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Last active June 10, 2019 13:49
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In iBookstore Asset Guide is a documented javascript library for interactivity in ebooks. After logging in, Select Deliver Your Content Module, Download the iBookstore Fixed Layout EPUB Example, Open the ePub with an editor or Unzip the ePub (I used Textwrangler). Open the JS Folder. There it is! From Textwrangler, I just copied and pasted the c…
* iBooks JS Framework
* Compatibility: iBooks 1.5+
* Copyright © 2009-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* @name iBooks
* @namespace
* Top-level object containing some core constants providing information about the environment.
var iBooks = {};
* Indicates the version of iBooks JS.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.VERSION = '1.0';
* Indicates whether the platform is an iBooks.IS_IPAD.
* @constant
* @type bool
iBooks.IS_IPAD = (navigator.platform == 'iPad');
* Indicates whether the platform supports touches.
* @constant
* @type bool
iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES = ('createTouch' in document);
* The interaction start event name, returns <code>touchstart</code> if the platform supports touches
* and <code>mousedown</code> if it does not.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.START_EVENT = iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
* The interaction move event name, returns <code>touchmove</code> if the platform supports touches
* and <code>mousemove</code> if it does not.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MOVE_EVENT = iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove';
* The interaction end event name, returns <code>touchend</code> if the platform supports touches
* and <code>mouseup</code> if it does not.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.END_EVENT = iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
* The device motion name.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MOTION_EVENT = 'devicemotion';
* The device orientation name.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.DEVICE_ORIENTATION_EVENT = 'deviceorientation';
* The touch cancel event name.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.CANCEL_EVENT = 'touchcancel';
* The CSS selector for toggable elements.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.TOGGLEABLE_CSS_SELECTOR = '.ibooks-toggleable';
* The CSS selector for deferred event elements.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.DEFERRED_EVENT_CSS_SELECTOR = '.ibooks-deferred-event';
* The CSS selector for stampable elements.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.STAMPABLE_CSS_SELECTOR = '.ibooks-stampable';
* The CSS selector for media elements.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MEDIA_BASE_CSS_SELECTOR = '.ibooks-media';
* The HTML attribute for the audio source
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MEDIA_AUDIO_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-ibooks-audio-src';
* The HTML attribute for the audio reset on play
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MEDIA_AUDIO_RESET_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-ibooks-audio-reset-on-play';
* The CSS class name appended to the <code>body</code> when media
* is playing.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MEDIA_PLAYING_CSS_CLASS = 'ibooks-media-playing';
* The HTML attribute for pausing iBooks read aloud
* is playing.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.MEDIA_PAUSE_READ_ALOUD_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-ibooks-pause-readaloud';
* The CSS selector for draggable elements.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.DRAGGABLE_CSS_SELECTOR = '.ibooks-draggable';
* The CSS class name appended to the <code>body</code> when
* a draggable element is being dragged.
* @constant
* @type String
iBooks.ELEMENT_DRAGGING_CLASS = 'ibooks-element-is-dragging';
* iBooks base controller.
function iBooksBaseController(){
// Set user configurable values and initialize our components
// Provides a CSS class on DOMContentLoaded
* Configuration of user defined constants.
iBooksBaseController.prototype.initConfigurables = function() {
// CSS class name on active elements
iBooks.ACTIVE_CSS_CLASS = "active";
// CSS class name appended to body on page load
iBooks.CSS_CLASS_ON_LOAD = "build-in";
// Delay in milliseconds before deferred events fire
// Delay in milliseconds before iBooks.CSS_CLASS_ON_LOAD is appended to body
// Tap threshold value, in pixels
iBooks.TAP_THRESHOLD = 10;
// CSS selector for page
iBooks.PAGE_CSS_SELECTOR = ".page";
// CSS class for stamped elements
* Initializes iBooks JS components
iBooksBaseController.prototype.initComponents = function() {
this.deferredEvent = new iBooksDeferredEventController();
this.draggables = new iBooksDraggablesBaseController(); = new iBooksMediaController();
this.stampables = new iBooksStampablesBaseController();
this.toggleables = new iBooksToggleablesBaseController();
* On DOM content loaded, instantiate the iBook base controller
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
window.iBookController = new iBooksBaseController();
}, false);
/* ==================== TRANSFORMS SHORTHANDS ==================== */
iBooks.Utils = {};
* Prints a <code>translate3d()</code> command that can be used as input for a <code>-webkit-transform</code> property.
