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Created October 12, 2020 03:11
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Gamma/Zeta function table generator for my personal blog
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" tools/ - generate C code to compute Gamma and Zeta functions for real and complex values
$ ./tools/ --lgamma > src/modules/m/gz.c
Originally developed for kscript's `m` library to supplement the C99 math library; it is free to use this script to generate
code for any non-commercial uses. For any commercial uses, please contact the @author below
@author: Cade Brown <>
# std library
import sys
import math
import argparse
# for cached functions (may help performance)
from functools import lru_cache
# gmpy2: multiprecision
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpfr, const_pi, exp, sqrt, log, log10
# add commandline arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=40))
parser.add_argument('--prec', help='Internal precision to use in all computations (in bits)', default=1024, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--prefix', help='Prefix to the C style functions to generate (include the "_"!)', default="my_")
parser.add_argument('--lgamma', help='Whether or not to include an implementation of the `lgamma` function', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
# set precision to the requested one
gmpy2.get_context().precision = args.prec
# pi & e, but to full precision within gmpy2
pi = const_pi()
e = exp(1)
# factorial, product of all integers <= x
def factorial(x):
return math.factorial(x)
# double factorial, if n is even, product of all even numbers <= n, otherwise the product of all odd numbers <= n
def double_factorial(n):
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * double_factorial(n - 2)
# n choose k, i.e.
def choose(n, k):
if k < 0:
return 0
return math.comb(n, k)
# return the amount of digits that are accurate in a given error bound
# example: digits_accurate(.001) returns 3, since it is down to 3 places
def digits_accurate(x):
return float(max([-log10(x), 0]))
# -- GAMMA --
# generates a table for the Gamma function, used for approximation
# returns (coefs, errbound())
def get_gamma_table(n, g):
# we need to generate the array of coefficients `a` such that:
# Gamma(x) = (x + g + 0.5)^(x+0.5) / (e^(x+g-0.5)) * L_g(x)
# L_g(x) = a[0] + sum(a[k] / (z + k) for k in range(1, N))
# essentially, we construct some matrices from number-theoretic functions
# and we can generate the coefficients of the partial fraction terms `1 / (z + k)`
# This greatly simplifies from the native `z(z-1).../((z+1)(z+2)...)` form, which
# would require a lot more operations to implement internally (see definition of Ag(z) on wikipedia)
# calculate an element for the 'B' matrix (n x n)
def getB(i, j):
if i == 0:
return 1
elif i > 0 and j >= i:
return (-1) ** (j - i) * choose(i + j - 1, j - i)
return 0
# calculate an element for the 'C' matrix (n x n)
def getC(i, j):
if i == j and i == 0:
return mpfr(0.5)
elif j > i:
return 0
# this is the closed form instead of calculating a sum via the 'S' symbol mentioned in some places
return int((-1) ** (i - j) * 4 ** j * i * factorial(i + j - 1) / (factorial(i - j) * factorial(2 * j)))
# calculate an element for the 'Dc' matrix (n x n)
def getDc(i, j):
if i != j:
# it's a diagonal matrix, so return 0 for all non-diagonal elements
return 0
# otherwise, compute via the formula given
return 2 * double_factorial(2 * i - 1)
# calculate an element for the 'Dr' matrix (n x n)
def getDr(i, j):
# it's diagonal, so filter out non-diagonal efforts
if i != j:
return 0
elif i == 0:
return 1
# guaranteed to be a integer, so cast it (so no precision is lost)
return -int(factorial(2 * i) / (2 * factorial(i) * factorial(i - 1)))
# generate matrices from their generator functions as 2D lists
# NOTE: this obviously isn't very efficient, but it allows arbitrary precision elements,
# which numpy does not
# these matrices are size <100, so it won't be that bad anyway
B = [[getB (i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
C = [[getC (i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
Dc = [[getDc(i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
Dr = [[getDr(i, j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
# the `f` vector, defined as `F` but without the double rising factorial (which Dc has)
# I left this in here instead of combining here to be more accurate to
# the method given in 4
f_gn = [sqrt(2) * (e / (2 * (i + g) + 1)) ** (i + 0.5) for i in range(n)]
