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Created August 3, 2014 18:40
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highlighting the expressiveness of total single-case active pattern
open System.Numerics
let (|Rect|) (x: Complex) = (x.Real, x.Imaginary)
let (|Polar|) (x: Complex) = (x.Magnitude, x.Phase)
//conversion functions easily expressed in terms of active patterns
let toRect = function | Rect(r, i) -> (r, i)
let toPolar = function | Polar(m, p) -> (m, p)
//following two functions are equivalent, but the former reads better IMO
let multp a b =
match a, b with
| Polar(m, p), Polar(n, q) -> Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(m*n, (p+q))
let mult a b =
match toPolar(a), toPolar(b) with
| (m, p), (n, q) -> Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(m*n, (p+q))
// try expressing this idea with the functions
let addOrMult a b =
match a, b with
| Rect(ar,ai), Rect(br, bi) when ar > br -> Complex(ar+br, ai+bi)
| Polar(m, p), Polar(n, q) -> Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(m*n, (p+q))
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caindy commented Aug 3, 2014

This discussion by Richard Dalton is very thorough-going, and ends with an example much like #L21 saying, "it still feels a bit contrived. If this kind of situation does arise, I think it may be a bit of an edge case rather than a common situation. Maybe I’m wrong."

My view is that having the single-case total active pattern is useful often enough that it is worth writing when you need the conversion function, since the latter is easy to write with it. As his last example elucidates, when you have the "same data with many views" (@dsyme et al. in Expert F#), you can write very concise match expressions over that data with active patterns.

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