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Last active December 14, 2017 00:58
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Asynchronous submission of jobs using addprocs_qrsh
#!/usr/bin/env julia
using ClusterManagers
function submit_task()
# Complex task goes here
function mytask(x)
return sinint(x)
# Redirections prevent addprocs from bombaring us with qsub info
# Must be *inside* this function (no clue why)
# Non-blocking
qrsh = QRSHManager(1, "");
id = Distributed.addprocs_locked(qrsh; qsub_env="")
# Blocking
#id = addprocs_qrsh(1)
# This executes "@everywhere using SpecialFunctions"
eval(macroexpand(quote @everywhere using SpecialFunctions end))
# pmap is a blocking call to run functions and retrieve their results
# It returns an array of outputs for each processor in the list
dat = pmap(x -> mytask(id[]), id)[1];
return dat
println("Running jobs...");
old_stdout = STDOUT
old_stderr = STDERR
jobs = 2
results = []
for i=1:jobs
@async push!(results, submit_task());
# Keep checking if all results are done
runtime = @elapsed while length(results) != jobs
sleep(0.1) # This is essential (also don't know why)
runtime_fmt = Libc.strftime("%T", runtime + 86400 * 365.25 * 4)
println("Done! Results: $results")
println(" Runtime: $runtime_fmt")
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