# multiply matrices X*Y*...
def matmul(X, Y, *args):
if args:
return matmul(matmul(X, Y), *args)
# nonrecursive
assert len(X[0]) == len(Y)
M, N, K = len(X), len(Y[0]), len(Y)
# GEMM kernel (very inefficient; but doesn't matter due to AP floats & small matrix sizes)
return [[sum(X[i][k] * Y[k][j] for k in range(K)) for j in range(N)] for i in range(M)]
# normalization factor; we multiply everything by this so it is `pretty close` to 1.0
W = exp(g) / sqrt(2 * pi)
# get the resulting coefficients
# NOTE: we should get a column vector back, so return the 0th element of each row to get the coefficients
a = list(map(lambda x: W * x[0], matmul(Dr, B, C, Dc, [[f_gn[i]] for i in range(n)])))
# compute 'p' coefficients (only needed for the error bound function)
p = [sum([getC(2 * j, 2 * j) * f_gn[j] * Dc[j][j] for j in range(i)]) for i in range(n)]
# error bound; does not depend on 'x'
def errbound():
# given: err <= |pi/2*W*( sqrt(pi) - u*a )|
# compute dot product `u * a`
dot_ua = (a[0] + sum([2 * a[i] / mpfr(2 * i - 1) for i in range(1, n)])) / W
# compute full formulat
return abs(pi / 2 * W) * abs(sqrt(pi) - dot_ua)
# return them
return a, errbound
# -- ZETA --
# generates a zeta table which can be used for calculation
# returns (coefs, errbound(x)), which are the coefficients for the table as well as an error bound function
def get_zeta_table(n):
# the error bound of the approximation technique for a given input `x`
def errbound(x):
# absolute value of the imaginary component
t = abs(complex(x).imag)
# calculate error term
et = (3 / (3 + sqrt(8)) ** n) * ((1 + 2 * t) * exp(t * pi / 2)) / (1 - 2 ** (1 - x))
return abs(et)
# compute `d_k`, from Proposition #1 in the paper
def d(k):
res = 0
for j in range(k, n+1):
num, den = factorial(n + j - 1) * 4 ** j, (factorial(n - j) * factorial(2 * j))
res += mpfr(num) / den
return n * res
# d(0) is the value by which we normalize; this is more efficient
# and reduces loss of precision while doing arithmetic in C
d_norm = d(0)
# list of 'd's to sum later (normalized to d(0))
d = [d(k) / d_norm for k in range(1, n + 1)]
return d, errbound
# NOTE: these are just examples; the C code we generate will be faster
# compute the Gamma function (given 'a' from `get_gamma_table`, and 'g' is what is was generated as)
def my_gamma(x, a, g):
n = len(a)
x = mpfr(x)
# calculate sum of partial fractions
ret = ret[0]
for i in range(1, n):
ret += x[i] / (x + i)
# temporary variable
tmp = x + g + 0.5
return sqrt(2 * pi) * tmp ** (x + 0.5) * exp(-tmp) * ret
# compute the Zeta function (given 'd' from `get_zeta_table`)
def my_zeta(x, d):
# the length should be the list of them
n = len(d)
x = mpfr(x)
# calculate sum
ret = 0
for i in range(n):
ret += ((-1) ** i) * d[i] * (i + 1) ** (-x)
# return result
return ret / (1 - 2 ** (1 - x))
# number of digits for accurate computation
goal_digits = 17.0
# -*- C Code Generation -*-
# prefix and upper prefix
prefix = args.prefix
uprefix = args.prefix.upper()
# return a string representing a float value in C
def cfloat(val):
return "{0:> 50.44fl}l".format(val)
#newline, but we have to escape it for fstring
_n = "\n"
print(f"""/* gz.c - implementations of the Gamma and Zeta functions
* NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, it was generated via the `` script, available here:
* Generation Arguments:
* $ {' '.join(sys.argv)}
* To embed this in your own, compile it like so:
* $ cc -std=c99 -Ofast -fno-math-errno my_gz.c -o my_gz.o
* Then,
* $ cc other_objs.o... my_gz.o -lm -o total.o
* The flags `-Ofast` and `-fno-math-errno` are not required; they are just mainly included to generate more efficient code
* You can embed all this data & use these methods in any non-commercial project for free; for commercial projects,
* contact the @author below.
