len([c for i in c if i > 4]) !=0:
for i in pop_index[::-1]:
with open('marjang_combination.csv',mode='w') as f:
for row in l:
print(*row, sep=',', file=f)
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