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Brandon Anzaldi caffeinewriter

Have you heard about 👀
  • Blitz
  • Greater Los Angeles Area, California
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  • 960 Grid System - An effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.
  • Compass - Open source CSS Authoring Framework.
  • Bootstrap - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
  • Font Awesome - The iconic font designed for Bootstrap.
  • Zurb Foundation - Framework for writing responsive web sites.
  • SASS - CSS extension language which allows variables, mixins and rules nesting.
  • Skeleton - Boilerplate for responsive, mobile-friendly development.


Sorry, RSA, I'm just not buying it

I want to be extremely clear about three things. First, this is my personal opinion – insert full standard disclaimer. Second, this is not a condemnation of everyone at RSA, present and past. I assume most of them are pretty okay, and that the problem is confined to a few specific points in the company. However, “unknown problem people making major decisions at RSA” is a bit unwieldy, so I will just say RSA. Third, I'm not calling for a total boycott on RSA. I work almost literally across the street from them and I don’t want to get beat up by roving gangs of cryptographers at the local Chipotle.

RSA's denial published last night is utter codswallop that denies pretty much everything in the world except the actual allegations put forth by Reuters and hinted at for months by [other sources](http://li

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