* @author: Cade Brown <>
// std includes
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
/* Constants */
// PI, 3.1415... constant
#define {uprefix}PI {cfloat(pi)}
// log(PI), a constant that should be precomputed
#define {uprefix}LOG_PI {cfloat(log(pi))}
// sqrt(2 * PI), a constant that should be precomputed
#define {uprefix}SQRT_2PI {cfloat(sqrt(2 * pi))}
// log(sqrt(2 * PI)), a constant that should be precomputed
#define {uprefix}LOG_SQRT_2PI {cfloat(log(sqrt(2 * pi)))}
/* Forward Declarations */
// gamma(x) - compute the Gamma function evaluated at 'x'
double {prefix}gamma(double x);
// cgamma(x) - compute the Gamma function evaluated at 'x'
double complex {prefix}cgamma(double complex x);
// zeta(x) - compute the Riemann Zeta function evaluated at 'x'
double {prefix}zeta(double x);
// czeta(x) - compute the Riemann Zeta function evaluated at 'x'
double complex {prefix}czeta(double complex x);
if args.lgamma:
// lgamma(x) - compute the Gamma function evaluated at 'x'
double {prefix}lgamma(double x);
// clgamma(x) - compute the Gamma function evaluated at 'x'
double complex {prefix}lcgamma(double complex x);
# -- Gamma Generation --
# magic constants from our references
# they say these are the best; we could search but this has already been found; just default to this
gamma_n = 15
gamma_g = 4.7421875
gamma_a, gamma_errbound = get_gamma_table(gamma_n, gamma_g)
/* -- GAMMA -- */
// NOTE: correct to {digits_accurate(gamma_errbound())} digits
double {prefix}gamma(double x) {{
if (x <= 0) {{
int ix = (int)x;
//if (x == ix) return INFINITY;
if (x == ix) return nan("");
// use reflection formula, since it won't converge otherwise
// Gamma(x) = pi / (sin(pi * x) * Gamma(1 - x))
return {uprefix}PI / (sin({uprefix}PI * x) * {prefix}gamma(1 - x));
}} else {{
// shift off by 1 to make indexing cleaner
x -= 1.0;
// constant
static const double g = {gamma_g};
// length (n) used
static const int a_n = {gamma_n};
// array of data
static const long double a[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat(gamma_a[i]) + "," for i in range(gamma_n)])}
// keep track of sum
long double sum = a[0];
// loop varz
int i;
for (i = 1; i < a_n; ++i) {{
sum += a[i] / (x + i);
// temporary variable
double tmp = x + g + 0.5;
return {uprefix}SQRT_2PI * pow(tmp, x + 0.5) * exp(-tmp) * sum;
double complex {prefix}cgamma(double complex x) {{
double x_re = creal(x), x_im = cimag(x);
// short circuit for real only
if (x_im == 0.0) return {prefix}gamma(x_re);
if (x_re < 0) {{
// use reflection formula, since it won't converge otherwise
// Gamma(x) = pi / (sin(pi * x) * Gamma(1 - x))
return {uprefix}PI / (csin({uprefix}PI * x) * {prefix}cgamma(1 - x));
}} else {{
// shift off by 1 to make indexing cleaner
x -= 1.0;
// constant
static const double g = {gamma_g};
// length (n) used
static const int a_n = {gamma_n};
// array of data
static const long double a[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat(gamma_a[i]) + "," for i in range(gamma_n)])}
// keep track of sum
long double complex sum = a[0];
// loop var
int i;
for (i = 1; i < a_n; ++i) {{
sum += a[i] / (x + i);
// temporary variable
double complex tmp = x + g + 0.5;
