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Last active February 12, 2024 05:33
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  • Save cakeinpanic/f57d758755c46703d1997f88e30d7291 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"$schema": "",
{ "meta": { "theme": "@cakeinpanic/jsonresume-theme-one-page" } },
"basics": {
"name": "Katya Pavlenko",
"label": "Frontend developer",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "+972559966930",
"summary": "Hi! I work as a frontend developer for the last 8 years and ♥ it.\n\n I like getting things done, transparent and clear processes and well-tested code.\n\nI'm good at:<ul> <li>development of complex and scalable frontend applications with React/Angular using modern state managers(ngrx, redux, akita)</li><li>Unit-, e2e-testing (jest, protractor)</li><li>tuning project build and CI/CD systems(teamcity, jenkins, github actions, gitlab, circleci)</li><li>creating clear interfaces with transparent UX</li><li>being a fast learner, at the same time independent developer and a team player</li><li>finding solution for any problem (or explaining why we can't solve it right now)</li></ul>",
"location": {
"address": "Israel",
"city": "Tel-Aviv",
"countryCode": "IL"
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "kpavlenko",
"website": ""
"network": "Github",
"username": "cakeinpanic",
"website": ""
"work": [
"name": "Self employed",
"position": "Frontend consultant",
"location": "Remote",
"startDate": "2021",
"summary": "Worked as a part of distributed team offering frontend consulting/development services",
"stack": "React, Angular, Circle CI",
"highlights": [
"Developing MVPs in React",
"Improving performance of product UI in the browser",
"Optimising CI processes and pipelines",
"Conducting workshops and creating educational materials for developers",
"Introducing and implementing better code and architecture practices"
"name": "LawGeex",
"endDate": "2021",
"position": "Senior Frontend Developer",
"location": "Tel-Aviv, Israel",
"startDate": "2019",
"summary": "Developed full-stack legal-tech SaaS focused on documents processing",
"stack": "React, Angular, Nodejs, Jenkins, Github actions, AWS",
"highlights": [
"Implemented complex UI-wise solutions on frontend (huge dynamic forms, interactive charts)",
"Full-stack feature development with backend on Nodejs",
"Introduced github actions integration with jira/aws",
"Introduced internal tools for developers"
"website": ""
"name": "Tinkoff Bank",
"endDate": "2019",
"position": "Senior Frontend Developer",
"location": "Saint-Petersburg, Russia",
"startDate": "2017",
"summary": "Developed CRM and socket-based messengers for the CS managers of the biggest online-bank in Russia",
"stack": "Angular, AngularJS, Protractor, Teamcity, GitlabCI",
"highlights": [
"Migrated entire project from angularjs to angular",
"Introduced e2e-testing(protractor) into the project",
"Significantly improved unit-test coverage and related practices in the project"
"website": ""
"name": "New Cloud Technologies",
"endDate": "2017",
"location": "Saint-Petersburg, Russia",
"position": "Frontend developer",
"startDate": "2016",
"summary": "Developed file manager web-view for Russian GoogleDoc's competitor ",
"stack": "AngularJS, Webpack, Jenkins",
"highlights": [
"Migrated project from grunt to webpack",
"Improved application performance for 20% and build time for 40%",
"Significantly improved unit-test coverage in the project"
"website": ""
"name": "Devexperts",
"location": "Saint-Petersburg, Russia",
"endDate": "2016",
"position": "Frontend developer",
"startDate": "2014",
"summary": "Developed web-UI and js-plugins for online-trading platform",
"stack": "React, AngularJS, VanillaJS, Handlebars",
"website": ""
"education": [
"institution": "Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University",
"area": "Technical Cybernetics faculty, Distributed Computing and Networking department",
"studyType": "Bachelor of engineering and technology",
"startDate": "2008",
"endDate": "2012",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"languages": [
"language": "Russian",
"fluency": "Native speaker"
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Fluent"
"language": "Hebrew",
"fluency": "Intermediate"
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hi @thomasdavis!
I wish registry would support scoped packages names, I could not come up with creative name so just used a scoped one :)


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Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 4 31 57 pm

Hey @cakeinpanic it looks like you have a validation error. Remove the {} around `meta should fix it.

I'm not exactly what you mean by the scoped packages reference

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Oh you mean for the theme. That shouldn't be too hard to support, I will look into it.

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