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Last active January 31, 2023 21:53
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Save cademcniven/dde2597e759ab2c9ab17a4deac673f33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Yomichan handlebars for use with Eminent Note Type V2.4
{{#*inline "glossary-single"}}
{{~#unless brief~}}
{{~#set "any" false}}{{/set~}}
{{~#each definitionTags~}}
{{~#if (op "||" (op "!" @root.compactTags) (op "!" redundant))~}}
{{~#if (get "any")}}, {{else}}<i>({{/if~}}
{{~#set "any" true}}{{/set~}}
{{~#unless noDictionaryTag~}}
{{~#if (op "||" (op "!" @root.compactTags) (op "!==" dictionary (get "previousDictionary")))~}}
{{~#if (get "any")}}, {{else}}<i>({{/if~}}
{{~#set "any" true}}{{/set~}}
{{~#if (get "any")}})</i> {{/if~}}
{{~#if only~}}({{#each only}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}} only) {{/if~}}
{{~#if (op "<=" glossary.length 1)~}}
{{#each glossary}}{{#formatGlossary ../dictionary}}{{{.}}}{{/formatGlossary}}{{/each}}
{{~else if @root.compactGlossaries~}}
{{#each glossary}}{{#formatGlossary ../dictionary}}{{{.}}}{{/formatGlossary}}{{#unless @last}} | {{/unless}}{{/each}}
<ul>{{#each glossary}}<li>{{#formatGlossary ../dictionary}}{{{.}}}{{/formatGlossary}}</li>{{/each}}</ul>
{{~#set "previousDictionary" dictionary~}}{{~/set~}}
{{#*inline "audio"}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "audio")~}}
[sound:{{#getMedia "audio"}}{{/getMedia}}]
{{#*inline "character"}}
{{#*inline "dictionary"}}
{{#*inline "expression"}}
{{~#if merge~}}
{{~#if modeTermKana~}}
{{~#each definition.reading~}}
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{~#each definition.expression~}}
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{~#each definition.expression~}}
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{~#if modeTermKana~}}
{{~#if definition.reading~}}
<span class="{{~#each (pitchCategories .)~}}
{{~#if @first}}{{.}}{{~/if}}
<span class="{{~#each (pitchCategories .)~}}
{{~#if @first}}{{.}}{{~/if}}
<span class="{{~#each (pitchCategories .)~}}
{{~#if @first}}{{.}}{{~/if}}
{{#*inline "furigana"}}
{{~#if merge~}}
{{~#each definition.expressions~}}
<span class="expression-{{termFrequency}}">{{~#furigana}}{{{.}}}{{/furigana~}}</span>
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{#*inline "furigana-plain"}}
{{~#if merge~}}
{{~#each definition.expressions~}}
<span class="expression-{{termFrequency}}">{{~#furiganaPlain}}{{{.}}}{{/furiganaPlain~}}</span>
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{~#*inline "glossary"~}}
<div style="text-align: left;">
{{~#if (op "===" definition.type "term")~}}
{{~> glossary-single definition brief=brief noDictionaryTag=noDictionaryTag ~}}
{{~else if (op "||" (op "===" definition.type "termGrouped") (op "===" definition.type "termMerged"))~}}
{{~#if (op ">" definition.definitions.length 1)~}}
<ol>{{~#each definition.definitions~}}<li>{{~> glossary-single . brief=../brief noDictionaryTag=../noDictionaryTag ~}}</li>{{~/each~}}</ol>
{{~#each definition.definitions~}}{{~> glossary-single . brief=../brief noDictionaryTag=../noDictionaryTag ~}}{{~/each~}}
{{~else if (op "===" definition.type "kanji")~}}
{{~#if (op ">" definition.glossary.length 1)~}}
<ol>{{#each definition.glossary}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/each}}</ol>
{{~#each definition.glossary~}}{{.}}{{~/each~}}
{{#*inline "glossary-no-dictionary"}}
{{~> glossary noDictionaryTag=true ~}}
{{#*inline "glossary-brief"}}
{{~> glossary brief=true ~}}
{{#*inline "kunyomi"}}
{{~#each definition.kunyomi}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}
{{#*inline "onyomi"}}