* @param {int} tx The x coordinate for the translation.
* @param {int} ty The y coordinate for the translation
* @returns {String} The <code>translate3d()</code> command
iBooks.Utils.t = function (tx, ty) {
return iBooks.Utils.t3d(tx, ty, 0);
* Prints a <code>translate3d()</code> command that can be used as input for a <code>-webkit-transform</code> property.
* @param {int} tx The x coordinate for the translation.
* @param {int} ty The y coordinate for the translation
* @param {int} tz The z coordinate for the translation
* @returns {String} The <code>translate3d()</code> command
iBooks.Utils.t3d = function (tx, ty, tz) {
return 'translate3d(' + tx + 'px, ' + ty + 'px, ' + tz + 'px)';
* Prints a <code>rotate3d()</code> command that can be used as input for a <code>-webkit-transform</code> property.
* @param {int} x The x component of the rotation vector
* @param {int} y The y component of the rotation vector
* @param {int} z The z component of the rotation vector
* @param {int} angle The angle in radians for the rotation
* @returns {String} The <code>rotate3d()</code> command
iBooks.Utils.r3d = function (x, y, z, angle) {
return 'rotate3d(' + x + ', ' + y + ', ' + z + ', ' + angle + 'rad)';
* Creates a CSS string representation for a number in pixels.
* @param {number} value The value to be converted.
* @returns {String} A CSS string representation for <code>value</code> in pixels.
iBooks.Utils.px = function (value) {
return value + 'px';
* Indicates whether the element has a given class name within its <code>class</code> attribute.
* @param {String} className The CSS class name.
* @returns {bool} Whether the element has this class name within its <code>class</code> attribute.
* @memberOf Element.prototype
Element.prototype.hasClassName = function (className) {
return new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)').test(this.className);
* Adds the given class name to the element's <code>class</code> attribute if it's not already there.
* @param {String} className The CSS class name.
* @returns {bool} Whether the class was actually added to the element if it weren't present before addition.
* @memberOf Element.prototype
Element.prototype.addClassName = function (className) {
if (!this.hasClassName(className)) {
this.className = [this.className, className].join(' ');
return true;
else {
return false;
* Removes the given class name from the element's <code>class</code> attribute if it's there.
* @param {String} className The CSS class name.
* @returns {bool} Whether the class was actually removed from the element if it were present before removal.
* @memberOf Element.prototype
Element.prototype.removeClassName = function (className) {
if (this.hasClassName(className)) {
var curClasses = this.className;
this.className = curClasses.replace(new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)', 'g'), ' ');
return true;
return false;
* Adds or removes the given class name from the element's <code>class</code> attribute based on a condition. If no
* condition is set, the class will be added if it is not already present and removed if it is.
* @param {String} className The CSS class name.
* @param {Boolean} [condition] Whether to add or remove the class (true adds the class, false removes).
* @memberOf Element.prototype
Element.prototype.toggleClassName = function (className, condition) {
if (condition == null) {
condition = !this.hasClassName(className);
this[condition ? 'addClassName' : 'removeClassName'](className);
/* ==================== DEFERRED EVENTS CONTROLLER ==================== */
* Deferred events controller interates through all elements with
* CSS class name <code>iBooks.DEFERRED_EVENT_CSS_SELECTOR</code>.
* Once found, the <code>iBooks.ACTIVE_CSS_CLASS</code> is appended
* to the CSS class name with a delay of <code>iBooks.DEFERRED_EVENT_DELAY</code>ms.
