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Last active March 4, 2019 16:43
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Let’s first write a function to check the outputs. Since it’s quite simple, I’ll use the example from the problem definition and a couple of corner cases:

(defn spy [x] (prn x) x)

(defn seqs-match? [a b]
  ;; we don't care about size because the input might be an infinite seq
  (every? (partial apply =) (zipmap a b)))

(defn check-fn [f]
  (doseq [{:keys [testcase expected]} [{:testcase [3 [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g]], :expected [:a :b :d :e :g]}
                                       {:testcase [3 [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i]], :expected [:a :b :d :e :g :h]}
                                       {:testcase [3 [:a :b]], :expected [:a :b]}
                                       {:testcase [3 (range)], :expected [0 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12]}
                                       {:testcase [3 []], :expected []}]
          :let [actual (apply f testcase)]]
    (if (seqs-match? actual expected)
      (println "Match!")
      (do (println "Mismatch :(")
          (println (str "  Expected: " (pr-str expected)))
          (println (str "  Actual  : " (pr-str actual)))))))

The simplest way I could think of was indexing the collection and filtering it:

(defn drop-every-simple [n coll]
  (->> coll
       (map-indexed (fn [index v] [(mod (inc index) n) v]))
       (filter (complement #(-> % first zero?)))
       (map second)))

(check-fn drop-every-simple)

We can also write an arity to return an xform for it:

(defn drop-every
    (map-indexed (fn [index v]  [(mod (inc index) n) v]))
    (filter (complement #(-> % first zero?)))
    (map second)))
  ([n coll]
   (sequence (drop-every n) coll)))

(check-fn drop-every)
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