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Created August 10, 2017 21:55
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Unification Algorithm in Haskell
module Main where
import Data.List (intersperse)
type Name = String
type Equations = [(Expr,Expr)]
data Expr
= Func Name [Expr] -- if [Expr] is [], then it's a constant
| Var Name
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Expr where
show (Var name) = name
show (Func name []) = name
show (Func name args) = concat $ [ name, "(", shownArgs, ")"]
where shownArgs = concat $ intersperse "," $ map show args
The unification algorithm from wikipedia:
- we ought to change this to return a Maybe or an Either or Failure
unify :: Equations -> Equations
unify eqns = unify' [] eqns
where -- here we use g, a set of equations we have already transformed
-- to accumulate the result
-- delete
unify' g ((t1, t2) : xs)
| t1 == t2 = unify' g xs
-- decompose
unify' g ((Func name1 args1, Func name2 args2) : xs)
| name1 == name2 && length args1 == length args2
= unify' g $ (args1 `zip` args2) ++ xs
-- conflict
| otherwise = [] -- fail, function names or arg lengths don't match
-- swap
unify' g ((f@(Func _ _), v@(Var _)) : xs) = unify' g ((v,f) : xs)
-- eliminate
unify' g ((Var x, t) : xs)
| not (x `elem` vars t) = unify' ((Var x, t) : subst x t g) (subst x t xs)
-- check
unify' g ((Var x, t@(Func _ _)) : xs)
| x `elem` vars t = []
-- does this next case ever actually happen? (Var x, Var y), so yes
unify' g (x : xs) = unify' (x : g) xs -- do we recycle x for later?
unify' g [] = g
subst :: Name -> Expr -> Equations -> Equations
subst x t = map substPair
where substPair (ex1, ex2) = (subst' ex1, subst' ex2)
subst' (Func name exps) = Func name (subst' `map` exps)
subst' (Var name)
| x == name = t
| otherwise = Var name
vars :: Expr -> [Name]
vars (Func _ exprs) = exprs >>= vars
vars (Var name) = [name]
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn $ display exampleInput
putStrLn " -> "
putStrLn $ display $ unify exampleInput
where exampleInput = [(Func "list" [Var "y"] , Var "x"),
(Func "list" [lit "int"] , Var "x"),
(Func "f" [Var "z", Func "g" [Var "w"]],
Func "f" [lit "1", Func "g" [Var "z" ]])]
lit n = Func n []
display = let displayEqn (g,h) = (show g) ++ " = " ++ (show h)
in concat . intersperse "\n" . map displayEqn
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