* User defined event delays can be set with the HTML <code>data-deferred-event-delay</code> attribute.
function iBooksDeferredEventController(){
var deferredElements = document.querySelectorAll(iBooks.DEFERRED_EVENT_CSS_SELECTOR),
deferredElementsLength = deferredElements.length,
for (var i=0; i < deferredElementsLength; i++) {
deferredEventDelay = deferredElements[i].getAttribute("data-deferred-event-delay");
deferredEventDelay = (deferredEventDelay === null) ? iBooks.DEFERRED_EVENT_DELAY : deferredEventDelay;
setTimeout(function(index, eventDelay){
return function(){
}(i), deferredEventDelay);
/* ==================== MEDIA CONTROLLER ==================== */
* Media controller interates through all elements with
* CSS class name <code>iBooks.MEDIA_BASE_CSS_SELECTOR</code>.
* Once found, either <code>iBooksAudioController</code> or
* <code>iBooksVideoController</code> will be instantiated
* for each element.
function iBooksMediaController() {
var mediaElements,
this.allMedia = [];
supportedMediaTypes = ["audio", "video"];
supportedMediaTypesLength = supportedMediaTypes.length;
for (var i = supportedMediaTypesLength - 1; i >= 0; i--){
mediaElements = document.querySelectorAll(iBooks.MEDIA_BASE_CSS_SELECTOR+"-"+supportedMediaTypes[i]);
// A media element isn't always present, in that case continue the loop
if(mediaElements == undefined){ continue; }
mediaElementsLength = mediaElements.length;
for (var j = mediaElementsLength - 1; j >= 0; j--){
new iBooksAudioController(mediaElements[j]);
// Track all media
mediaElementsLength = mediaElements.length;
for (var j = mediaElementsLength - 1; j >= 0; j--){
this.allMedia[j] = new iBooksAudioController(mediaElements[j]);
* This is called when we've found a valid iBooks media HTML element.
* By default, audio will pause itself on touch, then resume playing when touched again.
* To reset the audio track, include the HTML attribute <code>iBooks.MEDIA_AUDIO_RESET_ATTRIBUTE</code>
* and set the value to equal to <code>true<code>.
* For example:
* <div class="ibooks-media-audio" data-ibooks-audio-src="audio/src.m4a">Play audio</div>
* @property {Object} element The required object to instantiate the <code>iBooksDraggableController</code>
function iBooksAudioController(element){
var resetAudioOnPlay,
this.el = element;
this.el.addEventListener(iBooks.START_EVENT, this, false);
this.src = this.el.getAttribute(iBooks.MEDIA_AUDIO_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE);
resetAudioOnPlay = this.el.getAttribute(iBooks.MEDIA_AUDIO_RESET_ATTRIBUTE);
this.resetAudioOnPlay = (resetAudioOnPlay == undefined || resetAudioOnPlay == "false") ? false : true;
pauseReadAloud = this.el.getAttribute(iBooks.MEDIA_PAUSE_READ_ALOUD_ATTRIBUTE);
this.pauseReadAloud = (pauseReadAloud == undefined || pauseReadAloud == "false") ? false : true;
// this.setAudio();
* Creates a new audio element, set the source, then load it.
iBooksAudioController.prototype.setAudio = function(){ = new Audio(); = this.src;
if(this.pauseReadAloud){"", "pause-readaloud", true);
* Plays the audio source, if <code>iBooks.MEDIA_PLAYING_CSS_CLASS</code>
* is <code>true</code> reset the audio track.
* Additionally, adds <code>iBooks.MEDIA_PLAYING_CSS_CLASS</code> to the body.
*/ = function(){
// Remove the existing element to prevent duplicates.
* Pauses the audio source. Additionally, removes
* <code>iBooks.MEDIA_PLAYING_CSS_CLASS</code> from the body.
iBooksAudioController.prototype.pause = function(){
* Toggles between play and pause.
iBooksAudioController.prototype.togglePlayPause = function(){
if( == undefined){ this.setAudio() } ? : this.pause();
* On touch start, add an event listener for touch end. Store the
* touch start X, Y coordinates for later use.
