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Last active November 16, 2018 15:02
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package utility.functional
import scala.language.{higherKinds, reflectiveCalls}
import cats.Applicative
import shapeless._
* Given a HList I0::I1:: ... In::HNil and a type Out
* returns a curried function (I0 => I1 => ... In => Out) => Out
* @tparam InL
* @tparam Out
sealed trait HFolder[InL <: HList, Out] {
type Folder
def fold: InL => Folder => Out
object HFolder {
implicit def nilHFolder[Out]: HFolder[HNil, Out] {type Folder = Out} = new HFolder[HNil, Out] {
type Folder = Out
override def fold: HNil => Out => Out = _ => identity
implicit def consHFolder[InH, InT <: HList, Out]
(implicit tailHFolder: HFolder[InT, Out]): HFolder[InH :: InT, Out] {type Folder = InH => tailHFolder.Folder} =
new HFolder[InH :: InT, Out] {
override type Folder = InH => tailHFolder.Folder
override def fold: InH :: InT => (InH => tailHFolder.Folder) => Out = {
case inH :: inT => folder =>
class Callable[-In, +Out](underlying: In => Out) extends (In => Out) {
def call(in: In): Out = underlying(in)
override def apply(in: In): Out = underlying(in)
implicit class HListOps[InL <: HList](inL: InL) {
def fold[Out](implicit hfolder: HFolder[InL, Out]): Callable[hfolder.Folder, Out] = {
new Callable(hfolder.fold(inL))
* Given a HList I0::I1::...In::HNil
* returns a HList Ctx[I0]::Ctx[I1]::...Ctx[In]::HNil
* ensuring all types in the InL have a context bound Ctx
* @tparam Ctx
* @tparam InL
trait HCtxBound[Ctx[_], InL <: HList] {
type OutL <: HList
def apply: OutL
object HCtxBound {
implicit def nilCtxBound[Ctx[_]]: HCtxBound[Ctx, HNil] {type OutL = HNil} = new HCtxBound[Ctx, HNil] {
override type OutL = HNil
override def apply: HNil = HNil
implicit def consCtxBound[Ctx[_], InH, InT <: HList](
headCtx: Ctx[InH],
tailCtxBound: HCtxBound[Ctx, InT]
: HCtxBound[Ctx, InH :: InT] {type OutL = Ctx[InH] :: tailCtxBound.OutL} = new HCtxBound[Ctx, InH :: InT] {
override type OutL = Ctx[InH] :: tailCtxBound.OutL
override def apply: Ctx[InH] :: tailCtxBound.OutL = headCtx :: tailCtxBound.apply
* Takes an HList of effects Eff[I0]::Eff[I1]:: ... Eff[In]::HNil
* and gets the profuct of its values into the Eff:
* Eff[I0::I1::... In::HNil]
* @tparam Eff The effect
* @tparam InL the input HList
trait HApplicative[Eff[_], InL <: HList] extends {
type OutL <: HList
def product: InL => Eff[OutL]
object HApplicative {
case class HAppAux[Eff[_], InL <: HList, OutL0 <: HList](zipper: InL => Eff[OutL0]) extends HApplicative[Eff, InL] {
type OutL = OutL0
override def product: InL => Eff[OutL0] = zipper
implicit def nilHApp[Eff[_]](implicit app: Applicative[Eff]): HApplicative[Eff, HNil] {type OutL = HNil} =
HAppAux[Eff, HNil, HNil](_ => app.pure(HNil))
implicit def consHApp[Eff[_], InH, InT <: HList](
implicit tailHApp: HApplicative[Eff, InT],
app: Applicative[Eff]
): HApplicative[Eff, Eff[InH] :: InT] {type OutL = InH :: tailHApp.OutL} = HAppAux[Eff, Eff[InH] :: InT, InH :: tailHApp.OutL] {
case (inH: Eff[InH]) :: inT => app.map2(inH, tailHApp.product(inT)) {
case (head, tail) => head :: tail
trait Wirer[Eff[_], InL <: HList] {
def to[T](mapper: InL => T): Eff[T]
def wire[Eff[_], InL <: HList](someList: InL)
implicit hApp: HApplicative[Eff, InL],
app: Applicative[Eff]
): Wirer[Eff, hApp.OutL] = new Wirer[Eff, hApp.OutL] {
override def to[T](mapper: hApp.OutL => T): Eff[T] =
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