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cafarm/filters.m Secret

Created May 27, 2016 21:47
function filters()
import stage.core.*;
% Open a window in windowed-mode and create a canvas. 'disableDwm' = false for demo only!
window = Window([640, 480], false);
canvas = Canvas(window, 'disableDwm', false);
% Get the full path of the Demos/Movies directory.
moviesDir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), 'Movies');
% Create a movie stimulus.
boxingMovie = stage.builtin.stimuli.Movie(fullfile(moviesDir, 'boxing.mpg'));
boxingMovie.size = [320, 240];
boxingMovie.position = canvas.size / 2;
% Create an edge-emphasizing filter. The fspecial() function may also be used to create kernel matrices if the Image
% Processing Toolbox is available.
kernel = [-1 -1 -1; ...
-1 8 -1; ...
-1 -1 -1];
filter = Filter(kernel);
% Assign the filter to the movie stimulus.
% Set the stimulus s (i.e. x) and t (i.e. y) coordinate wrap mode to determine the filter's edge handling.
% Create a 12 second presentation and add the stimulus.
presentation = Presentation(12);
% Play the presentation on the canvas!;
% Window automatically closes when the window object is deleted.
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