* @property {Object} event The required event object
iBooksAudioController.prototype.touchStart = function(event){
this.startX = event.pageX;
this.startY = event.pageY;
window.addEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, false);
* On touch end, remove our event listeners. Determine if the user action was a
* tap, or gesture; if the action was a tap then add <code>iBooks.ACTIVE_CSS_CLASS</code>
* to the body class and prevent default. Otherwise, allow iBooks to handle the event.
* @property {Object} event The required event object
iBooksAudioController.prototype.touchEnd = function(event){
window.removeEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, false);
this.xTap = Math.abs(this.startX - event.clientX) < iBooks.TAP_THRESHOLD || event.pageX == 0;
this.yTap = Math.abs(this.startY - event.clientY) < iBooks.TAP_THRESHOLD || event.pageY == 0;
if (this.xTap && this.yTap){
* Event triage.
iBooksAudioController.prototype.handleEvent = function(event){
case iBooks.START_EVENT:
case iBooks.END_EVENT:
/* ==================== DRAGGABLES ==================== */
* Draggables controller interates through all elements with
* CSS class name <code>iBooks.DRAGGABLE_CSS_SELECTOR</code>.
* Once found, a <code>iBooksDraggableController</code> is instantiated
* for each element.
function iBooksDraggablesBaseController(){
var draggableElements = document.querySelectorAll(iBooks.DRAGGABLE_CSS_SELECTOR),
draggableElementsLength = draggableElements.length;
for (var i = draggableElementsLength - 1; i >= 0; i--){
new iBooksDraggableController(draggableElements[i]);
* This is called when we've found a draggable HTML element.
* @property {Object} element The required object to instantiate the <code>iBooksDraggableController</code>.
function iBooksDraggableController(element){
var page,
page = document.querySelector(iBooks.PAGE_CSS_SELECTOR);
pageComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(page);
elementComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
this.el = element;
this.el.addEventListener(iBooks.START_EVENT, this, false);
this.draggable = false;
this.deltaX = 0;
this.deltaY = 0;
this.draggableHeight = parseInt(pageComputedStyle.height);
this.draggableWidth = parseInt(pageComputedStyle.width);
* Called on <code>iBooks.START_EVENT</code>.
* Appends <code>iBooks.ELEMENT_DRAGGING_CLASS</code> to the body on drag start.
iBooksDraggableController.prototype.dragStart = function(event){
var e = (iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES && event.touches && event.touches.length > 0) ? event.touches[0] : event;
// make our starting point be the location we tapped minus the existing drag delta
// this ensures the point within the dragged element at which we started the interaction
// remains under the finger at all times
this.startX = e.pageX - this.deltaX;
this.startY = e.pageY - this.deltaY;
window.addEventListener(iBooks.MOVE_EVENT, this, true);
window.addEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, true);
* Called on <code>iBooks.MOVE_EVENT</code>.
* Calculates the translation of the draggable element.
iBooksDraggableController.prototype.dragMove = function(event){
var translate,
e = (iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES && event.touches && event.touches.length > 0) ? event.touches[0] : event;
this.parseAxialData(e, "x", this.draggableWidth);
this.parseAxialData(e, "y", this.draggableHeight);
translate = iBooks.Utils.t3d(this.deltaX, this.deltaY, 0); = translate;
* Called on <code>iBooks.END_EVENT</code>.
* Removes event listeners and removes <code>iBooks.ELEMENT_DRAGGING_CLASS</code>
* from the body.
iBooksDraggableController.prototype.dragStop = function(){
window.removeEventListener(iBooks.MOVE_EVENT, this, true);
window.removeEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, true);
* Parses client X and Y coordinates.