return {uprefix}SQRT_2PI * pow(tmp, x + 0.5) * exp(-tmp) * sum;
if args.lgamma:
double {prefix}lgamma(double x) {{
if (x <= 0) {{
int ix = (int)x;
//if (x == ix) return INFINITY;
if (x == ix) return nan("");
// use reflection formula, since it won't converge otherwise
// log(Gamma(x)) = log(pi / (sin(pi * x) * Gamma(1 - x)))
// log(Gamma(x)) = log(pi) - log(sin(pi * x)) - log(Gamma(1 - x))
return {uprefix}LOG_PI - log(sin({uprefix}PI * x)) - {prefix}lgamma(1 - x);
}} else {{
// shift off by 1 to make indexing cleaner
x -= 1.0;
// constant
static const double g = {gamma_g};
// length (n) used
static const int a_n = {gamma_n};
// array of data
static const long double a[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat(gamma_a[i]) + "," for i in range(gamma_n)])}
// keep track of sum
long double sum = a[0];
// loop var
int i;
for (i = 1; i < a_n; ++i) {{
sum += a[i] / (x + i);
// temporary variable
double tmp = x + g + 0.5;
// log(sqrt(2pi) * pow(tmp, (x + 0.5)) * exp(-tmp) * sum)
// = log(sqrt(2pi)) + log(tmp) * (x + 0.5) - tmp + log(sum)
return {uprefix}LOG_SQRT_2PI + log(sum) + log(tmp) * (x + 0.5) - tmp;
double complex {prefix}clgamma(double complex x) {{
double x_re = creal(x), x_im = cimag(x);
// short circuit for real only
if (x_im == 0.0) return {prefix}gamma(x_re);
if (x_re < 0) {{
// use reflection formula, since it won't converge otherwise
// log(Gamma(x)) = log(pi / (sin(pi * x) * Gamma(1 - x)))
// log(Gamma(x)) = log(pi) - log(sin(pi * x)) - log(Gamma(1 - x))
return {uprefix}LOG_PI - clog(csin({uprefix}PI * x)) - {prefix}clgamma(1 - x);
}} else {{
// shift off by 1 to make indexing cleaner
x -= 1.0;
// constant
static const double g = {gamma_g};
// length (n) used
static const int a_n = {gamma_n};
// array of data
static const long double a[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat(gamma_a[i]) + "," for i in range(gamma_n)])}
// keep track of sum
long double complex sum = a[0];
// loop var
int i;
for (i = 1; i < a_n; ++i) {{
sum += a[i] / (x + i);
// temporary variable
double complex tmp = x + g + 0.5;
// log(sqrt(2pi) * pow(tmp, (x + 0.5)) * exp(-tmp) * sum)
// = log(sqrt(2pi)) + log(tmp) * (x + 0.5) - tmp + log(sum)
return {uprefix}LOG_SQRT_2PI + clog(sum) + clog(tmp) * (x + 0.5) - tmp;
# -- Zeta Generation --
# current table length
n = 4
# get table bounds
d, errbound = get_zeta_table(n)
val_r, val_i = 2.0, 0.0
while digits_accurate(errbound(val_r + val_i * 1j)) < goal_digits:
n += 4
d, errbound = get_zeta_table(n)
# the 'd's computed to be sufficient for real variables
real_d = d
# now, generate zeta functions
/* -- ZETA -- */
double {prefix}zeta(double x) {{
if (x < 0) {{
// check for negative even integers (which are exactly 0)
int ix = (int)x;
if (ix == x && ix % 2 == 0) return 0.0;
// use reflection formula with the functional equation
// Zeta(x) = 2 * (2*PI)^(x-1) * sin(x * PI/2) * Gamma(1-x) * Zeta(1 - x)
return 2 * pow(2 *{uprefix}PI, x - 1) * sin(x * {uprefix}PI / 2) * {prefix}gamma(1 - x) * {prefix}zeta(1 - x);
}} else {{
// for x >= 0, summation with the coefficients will work fine
// the 'n' used in computation
static const int n = {len(d)};
// d_k for k == 0 through n-1 (0-indexing)
