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Created April 3, 2016 21:24
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import functools
import itertools
import operator
class AlgebraicStructure(object):
def __init__(self, elements, *operations):
if len(operations) != len(self.operation_names):
raise ValueError
self.elements = elements
self.operations = operations
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.elements)
def __in__(self, elem):
return elem in self.elements
def method(operation):
return lambda *args: operation(*args)
def workon(structure):
elem, = itertools.islice(structure.elements, 1)
cls = type(elem)
for operation, name in zip(structure.operations,
setattr(cls, name, method(operation))
class Field(AlgebraicStructure):
operation_names = ['__add__', '__mul__', '__sub__', '__truediv__',
'__neg__', '__pow__']
def __init__(self, elements, add, mul):
sub = lambda x, y: x + self.add_inverse_of(y)
div = lambda x, y: x * self.mul_inverse_of(y)
neg = self.add_inverse_of
super().__init__(elements, add, mul, sub, div, neg, self.power)
def adder(self):
return self.operations[0]
def multiplier(self):
return self.operations[1]
# TODO memoize all functions
def mul_identity(self):
for possible in self.elements:
if self.is_mul_identity(possible):
return possible
raise ValueError("No multiplicative identity found")
def add_identity(self):
for possible in self.elements:
if self.is_add_identity(possible):
return possible
raise ValueError("No additive identity found")
def is_add_identity(self, elem):
return self.adder(elem, elem) == elem
def is_mul_identity(self, elem):
return (not self.is_add_identity(elem)) and \
(self.multiplier(elem, elem) == elem)
def add_inverse_of(self, elem):
for possible in self.elements:
if self.is_add_identity(self.adder(elem, possible)):
return possible
raise ValueError("Not additive inverse found")
def mul_inverse_of(self, elem):
for possible in self.elements:
if self.is_mul_identity(self.multiplier(elem, possible)):
return possible
raise ValueError("Not multiplicative inverse found")
def power(self, elem, exponent):
if not isinstance(exponent, int):
raise TypeError("Unknown exponent type", type(exponent))
if exponent == 0:
return self.mul_identity
elif exponent > 0:
return elem * (elem**(exponent - 1))
elif exponent < 0:
return (elem**(exponent + 1)) / elem
raise ValueError("Invalid exponent", exponent)
class Partition(object):
def __init__(self, elements=None, canonical_form=None):
if (elements, canonical_form) == (None, None):
raise ValueError(
"A partition cannot be defined without either elements or a canonical form")
self.elements = elements
self.canonical_form = canonical_form
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.canonical_form is not None:
return self.canonical_form == other.canonical_form
raise NotImplementedError(
"Other forms of equivalence not yet implemented")
def __hash__(self):
if self.canonical_form is not None:
return hash(self.canonical_form)
raise NotImplementedError("Other forms of hashing not yet implemented")
def __repr__(self):
if self.canonical_form is not None:
return "<Partition: {}>".format(self.canonical_form)
raise NotImplementedError("Other forms of repping not yet implemented")
class PartitioningScheme(object):
def __init__(self, eq_relation=None, elements=None, canonical=None):
# NOTE need either a relation and elements or canonical function
self.eq_relation = eq_relation
self.elements = elements
self.canonical = canonical
def partition_of(self, elem):
if self.canonical is not None:
return Partition(canonical_form=self.canonical(elem))
raise NotImplementedError("Only partitioning based on canonical done")
def apply(self, operation, partition1, partition2):
return self.partition_of(operation(partition1.canonical_form,
class FiniteField(Field):
def __init__(self, modulus):
scheme = PartitioningScheme(canonical=lambda n: n % modulus)
partitions = set(map(scheme.partition_of, range(modulus)))
add = functools.partial(scheme.apply, operator.add)
mul = functools.partial(scheme.apply, operator.mul)
super().__init__(partitions, add, mul)
def test_basic_field():
field = FiniteField(7)
p = partitions = {partition.canonical_form: partition
for partition in field}
assert p[5] + p[6] == p[4]
assert p[5] * p[6] == p[2]
assert p[5] - p[6] == p[6]
assert p[1] / p[6] == p[6]
assert p[5] / p[6] == p[2]
assert -p[5] == p[2]
assert p[2]**2 == p[4]
assert p[2]**3 == p[1]
assert p[2]** -1 == p[4]
assert p[2]** -2 == p[2]
def test_rsa():
p = 5
q = 7
N = p * q
e = 5
encryption_field = FiniteField(p * q)
decryption_field = FiniteField((p - 1) * (q - 1))
d_partitions = {partition.canonical_form: partition
for partition in decryption_field}
E = lambda n: workon(encryption_field) or n**e
d = decryption_field.mul_inverse_of(d_partitions[e]).canonical_form
D = lambda n: workon(encryption_field) or n**d
for partition in d_partitions.values():
x = partition.canonical_form
ex = E(partition).canonical_form
dex = D(E(partition)).canonical_form
print("{}\t{}\t{}".format(x, ex, dex))
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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