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Created December 29, 2016 18:04
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Check that the contents of 2 databases are identical
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import ConfigParser
import MySQLdb
import click
from threading import Thread
class MySQLExtrasFileParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):
def as_dict(self):
d = dict(self._sections)
for k in d:
d[k] = dict(self._defaults, **d[k])
d[k].pop('__name__', None)
return d
def build_connection(path, section, database):
Reads an ini-style config file for connection info and created a connection to MySQL.
config = MySQLExtrasFileParser()
section = config.as_dict()[section]
conn_args = dict(host=section['host'], user=section['user'], passwd=section['password'], db=database)
return MySQLdb.connect(**conn_args)
def list_all_tables(connection):
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
return list(x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall())
def get_table_checksums(src_conn, dest_conn, table):
def get_checksum(connection, table, results_container, key):
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("CHECKSUM TABLE " + table)
result = cursor.fetchall()
results_container[key] = result[0][1]
results = {} # Mutable container for threads to store their results in
threads = [
Thread(target=get_checksum, args=(src_conn, table, results, 'src')),
Thread(target=get_checksum, args=(dest_conn, table, results, 'dest'))
_ = [t.start() for t in threads]
_ = [t.join() for t in threads]
return results['src'], results['dest']
@click.option('--database', default='yapta')
@click.argument('source_config_file', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument('destination_config_file', type=click.Path(exists=True))
def verify_mysql_replication(database, source_config_file, destination_config_file):
Verify the contents of 2 MySQL databases are identical.
Reads MySQL extras-style ini config files for connection information.
Uses the 'mysqldump' section of SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE.
Uses the 'mysql' section of DESTINATION_CONFIG_FILE.
src_conn = build_connection(source_config_file, 'mysqldump', database)
dest_conn = build_connection(destination_config_file, 'mysql', database)
click.echo("Checking for tables...")
src_tables = list_all_tables(src_conn)
dest_tables = list_all_tables(dest_conn)
if src_tables == dest_tables:
click.secho("OK - All tables present!\n", fg='green')
discrepancies = set(src_tables) ^ set(dest_tables)
click.secho("FAILURE - Databases do not contain the same tables. Discrepancies: %s" % ', '.join(discrepancies),
click.echo("Checking tables' checksums...")
failures = []
for table in src_tables:
src_chksum, dest_chksum = get_table_checksums(src_conn, dest_conn, table)
if src_chksum == dest_chksum:
click.secho("OK - %s" % table, fg='green')
click.secho("FAIL - %s" % table, fg='red')
if not failures:
click.secho("OK - Databases are equal.", fg='green')
click.secho("FAILURE - Database checksum mismatch(es): %s" % ', '.join(failures), fg='red')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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