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Created August 2, 2022 07:46
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Instructions for using UTM & Cisco images for ENGR1762

ENGR1762 UTM VM Images

People with an M1/M2 Mac have probably realized you can't use VirtualBox for x86_64 images like Cisco Intends.

How to make & use the images

  1. Download & install UTM for Mac.
    If you use Homebrew you can install it with brew install --cask utm

  2. Download both images as .ova files from Cisco

  3. Extract the .ova files with the commands

    tar -xvf cyberops_workstation.ova
    tar -xvf security_onion.ova
  4. Install QEMU with brew install qemu Install Homebrew from

  5. Use the qemu-img command to convert the extracted .vmdk files to .qcow2

    qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 CyberOps\ Workstation-disk001.vmdk CyberOps\ Workstation-disk002.vmdk cyberops.qcow2  
    qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 CyberOps\ Security\ Onion-disk001.vmdk security_onion.qcow2
  6. To import them into UTM you need to setup a VM instance first, there is no easy way to do this as far as I know

    1. Click the plus icon to create a new VM
    2. Click 'Emulate'
    3. Click 'Linux'
    4. Where it asks for an ISO image, select 'Browse', you can select any allowed file (such as an actual .iso, the previously used .ova or .qcow2 files), it will be removed in a later step regardless, its just needed ot initialize the VM
    5. In the 'Hardware' section, make sure the architecture is set to 'x86_64'
    6. In 'Storage' the default value of 64 GBs should be enough
    7. Ignore setting up a 'Shared Directory' just click 'Continue' through there
    8. On the 'Summary' page, click save
  7. Next we need to properly configure QEMU and the disk images

  8. Right-click your newly created VM, the select 'Edit'

  9. In the ' Information' tab, change the name to either "CyberOps Workstation" or "Security Onion" depending of which VM this is going to be

  10. Select the ' QEMU' tab, and uncheck the box labeled 'UEFI Boot'

  11. Down in the 'Drives' section, click on the first tab labeled ' IDE Drive' and select the 'Delete Drive' button. Repeat this for the other drive

  12. Select the 'New Drive' button click 'Import' on the popup, then select either "cyberops.qcow2" or "security_onion.qcow2"
    Do not select a .ova, .vmdk, ovf or .mf files, these will not work

  13. Once the image has imported, click 'Save' in the lower right corner

  14. You can now click the circular play icon in the centre of the app to start the VM
    If you have done everything correctly you should boot into GRUB

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Hi, thank you for your solution. I have completed the installation successfully, but the network doesn't work. When I type in 'ip address, I can't get the IP address. And I can't open any website using Firefox. Would you please tell me how do you set up your network? Thank you so much.

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