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Created March 8, 2022 19:34
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Extracts pressure-type chromatograms stored in mzML file into CSV
import sys
import base64
import zlib
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from lxml import etree
def convert_to_safe_filename(string):
#replace all not alphanum chars with underscore
return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', string)
def run(file):
#parse mzML and read namespace
mzml = etree.parse(file)
namespace = mzml.getroot().nsmap
#iterate through pressure chromatograms
for chrom in mzml.findall('//chromatogram/cvParam[@accession="MS:1003019"]/..', namespaces=namespace):
chrom_name = chrom.get('id')
decoded_arrays = dict()
#iterate through binary arrays
for array in chrom.findall('binaryDataArrayList/binaryDataArray', namespaces=namespace):
#decode binary data
binary = base64.b64decode(array.find('binary', namespaces=namespace).text.encode('ascii'))
#parsing array parameters (quick and dirty approach)
#set all to None
kind = None
compression = None
size = None
for param in array.findall('cvParam', namespaces=namespace):
name = param.get('name').split()
if name[-1] == 'array':
kind = name[0]
elif name[-1] == 'compression':
compression = name[0]
elif name[-1] == 'float':
size = name[0]
#try parsing binary format
if size == '64-bit':
elif size == '32-bit':
raise ValueError(f'Unknown binary format {size}')
#try parsing compression and decode the array
if compression == 'zlib':
decoded_array = np.frombuffer(zlib.decompress(binary), dtype=datatype)
elif compression == 'no':
decoded_array = np.frombuffer(binary, dtype=datatype)
raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse compression from {compression}')
if not kind is None:
decoded_arrays[kind] = decoded_array
raise ValueError(f'Kind of array is not set')
csv_path = file.replace('.mzML', f'_{convert_to_safe_filename(chrom_name)}.csv')
pd.DataFrame(decoded_arrays).to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
except Exception as e:
print (f'Processing of {file} failed; raised {e}')
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