* Verifies client coordinates are within valid X and Y boundaries.
iBooksDraggableController.prototype.parseAxialData = function(event, axis, targetBoundary){
var invalidBoundary;
axis = axis.toUpperCase();
invalidBoundary = (event["client"+axis] < 0 || event["client"+axis] > targetBoundary);
if(event["client"+axis] < 0) { this["delta"+axis] = -(this["start"+axis]); }
if(event["client"+axis] > targetBoundary) { this["delta"+axis] = targetBoundary - this["start"+axis]; }
else {
this["delta"+axis] = event["client"+axis] - this["start"+axis];
* Event triage.
iBooksDraggableController.prototype.handleEvent = function(event){
case iBooks.START_EVENT:
case iBooks.MOVE_EVENT:
case iBooks.END_EVENT:
/* ==================== STAMPABLES CONTROLLER ==================== */
* Stampables controller interates through all elements with
* CSS class name <code>iBooks.STAMPABLE_CSS_SELECTOR</code>.
* Once found, a <code>iBooksStampableController</code> is instantiated
* for each element.
function iBooksStampablesBaseController(){
var stampableElements = document.querySelectorAll(iBooks.STAMPABLE_CSS_SELECTOR),
stampableElementsLength = stampableElements.length;
for (var i = stampableElementsLength - 1; i >= 0; i--){
new iBooksStampableController(stampableElements[i]);
* This is called when we've found a stampable HTML element.
* @property {Object} element The required object to instantiate the <code>iBooksStampableController</code>.
function iBooksStampableController(element){
this.el = element;
this.hitarea = this.el.querySelector("svg path");
this.hitarea.addEventListener(iBooks.START_EVENT, this, false);
* Clones the target element.
iBooksStampableController.prototype.stamp = function(event){
var e,
e = (iBooks.SUPPORTS_TOUCHES && event.touches && event.touches.length > 0) ? event.touches[0] : event;
stampedElement = document.createElement("div");
stampedElement.addClassName(iBooks.STAMPED_ELEMENT_CSS_CLASS); = e.pageX + "px"; = e.pageY + "px";
* Event triage.
iBooksStampableController.prototype.handleEvent = function(event){
if (event.type === iBooks.START_EVENT){
/* ==================== TOGGLEABLES CONTROLLER ==================== */
* Toggleables controller interates through all elements with
* CSS class name <code>iBooks.TOGGLEABLE_CSS_SELECTOR</code>.
* Once found, a <code>iBooksToggleableController</code> is instantiated
* for each element.
* User defined class name on toggle set using the HTML <code>data-toggled-class-name</code> attribute.
function iBooksToggleablesBaseController(element){
var toggleableElements = document.querySelectorAll(iBooks.TOGGLEABLE_CSS_SELECTOR),
toggleableElementsLength = toggleableElements.length;
for (var i=0; i < toggleableElementsLength; i++) {
new iBooksToggleableController(toggleableElements[i]);
* This is called when we've found a toggleable HTML element.
* @property {Object} element The required object to instantiate the <code>iBooksToggleableController</code>.
function iBooksToggleableController(element){
var toggledClassName = element.getAttribute("data-toggled-class-name");
this.el = element;
this.el.addEventListener(iBooks.START_EVENT, this, false);
this.toggledClassName = (toggledClassName === null) ? iBooks.ACTIVE_CSS_CLASS : toggledClassName;
* On touch start, add an event listener for touch end. Store the
* touch start X, Y coordinates for later use.
* @property {Object} event The required event object
iBooksToggleableController.prototype.touchStart = function(event){
this.startX = event.pageX;
this.startY = event.pageY;
window.addEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, false);
* On touch end, remove our event listeners. Determine if the user action was a
* tap, or gesture; if the action was a tap then add <code>iBooks.ACTIVE_CSS_CLASS</code>
* to the body class and prevent default. Otherwise, allow iBooks to handle the event.
* @property {Object} event The required event object
iBooksToggleableController.prototype.touchEnd = function(event){
window.removeEventListener(iBooks.END_EVENT, this, false);
this.xTap = Math.abs(this.startX - event.clientX) < iBooks.TAP_THRESHOLD || event.pageX == 0;
this.yTap = Math.abs(this.startY - event.clientY) < iBooks.TAP_THRESHOLD || event.pageY == 0;
if (this.xTap && this.yTap){
* Event triage.
iBooksToggleableController.prototype.handleEvent = function(event){
case iBooks.START_EVENT:
case iBooks.END_EVENT:
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