{{~#each definition.onyomi}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}
{{#*inline "reading"}}
{{~#unless modeTermKana~}}
{{~#if merge~}}
{{~#each definition.reading~}}
{{~#unless @last}}、{{/unless~}}
{{#*inline "sentence"}}
{{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.sentence}}{{/if~}}
{{#*inline "cloze-prefix"}}
{{~#if definition.cloze}}
{{#regexReplace "((.*)| \(.*\)| *|\s+)*" "" "g"}} {{definition.cloze.prefix}}{{/regexReplace}}
{{#*inline "cloze-body"}}
{{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.body}}{{/if~}}
{{#*inline "cloze-suffix"}}
{{~#if definition.cloze}}
{{#regexReplace "((.*)| \(.*\)| *|\s+)*" "" "g"}} {{definition.cloze.suffix}}{{/regexReplace}}
{{#*inline "tags"}}
{{~#mergeTags definition group merge}}{{this}}{{/mergeTags~}}
{{#*inline "url"}}
<a href="{{definition.url}}">{{definition.url}}</a>
{{#*inline "screenshot"}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "screenshot")~}}
<img src="{{#getMedia "screenshot"}}{{/getMedia}}" />
{{#*inline "document-title"}}
{{! Pitch Accents }}
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-item"}}
{{~#pronunciation format=format reading=reading downstepPosition=position nasalPositions=nasalPositions devoicePositions=devoicePositions~}}{{~/pronunciation~}}
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-item-disambiguation"}}
{{~#set "exclusive" (spread exclusiveExpressions exclusiveReadings)}}{{/set~}}
{{~#if (op ">" (property (get "exclusive") "length") 0)~}}
{{~#set "separator" ""~}}{{/set~}}
<em>({{#each (get "exclusive")~}}
{{~#get "separator"}}{{/get~}}{{{.}}}
{{~/each}} only) </em>
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-list"}}
{{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 0)~}}
{{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 1)~}}<ol>{{~/if~}}
{{~#each pitches~}}
{{~#each pitches~}}
{{~#if (op ">" ../../pitchCount 1)~}}<li>{{~/if~}}
{{~> pitch-accent-item-disambiguation~}}
{{~> pitch-accent-item format=../../format~}}
{{~#if (op ">" ../../pitchCount 1)~}}</li>{{~/if~}}
{{~#if (op ">" pitchCount 1)~}}</ol>{{~/if~}}
{{#*inline "pitch-accents"}}
{{~> pitch-accent-list format='text'~}}
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-graphs"}}
{{~> pitch-accent-list format='graph'~}}
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-positions"}}
{{~> pitch-accent-list format='position'~}}
{{! End Pitch Accents }}
{{#*inline "clipboard-image"}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "clipboardImage")~}}
<img src="{{#getMedia "clipboardImage"}}{{/getMedia}}" />
{{#*inline "clipboard-text"}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "clipboardText")}}{{#getMedia "clipboardText"}}{{/getMedia}}{{/if~}}
{{#*inline "conjugation"}}
{{~#if definition.reasons~}}
{{~#each definition.reasons~}}
{{~#if (op ">" @index 0)}} « {{/if~}}
{{#*inline "frequencies"}}
{{~#if (op ">" definition.frequencies.length 0)~}}
<ul style="text-align: left;">
{{~#each definition.frequencies~}}
{{~#if (op "!==" ../definition.type "kanji")~}}
{{~#if (op "||" (op ">" ../uniqueExpressions.length 1) (op ">" ../uniqueReadings.length 1))~}}(
{{~#furigana expression reading~}}{{~/furigana~}}
) {{/if~}}
{{~dictionary}}: {{frequency~}}
{{#*inline "freq"}}
{{~! Frequency sorting from ~}}
{{~! v23.01.31.2 ~}}
{{~! Options ~}}
{{~#set "opt-ignored-freq-dict-regex"~}} ^(JLPT_Level)$ {{~/set~}}
{{~set "opt-no-freq-default-value" 999999 ~}}
{{~set "opt-freq-sorting-method" "min" ~}} {{~! "min", "first", "avg", "harmonic" ~}}
{{~! End of options ~}}
{{~! Do not change the code below unless you know what you are doing. ~}}
{{~set "result-freq" -1 ~}} {{~! -1 is chosen because no frequency dictionaries should have an entry as -1 ~}}
