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Last active November 7, 2022 18:20
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Pokemon nature theory


As it currently stands, there exist many Pokemon1-related phenomena that are unexplainable by basic physics or biology. For example, there are many mysteries surrounding the breeding aspect of Pokemon. Why can forms such as Skitty and Wailord breed and produce offspring, despite the size difference. Why can forms like Gastly breed at all, despite being mostly made of gas?

Other phenomenon that can't be explained with today's science is the Pokemon evolution. Evolution is a rapid process, during which a lot of matter is created de novo, despite having no apparent source from which that matter may appear.

This theory is an attempt to explain most of the Pokemon phenomena. It's work-in-progress, since I'm still figuring out how it would fit into known phenomena.

The hypothesis

Somatoenergetic dualism

The central hypothesis on which this theory is built is the somatoenergetic dualism principle. According to this principle, each and every Pokemon consists of physical matter only partially, meanwhile the rest of them is magical energy.

ℹ️ Note From this point, I will be referring to this magical energy as anima.

This anima is what gives life to the Thylakoplasmata, regardless of whether they're organic or inorganic, natural or artificial. As follows, anima also is the origin of Pokemon's psyche; it gives them an ability to have memories, experience emotions and feelings, and other psychological traits typical for humans.

Interactions between matter and anima

Matter of a Pokemon's body can be converted into anima, and vice versa. This property is also what allows the existence of technologies, such as the portable storage capsules (colloquially known as Pokeballs) and Pokemon Storage Systems (see Technologies).

Types of anima

Anima consists of several types:

  • Normae or Nil (Normal)
  • Ignis (Fire)
  • Aquae (Water)
  • Electra (Electric)
  • Herbae (Grass)
  • Glacies (Ice)
  • Pugnacitates (Fighting)
  • Toxica (Poison)
  • Terrae (Ground)
  • Aeris (Flying)
  • Psychae (Psychic)
  • Cimitates (Bug)
  • Silices (Rock)
  • Phasmata (Ghost)
  • Draconitates (Dragon)
  • Umbrae (Dark)
  • Chalybes or Ferri (Steel)
  • Divinitates (Fairy)

Anima defines the type of a Pokemon, but not vice versa; therefore, Pokemon's physical form and abilities depend on the types of anima present within it. A Pokemon may consist of several types of anima (usually 1-2).

Anima of one type can be converted into the anima of another type.

How the hypothesis fits into known phenomena


The anatomy of a Pokemon depends on the types of anima present within them. The physical matter of their body (proteins, minerals, etc.) is typeless, but can be converted into anima, and vice versa.

⚠️ Headcanon Additionally, anima may condense in a Pokemon's body. Usually, it condenses in organs and body parts associated with that Pokemon's type. Generally not typical for the Normal-types.

Known cases of pure anima condensation:

  • Aquasomes in Water-type Pokemon
  • Null-bodies in Dark-type Pokemon
  • Psi-bodies in Psychic-type Pokemon
  • Chlorosomes in Grass-type Pokemon
  • Fibrous inclusions in Bug-type Pokemon

Some Pokemon might have more anima in them than physical matter, or consist of anima almost entirely. This is typical for Ghost-type Pokemon.


It is known that Pokemon grow, or "level up", when they participate in Trainer battles. According to somatoenergetic dualism, when a Pokemon is defeated in battle, a part of their anima gets transferred to the victorious Pokemon. During the transfer, it gets converted into the types of the victorious Pokemon.

As the Pokemon gains more anima, they may convert it into new matter (for example, to develop internal organs or form new organs de novo) or use it to learn abilities.


When a Pokemon has gathered enough anima, they may use it to evolve into the next evolutionary form2. During that process, a large amount of their anima converts into physical matter used to build the new body. Initiation of an evolution is, supposedly, a voluntary process, seeing as a Trainer may interrupt it.

Moves and abilities

Each time a Pokemon performs a typed move or ability against another Pokemon, it mixes the anima of that type with other forms of energy (kinetic energy, energy of chemical bonds, etc.). Such energy may react violently with the matter converted from other anima types, or may not affect it at all. This forms the basis of type advantages and disadvantages.

The anima that's been lost by a Pokemon in battle can be recovered with Ethers or other recovery medicine.


Portable storage

Since a Pokemon may be converted from matter to anima, it's possible to store that anima in Pokeballs. Depending on the portable capsules' design, they store the Pokemon either in pure energy form, or the Pokemon manifest themselves as miniaturized versions of themselves inside those capsules.

Pokemon Storage System ("Boxes")

In the Boxes, Pokemon are fully converted into anima, and then stored in computer storage as electric energy.


In Pokemon, reproduction can be either a physical or an energetic process. The reproduction processes between species may loosely be divided into three types:

  • Physical organic: the Pokemon may reproduce sexually (most organic Pokemon), producing an egg;
  • Physical inorganic: each of the Pokemon may give a small piece of their matter; the two pieces fuse together into a single blob infused with anima, which then forms into an egg (some Pokemon of the Amorphous egg group);
  • Energetic: the Pokemon each give a part of their anima, which then condenses into an egg (Pokemon of the Mineral egg group and some of the Amorphous group). Some Pokemon may infuse an inanimate object with anima, which then forms into an egg.

The chosen variant depends on the Pokemon's reproductive anatomy and nature (organic/inorganic).

If there are size differences between partners, the bigger Pokemon may shrink down to a more smaller size, or they can instead go through an energetic reproduction.

In nature, it's more typical for Pokemon to breed with their own species, through a reproduction type that's typical for the species. In Day Care Centers, it can go different ways, depending on reproductive anatomy and nature differences.


  1. Also known as majuu (Bulbapedia, Pokemon (species)). Other names you might encounter through this document are Thylakoplasmata (Greek "pocket creatures") or makērrāoni (Kēlen "animate magical things").

  2. Sometimes I call it a species, a life-form or a metaform.

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