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Forked from tdd/gitconfig.ini
Last active January 20, 2016 12:22
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# Put this in your ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config
# Windows users: "~" is your profile's home directory, e.g. C:\Users\<YourName>
name = Ton Nom
email = ton@email.tld
# Enable colors in color-supporting terminals
ui = auto
st = status
ci = commit
lg = log --graph --pretty=tformat:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an %ar)%Creset'
last = log -1 HEAD
unstage = reset HEAD --
br = branch -v
rem = remote -v
co = checkout
pom = push origin master
pulom = pull origin master
# print everything, not just the height of the screen
pager = cat
# If you want to use Atom's wrapper:
# editor = atom --wait
whitespace = -trailing-space
# to prefix with good letters c=commit i=index w=working directory and not just a & b
mnemonicPrefix = true
# Show renames/moves as such
renames = true
# When using --word-diff, assume --word-diff-regex=.
wordRegex = .
# detect changes on fetch/pull and ask what to do
recurseSubmodules = on-demand
# Consider most regexes to be ERE
extendedRegexp = true
# Use abbrev SHAs whenever possible/relevant instead of full 40 chars
abbrevCommit = true
# affiche non seulement les versions locale et distante
# (ou récipiendaire et source, si vous préférez),
# mais aussi la version de l'ancêtre commun.
conflictStyle = diff3
keepBackup = false
keepTemporaries = false
prompt = false
# This is GREAT… when you know what you're doing and are careful
# not to pull --no-rebase over a local line containing a true merge.
# rebase = true
# WARNING! This option, which does away with the one gotcha of
# auto-rebasing on pulls, is only available from 1.8.5 onwards.
rebase = preserve
# Default push should only push the current branch to its push target, regardless of its remote name
default = upstream
# When pushing, also push tags whose commit-ishs are now reachable upstream
followTags = true
# If, like me, you like rerere, decomment these
# autoupdate = true
# enabled = true
# Display submodule rev change summaries in status
submoduleSummary = true
# Recursively traverse untracked directories to display all contents
showUntrackedFiles = all
# Sort tags as version numbers whenever applicable, so 1.10.2 is AFTER 1.2.0.
sort = version:refname
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