{{~set "t" 1 ~}}
{{~#each definition.frequencies~}}
{{~! rx-match-ignored-freq is not empty if ignored <=> rx-match-ignored-freq is empty if not ignored ~}}
{{~#set "rx-match-ignored-freq" ~}}
{{~#regexMatch (get "opt-ignored-freq-dict-regex") "gu"~}}{{this.dictionary}}{{~/regexMatch~}}
{{~#if (op "===" (get "rx-match-ignored-freq") "") ~}}
{{~#if (op "===" (get "opt-freq-sorting-method") "min") ~}}
(op "||"
(op "===" (get "result-freq") -1)
(op ">" (op "+" (get "result-freq")) (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)))
{{~set "result-freq" (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)) ~}}
{{~else if (op "===" (get "opt-freq-sorting-method") "first") ~}}
{{~#if (op "===" (get "result-freq") -1) ~}}
{{~set "result-freq" (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)) ~}}
{{~else if (op "===" (get "opt-freq-sorting-method") "avg") ~}}
{{~#if (op "===" (get "result-freq") -1) ~}}
{{~set "result-freq" (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)) ~}}
{{~! iterative mean formula: $S_{(t+1)} = S_t + \frac{1}{t+1} (x - S_t)$ ~}}
{{~set "result-freq"
(op "+"
(get "result-freq")
(op "/"
(op "-"
(op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency))
(get "result-freq")
(get "t")
{{~set "t" (op "+" (get "t") 1) ~}}
{{~else if (op "===" (get "opt-freq-sorting-method") "harmonic") ~}}
{{~#if (op ">" (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)) 0) ~}} {{~! ensures only positive numbers are used ~}}
{{~#if (op "===" (get "result-freq") -1) ~}}
{{~set "result-freq" (op "/" 1 (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency))) ~}}
{{~else ~}}
{{~set "result-freq"
(op "+"
(get "result-freq")
(op "/" 1 (op "+" (regexMatch "\d" "g" this.frequency)))
{{~set "t" (op "+" (get "t") 1) ~}}
(INVALID opt-freq-sorting-method value)
{{~#if (op "===" (get "result-freq") -1) ~}}
{{~set "result-freq" (get "opt-no-freq-default-value") ~}}
{{~ else if (op "===" (get "opt-freq-sorting-method") "harmonic") ~}}
{{~set "result-freq"
(op "*"
(op "/" 1 (get "result-freq"))
(get "t")
{{~get "result-freq"~}}
{{#*inline "stroke-count"}}
{{~#set "found" false}}{{/set~}}
{{~#each definition.stats.misc~}}
{{~#if (op "===" name "strokes")~}}
{{~#set "found" true}}{{/set~}}
Stroke count: {{value}}
{{~#if (op "!" (get "found"))~}}
Stroke count: Unknown
{{#*inline "part-of-speech-pretty"}}
{{~#if (op "===" . "v1")~}}Ichidan verb
{{~else if (op "===" . "v5")~}}Godan verb
{{~else if (op "===" . "vk")~}}Kuru verb
{{~else if (op "===" . "vs")~}}Suru verb
{{~else if (op "===" . "vz")~}}Zuru verb
{{~else if (op "===" . "adj-i")~}}I-adjective
{{~else if (op "===" . "n")~}}Noun
{{#*inline "part-of-speech"}}
{{~#if (op "!==" definition.type "kanji")~}}
{{~#set "first" true}}{{/set~}}
{{~#each definition.expressions~}}
{{~#each wordClasses~}}
{{~#unless (get (concat "used_" .))~}}
{{~> part-of-speech-pretty . ~}}
{{~#unless (get "first")}}, {{/unless~}}
{{~#set (concat "used_" .) true~}}{{~/set~}}
{{~#set "first" false~}}{{~/set~}}
{{~#if (get "first")~}}Unknown{{~/if~}}
{{#*inline "search-query"}}
{{#*inline "selection-text"}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "selectionText")}}{{#getMedia "selectionText"}}{{/getMedia}}{{/if~}}
{{#*inline "sentence-furigana"}}
{{~#if definition.cloze~}}
{{~#if (hasMedia "textFurigana" definition.cloze.sentence)~}}
{{#getMedia "textFurigana" definition.cloze.sentence escape=false}}{{/getMedia}}
{{#*inline "pitch-accent-categories"}}
{{~#each (pitchCategories .)~}}
{{~#if @first}}{{.}}{{~/if}}
{{~> (lookup . "marker") ~}}
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