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Last active December 26, 2015 14:08
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just a bookmark of random psql queries.
(select buildings.*, neighborhoods.wkb_geometry as bounding_area from buildings INNER JOIN neighborhoods ON ST_Intersects(neighborhoods.wkb_geometry, buildings.wkb_geometry) WHERE IN('LAURELHURST')) as "active-neighborhood"
(select or_blocks.geom, or_places.geom from or_blocks INNER JOIN or_places ON ST_Intersects(or_places.geom, or_blocks.geom) WHERE = 'Portland') as blocks
-- gets all blocks in portland joined with race data
(select or_block_data.*, or_blocks.geom, or_places.geom from or_blocks INNER JOIN or_places ON ST_Intersects(or_places.geom, or_blocks.geom) LEFT JOIN or_block_data on or_blocks.gisjoin = or_block_data.gisjoin WHERE = 'Portland') as blocks
-- gets all blocks in portland joined with race data percentages
(select or_block_data.*, h7x002::float/h7x001::float * 100 as percent_white, h7x003::float/h7x001::float * 100 as percent_black, or_blocks.geom, or_places.geom from or_blocks INNER JOIN or_places ON ST_Intersects(or_places.geom, or_blocks.geom) LEFT JOIN or_block_data on or_blocks.gisjoin = or_block_data.gisjoin WHERE = 'Portland' AND h7x001 > 0 ORDER BY percent_black DESC) as blocks
(select or_block_data.*, h7x002::float/h7x001::float * 100 as percent_white, h7x003::float/h7x001::float * 100 as percent_black, or_blocks.geom from or_blocks INNER JOIN or_places ON ST_Intersects(or_places.geom, or_blocks.geom) LEFT JOIN or_block_data on or_blocks.gisjoin = or_block_data.gisjoin WHERE = 'Portland' AND h7x001 > 0) as blocks
-- (select or_block_data.*, or_blocks.geom, or_places.geom, (h7x002::float/h7x001::float * 100) as percent_white, (h7x003::float/h7x001::float * 100) as percent_black from or_blocks INNER JOIN or_places ON ST_Intersects(or_places.geom, or_blocks.geom) LEFT JOIN or_block_data on or_blocks.gisjoin = or_block_data.gisjoin WHERE = 'Portland' AND h7x001 > 0) as blocks
-- (select acs_11_5yr_bg_41_oregon.*, B08301e18::float/B08301e1::float * 100 as percent_cycle, ugb.gid from acs_11_5yr_bg_41_oregon INNER JOIN ugb ON ST_Intersects(ugb.geom, acs_11_5yr_bg_41_oregon.wkb_geometry)) as blockgroups
-- (select * from or_blocks LEFT JOIN or_block_data on or_blocks.gisjoin = or_block_data.gisjoin) as blocks
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