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Created January 23, 2018 04:17
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import boto3
import json
import csv
import io
def lambda_handler(event, context):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
content_object = s3.Object('src-bucket', 'src-file.json')
file_content = content_object.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
lines = file_content.splitlines()
items = {}
for line in lines:
json_line = json.loads(line)
customer = json_line["Customer"]
items[customer["Email"]] = customer
toCSV = list(items.values())
keys = toCSV[0].keys()
output = io.StringIO()
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, keys)
s3.Object('my-items', 'items.csv').put(Body=output.getvalue())
# Generate the URL to get 'key-name' from 'bucket-name'
url = boto3.client('s3').generate_presigned_url(
ExpiresIn= 3600,
'Bucket': 'my-items',
'Key': 'items.csv'
return url
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