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Created September 5, 2019 18:43
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-- Reverse Polish Notation parser
-- from:
rpn :: String -> Float
rpn expr = head $ foldl foldFunc [] (words expr)
where foldFunc acc op
| head op `elem` ['1'..'9'] = (read op :: Float) : acc
| otherwise = applyOp op (acc !! 1) (head acc) : drop 2 acc
applyOp op a b = case op of "+" -> a + b
"-" -> a - b
"*" -> a * b
"/" -> a / b
-- original
rpn' :: String -> Float
rpn' = head . foldl parse [] . words
where parse (x : y : acc) "+" = y + x : acc
parse (x : y : acc) "-" = y - x : acc
parse (x : y : acc) "*" = y * x : acc
parse (x : y : acc) "/" = y / x : acc
parse (x : y : acc) "^" = y ** x : acc
parse (x : acc) "ln" = log x : acc
parse acc "sum" = [sum acc]
parse acc n = (read n :: Float) : acc
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