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Created October 19, 2012 09:14
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MSTestContrib BDD Extensions
namespace MSTestContrib.Specifications
public static class BDDExtensions
public static ThenGrammar Then(this WhenGrammar whenGrammar, string description, Action<SpecificationContext> implementation)
Func<SpecificationContext, bool> implementationWithReturnTrue = (x) =>
return true;
var thenGrammar = new ThenGrammar(whenGrammar.Context, description, implementationWithReturnTrue, ThenGrammarPrefix.Then);
return thenGrammar;
public static ThenGrammar And(this ThenGrammar thenGrammar, string description, Action<SpecificationContext> implementation)
Func<SpecificationContext, bool> implementationWithReturnTrue = (x) =>
return true;
var thenGrammar1 = new ThenGrammar(thenGrammar.Context, description, implementationWithReturnTrue, ThenGrammarPrefix.Then);
return thenGrammar1;
public static ThenGrammar Then(this GivenGrammar givenGrammar, string description, Action<SpecificationContext> implementation)
Func<SpecificationContext, bool> implementationWithReturnTrue = (x) =>
return true;
var thenGrammar = new ThenGrammar(givenGrammar.Context, description, implementationWithReturnTrue, ThenGrammarPrefix.Then);
return thenGrammar;
public static GivenGrammar But(this GivenGrammar givenGrammar, string description, Action<SpecificationContext> implementation)
var newGrammar = new GivenGrammar(givenGrammar.Context, description, implementation, GivenGrammarPrefix.And);
return newGrammar;
public static ThenGrammar But(this ThenGrammar thenGrammar, string description, Action<SpecificationContext> implementation)
Func<SpecificationContext, bool> implementationWithReturnTrue = (x) =>
return true;
var newGrammar = new ThenGrammar(thenGrammar.Context, description, implementationWithReturnTrue, ThenGrammarPrefix.And);
return newGrammar;
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