// NOTE: we bake in the alternating sign here, instead of at runtime (cheaper this way)
static const long double d[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat((-1) ** i * d[i]) + "," for i in range(len(d))])}
// use `long double` will prevent some rounding errors
long double sum = 0.0;
int i;
// compute elementwise sum
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {{
sum += d[i] * pow(i + 1, -x);
// divide by the normalization factor in Proposition 1 (without d0, since everything has been normalized by that)
sum /= 1 - pow(2, 1 - x);
return (double)sum;
# dictiorary where `k, v` indicates:
# when imag(x) <= k, `v` may be used as the list of `d_k` for sufficient accuracy
imag_d_map = { }
# current table length
n = 4
# get table bounds
d, errbound = get_zeta_table(n)
# find tables for imag(x) <= 2 ** p
for p in range(0, 9):
val_r = 2.0
val_i = 2 ** p
while digits_accurate(errbound(val_r + val_i * 1j)) < goal_digits:
n += 4
d, errbound = get_zeta_table(n)
imag_d_map[val_i] = d
# ensure they were sorted (this will come in useful during code generation)
assert list(imag_d_map.keys()) == sorted(imag_d_map.keys()) and "Keys were not in sorted order"
#print (imag_d_map)
#print (my_zeta(2, get_zeta_table(24)[0]), pi ** 2 / 6)
# now, generate `my_zeta()` function
double complex {prefix}czeta(double complex x) {{
// get real and imaginary components
double x_re = creal(x), x_im = cimag(x);
// use the real-only version of the function if it is a real argument
if (x_im == 0.0) return {prefix}zeta(x_re);
if (x_re < 0) {{
// use reflection formula with the functional equation
// Zeta(x) = 2 * (2*PI)^(x-1) * sin(x * PI/2) * Gamma(1-x) * Zeta(1 - x)
return 2 * cpow(2 * {uprefix}PI, x - 1) * csin(x * {uprefix}PI / 2) * {prefix}cgamma(1 - x) * {prefix}czeta(1 - x);
}} else {{
// when the real component is >= 0, summation with the coefficients will work fine
/* Generated Tables */
# print out the tables
for i, imag_thresh in enumerate(imag_d_map):
# get the coefficients
d = imag_d_map[imag_thresh]
print (f"""
// the 'n' used in computation
// NOTE: this table is useful for abs(imag(x)) <= {imag_thresh}
static const int n_{i} = {len(d)};
// d_k for k == 0 through n-1 (0-indexing)
// NOTE: we bake in the alternating sign here, instead of at runtime (cheaper this way)
static const long double d_{i}[] = {{
{_n.join([' ' * (3 * 4) + cfloat((-1) ** j * d[j]) + "," for j in range(len(d))])}
# now, discriminate based on size
print (f"""
// absolute value of the imaginary portion (used for discriminating amongst tables)
double x_im_abs = fabs(x_im);
// the sum of all elements in the series
long double complex sum = 0.0;
// tmp vars
int i;
if (0) {{
// just used for easier code generation
max_imag_thresh = max(imag_d_map.keys())
# iterate through maximum imaginary thresholds
for i, imag_thresh in enumerate(imag_d_map):
if imag_thresh == max_imag_thresh:
start = " } else {"
start = f" }} else if (x_im_abs <= {imag_thresh}) {{"
for (i = 0; i < n_{i}; ++i) {{
sum += d_{i}[i] * cpow(i + 1, -x);
# now, print end of the function
print (f"""
// transform by the normalization factor
sum /= 1 - cpow(2, 1 - x);
return sum;
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